Baymukhanbetova Elmira Esenbekovna was born in 1968 in the village of B.Momyshuly, Dzhuvalinsky district, Dzhambul region. In 1990, she graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Economics at the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry with a degree in Economics and Organization of the Food Products Industry. From 1990 to 1994 She worked as an engineer-surveyor at the Juvaly wool processing Factory. From 1994 to 2012 She worked at the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov, a teacher, since 1999 - a senior teacher in the department of "Marketing". In 2004 she was transferred to the post of specialist of the highest category of the Center for Postgraduate Training. From 2005 to 2009 - a specialist of the highest category of the Career and Marketing Center, from 1.09.2009. on 1.03.2010 – Chief of the Career Center, from 1.03.2010. till 30.08.2012 - Head of the Department of "Marketing" of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov. From 1.09.2012 on August 31, 2013 - Associate Professor of the «Marketing» department of KazEU named after T. Ryskulov. From 1.09.2013 to the present - Acting Associate Professor of Management and Marketing of al- Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2009, she successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and National Economy Management at the University of Turan. The topic of the dissertation research: «Improving the mechanism of raising the standard of living of the population in Kazakhstan». Baimukhanbetova E.E. conducts lectures and practical classes in Kazakh and Russian languages, independent work of students and undergraduates in the following disciplines: Marketing, Marketing Communications, Logistics, Industrial Logistics, Logistic management of the Industry, Global Logistics, Warehouse Logistics, Regional Logistics, etc., leads theses and master's degrees dissertations, constantly conducts curator work. The teacher has developed a textbook in the Kazakh language, more than 20 guidelines for practical training, seminars and independent work of students. Baimukhanbetova E.E. actively engaged in scientific work. She has published more than 60 scientific articles on the problems of the standard of living of the population, employment, social policy, marketing research, logistics, education issues. In general, while working at the university showed such professional qualities as high performance, accuracy and diligence, analytical mind, readiness to learn.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Жамбылский технологический институт легкой и пищевой промышленности |
Высшее |
1990 |
Name of the scientific degree |
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Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
22/06/2009 |