Beyzhanova Anara Tursynalievna in 2001 graduated Institute of Economics and Law of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi in the specialty "Economics and management. In 2003 she graduated from the magistracy specialty "Commerce" (Kazakh branch) Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with honors. From September 14, 2003 to June 30 2005 year worked as a methodologist of the highest category of the department Masters of KazNU named after al-Farabi. From September 1, 2004 2005 year worked as a teacher of the department marketing and commerce faculty of "Economics and Business" KazNU named after al-Farabi, from September 2005 to currently working as a senior teacher on this the department. From 2005 to 2011 was the deputy Head of the Department of "Marketing and Commerce." During the period the work proved to be disciplined and executive worker. In January 2010 she defended PhD thesis in the specialty 08.00.05 - economy and national economy management “Kazakhstan Republics tourism salasynda marketing damy”. Beyzhanova A.T. next author textbooks: "Logistics" (2011), "Tourist marketing "(2013)," Tauarlar zhәne Kyzmetter Saraba " (2008), "Branding" (2016), "; Zamanui marketing Baғyttara "(2017), author's online course on Kazakh language by Branding (2017), also has 45 scientific articles. Based on ongoing research in areas of marketing development in the tourism industry elective courses have been developed - “Tourist Marketing”, "Basics of the hospitality industry." Beyzhanova A.T. participated in the development of model curricula for Russian and Kazakh languages for courses "Logistics" "Marketing", "Branding" of the specialty "Marketing", and She also developed the CMD in all readable disciplines. in Kazakh and Russian for undergraduate. Also she developed the workshop in Russian and Kazakh languages on discipline "Logistics", "Innovative Marketing", "Merchandising". Participated in international scientific practical conferences held at the faculty of economy and business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Beyzhanova A.T. is one of the performers of fundamental scientific research on the topic: "Raising competitiveness of the real sector of Kazakhstan on basis for effective development of innovative marketing and logistics technologies "grant MES RK. Beyzhanova A.T. manages annually student research conducted by at the Faculty. She also leads student works for the republican competition of the MES "Logistics", "Marketing", where students occupy top places. In the 2008-2009 school year was the owner of the nomination "The best teacher of KazNU them. al-Farabi. Actively involved in public life and events held at the department and faculty. Annually fulfills the social burden of updating and developing work curricula and catalogs elective disciplines in the specialty "Marketing" (Master and Bachelor). Currently a member ROMS higher and postgraduate education MES RK the base of the KazNU. al-Farabi. Training sessions conducted Beyzhanova A.T. all undergraduate courses differ competent formulation of the problem of learning and assimilation new professional knowledge by future specialists, using modern learning technologies. It has good communication skills is different cognitive activity, responsibility, diligence, analytical skills.
Кожамкулова Ж.Т., Ахметова З.Б.
Көлік инфрақұрылымынын дамыту елдің экономикалық өсуінің аса маңызды факторларының бірі ретінде
" Қазақ университеті " 2014 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-0418-2 7 - стр.
Турлыбекова Н.М.
" Қазақ университеті " 2016 - г. 20 - стр.
Маркетингтің заманауи бағыттары
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. 12 - стр.
Инновациялык маркетинг
Лаборатория ВШЭБ 2017 - г. 3 - стр.