Graduated from the Kazakh State University named after Kirov and the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan. She holds a Soviet diploma of candidate of philological sciences (PhD), Associate Professor in Linguistics. At the university, she began working as the senior lecturer in the General Linguistics Chair, then as the associate professor in this chair, the chairperson of the university-wide First Humanitarian Chair of Foreign Languages, the chairperson of the Foreign Languages for the Humanitarian Faculties Chair, and currently works as the associate professor in the Department of Foreign Languages. She conducted practical classes and delivered lectures on the Kazakh language and culture for American students at the Central Asian Languages Department of the Indiana University in the USA. She worked as the leading linguist in the project started with the support of the "Open Society" foundation. She developed her professional qualification at the Pennsylvania State University thanks to her fellowship for university professors from the American Councils for International Education. Being granted a scholarship by “Bolashak” international program, conducted scientific research on the issues of bilingual children in Kazakhstan at St. Petersburg State University. Several master's and two candidate's (PhD) theses were successfully defended under her scientific advisory, and the candidates received diplomas of the Higher Certification Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She is the author of many research and trendy articles published in Kazakh, Russian, and English. She has a CELTA certificate from Cambridge, which allows her to teach English as a foreign language to speakers of other languages around the world. Having received a certificate from the ETS, she is administering international English language exam takers at the TOEFL center of KazNU. Works as a member of the English Olympiad jury at the republican and university level. She is a member of several international professional linguistic organizations (International Association of Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages, Women in Cognitive Sciences, Japanese Society of Language Sciences, etc.). She is an awardee of "Ерен еңбегі үшін" badge.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби



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