Musaly Lyayla Zhumataevna Musaly, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. After graduating from the Philological Faculty of KazSU in 1993 with a speciality ‘teacher of Kazakh language and literature, philologist’ she was accepted to the postgraduate course of this university. She became a holder of the Abai scholarship for young scientists. In 1996 she was accepted to the chair of the theory of literary creativity and artistic translation of KazNU as an assistant, and in this team began her teaching and research path. In 2001 she received the academic title of senior lecturer. In 2004 she defended her thesis on the speciality‘ 10.01.08-theory of literature “on the theme” Symbol and its artistic activity (on the basis of poetry of M. Zhumabai and B. Kuleya)’. In 2004 she was awarded a special prize in the genre of scientific essay at the literary competition organised by the M. Auezov Foundation. In 2006 L. Musaly was awarded by the highest attestation commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received the title of ‘associate professor of literary studies’. About 50 scientific and methodological articles by L. J. Musaly, the compiler of several scientific collections, the author of a training manual and methodological manual have been published: ‘Professional skills of a translator’ (2007), “Symbol in poetry-bern and problems of teaching” (2009), “Practicum on the practice of fiction” (2010) and others. Areas of research: creative laboratory of the writer; theory of literature and textual studies; poetics of the symbol; theory of artistic translation and methodology. L.J. Musaly periodically takes part in national and international seminars, scientific and methodological conferences in the field of philology and translation studies. L.J. Musaly is a scientific supervisor of the scientific and creative organisation of young translators ‘Kokzhiek’ and ‘’. She works fruitfully to strengthen the creative abilities of students. In 2011 she received a certificate of honour from the Rector of the University and the Vice-Rector for Social Work for her pedagogical and educational activities. L. Musaly has been the Deputy Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Translation for Scientific and Innovative Work and International Cooperation since 2011 and actively participates in the work of the department.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби



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