Saulembek Gulmira Rzakhankyzy was born in 1980 in Ordabasy district of South Kazakhstan region. 1997-2001y. graduated from the Bachelor's degree of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi with a degree in Kazakh language and literature. 2001- 2003. studied at the master's degree program of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi in the specialty "Philology", received a qualification and an academic degree "Master of Philology". In 2003-2005, she worked as a teacher at the Department of "Kazakh Literature" of the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University. 2005-2008. studied at the graduate school of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi. 2011-2014 He worked as a teacher at the Department of "Kazakh Literature" of the Central Asian University. 2014-17 She entered the doctoral program in the specialty "6D021400 – Literary Studies" (PhD) at the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, defended her doctoral dissertation on "Postmodernism in modern prose", in 2018 she received a PhD degree. Since 2015, he has been working at the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art. Saulembek Gulmira is a co–author of the collective monographs "The role of art in the work of people with disabilities", "the concept of "Rukhani Zhangyru" in the era of modern globalization: artistic and literary foundations of the national code", "trends in the development of the modern literary process", head and editor of the project "Mysticism in Kazakh prose", author of more than 40 scientific articles.


Educational institution


Expiration date

Межд.Каз-Тур ун-т им.Ясса

Academic degree

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Graduation Date