Koshkimbayeva Umit Toleukyzy graduated in 2002 from the Department of Tourism of the Geographical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialties "Tourism Manager", "Teacher of geography and tourism". Since 2002 she worked at the Department of Tourism as a specialist of the first category, from 2003 to 2010 she was a senior lecturer at the Department of Tourism of the Geographical Faculty. Work experience of 19 years. In December 2010, she defended her dissertation on the topic: "Ways to activate rural areas through tourism (on the example of Southern Kazakhstan)" in the specialty "25.00.24 – economic, social and political geography". Koshkimbayeva U.T. has 54 published scientific papers reflecting the main results of the dissertation. The work has been tested at international and national conferences in various cities – Almaty, Uralsk, Moscow, Perm, Tver, Munich. The Bachelor's degree was held in the Kazakh language on the following disciplines - Management of employees of a tourist enterprise, Religious tourism, Quality management of tourist services, Museum Studies, Statistics in tourism, Standardization in Tourism and certification, Insurance in tourism, Agritourism. The following works are presented: educational articles "Tourism infrastructure", monographs "Tourism Kazakhstan", "Agritourism". Koshkimbayeva U. T. takes active part in scientific International and Republican conferences and seminars where she received a certificate. During her time at the Faculty of Geography, she proved herself to be a responsible, conscientious employee with organizational skills. Being an adviser, U.T. Koshkimbayeva actively participates in the organization of students' industrial practices, assists in their employment. He enjoys well- deserved respect among his colleagues.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2002 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
25/10/2011 |