Zhatkanbaev Yerzhan Baiguzhaevich, was born on January 31, 1944 in the village of Bes Kainar, Talgar district of Almaty region. In 1961 I graduated from high school, and the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 1968, and then in 1968-1971 Yershan studied at the postgraduate course of the same faculty. In 1979 I defended the candidate's thesis and in 1996 the doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan respectively. Back in 1971 I joined the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Consumer Goods and Food Industry as an assistant. From 1979 to 1984 I worked at the Ministry of Higher Education of the Kazakh SSR. In 1984 I was transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics at KazNU named after al Farabi, where I worked as a senior lecturer, an assistant professor, a Deputy Head Department, a Head Department, a Deputy Dean, a Dean, a Vice-Rector then again as a Dean at the Faculty of International Relations and the Higher School of Economics. From 1970 up to date I have published more than 270 scientific articles, brochures, books, monographs, textbooks, educational and scientific-methodical manuals. From 2008 to the present, I have been working as a professor at the Department of Economics, and now at the Department of Management. In recent years, I have published monographs as follows ("The Logic of Cognition of the Mixed Economy" 2014, "Intellectualization of Engineering and Technology - the Content of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" in 2020, "State Regulation of the Economy" in 2013, "Economica Memlekettik Retteu" 2014, "Ekonomıkalyk teorııa boıynsha praktıkalyk oky kyraly " 2006)
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова |
Высшее |
1968 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
17/05/1996 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
17/01/1997 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2005 году | 01/01/2006 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Management of Competitiveness |
СРС упр конкур рус |
Management of Competitiveness |
управ конкур силл нов (1) |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
lektsia_2 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
lektsia_7 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_11 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_9 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Книгообеспеченность Стр план |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
План семинарских занятий по УИС для докторантов |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
УМКД Стратег_Планирование |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Курс лекции по интел собст |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Силлабус по новой форме УИС |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Семинары_УИСМ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
сил ТПГУ_Магистры_2020-2021 осень |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 5 кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 6 кадры |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 2 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
Мидтерм |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
семинары ТГПУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 3 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекиця 5 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 6 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 8 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 9 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 10 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 11 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 15 ТГПУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
Учебник_Девяткин |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 6 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 7 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 8 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 9 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 11 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 12 ТГУ (2) |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 13 ТгУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 15 ТГУ |
State Regulation of Economy |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 1 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 2 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 3 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекиция 4 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекиця 5 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 13 |
The Theory of Public Administration |
семинары ТГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
Лекции 1 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 4 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 7 ТПГУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 12 ТПГУ (2) |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 13 ТГПУ |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
лекция 14 ТГПУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
Лекции 1 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 2 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 10 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 14 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
Теория Гос управления |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 6 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 7 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 9 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 10 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 11 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 12 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 14 ГРЭ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 15 ГРЭ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 3 ТГУ |
Competitiveness of National Economy |
СРС_Конкурентноспособность нацэкономики |
Competitiveness in Innovative Business |
СРС_Конкурентноспособность в инновационном бизнесе |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
план семинарских занятий Принятие госрешений |
Competitiveness in Innovative Business |
Лекции_конкурентноспособность нацэкономики_1-7 |
глава с 1 по 7 |
Competitiveness in Innovative Business |
Лекции_инновации |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
УМКД ГРЭ 2012 |
Силлабус, литература |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
сил кадры бакалавры ро. 2020-2021 осень |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
ТПГУ программа экзамена 2020-2021 испр |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
кадры_Лазовицкая |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
кадры_Пархимчик |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Черепанов В. В. Основы государственной службы и кадровой политики_УЧЕБНИК |
Management of Competitiveness |
СРС Управ. конкурент ро. 2020-2021 осень - копия |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
кадры_Кульжамбекова |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Кадры Метод указания по семинарским (2) |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
сил кадры бакалавры ро. 2024-2025 осень |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Подготовка студентов к семинарскому занятию |
Management of Intellectual Property |
Силлабус по новой форме УИС |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
УМКД Кадры |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
силлабус кадры 2020 |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
УМКД Кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Подготовка СРС |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
State Regulation of Economy |
ГРЭ программа экзамена 2020-2021 |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
ГРЭ программа экзамена 2020-2021 |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
ТПГУ программа экзамена 2020-2021 |
State management of economic security |
семинар |
Management of Competitiveness |
сил Управ. конкурент ро. 2021-2022 осень |
Management of Competitiveness |
семинар Управконкур ро. 2021-2022 осень - копия (1) |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 5А посл ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
сил ОМГУ ро. 2021-2022 осень |
Basic of state and local government |
Теория Гос управления (1) |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 6 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 7 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
карта обеспеченности конкур упр(3) (3) |
Basic of state and local government |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 11 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
семинары ОМГУ |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
УМКД Стратег_Планирование |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
Силлабус ГРЭ по новой форме 2017 |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
УМКД Кадры |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
Экзамены кадры(1) |
Personnel Policy in Public Service |
Кадры Метод указания по семинарским |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Подготовка СРО |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л1 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 1 |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 10 кадры |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л8 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
силлабусКОМ_РИС |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Вопросы_Мидтерм_10 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Вопросы промежуточного экзамена по дисциплине |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
силлабус |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Управление интеллектуальной соб-тью Мидтерм_Магистр |
Management of Competitiveness |
Экзаменационные вопросы по курсу Управление конкурент (1) |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
семинар ГРЭ |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Лекция_15_КАДРЫ |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
сил ТГУ ро. 2020-2021 осень |
State Regulation of Economy |
сил ТГУ ро. 2020-2021 осень |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
сил ГРЭ ро. 2020-2021 осень (1) |
Basic of state and local government |
силлабус ОМГУ ро. 2021-2022 осень |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 8 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 3А посл ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 4А посл ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
ОМГУ программа экзамена 2020-2021 |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 2 УправКонкур |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
ГРЭ программа_итогового_ экзамена |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Экзаменационные вопросы по курсу |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
сил госрешения ро.весна |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
State management of economic security |
11 Дәріс. Экономикалық қауыпсыздық жуйесіндегі сыртқы экономикалық қызмет |
State management of economic security |
Тема 2 |
State management of economic security |
2 Дәріс. Экономикалық қауіпсіздіктің деңгейін бағалау әдістері |
State management of economic security |
Силлабус Қазақстан Республикасында экономикалық қауыпсыздықты мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
5 Дәріс. Елдің қаржылық қауіпсіздігін мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
7 Дәріс. Елдің энергетикалық қауіпсіздігін мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
8 Дәріс Елдің көлік қауіпсіздігін мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
13 Дәріс Көлеңкелі экономика және оның экономикалық қауіпсіздікке әсері |
State management of economic security |
Лекция_14 |
State management of economic security |
Основы теории экономической безопасности |
State management of economic security |
Силлабус Қазақстан Республикасында экономикалық қауыпсыздықты мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
Силлабус Қазақстан Республикасында экономикалық қауыпсыздықты мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
Тема 1 Теорет сущность ЭБ |
State management of economic security |
3 Дәріс. Экономикалық қауіпсіздіктің қатерлері мен шақырулары. |
State management of economic security |
Тема 4.Экономикалық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ету жүйесінің субъектілері және олардың құзыреттері |
State management of economic security |
Тема 6.Елдің азық-түлік қауіпсіздігін мемлекеттік басқару |
State management of economic security |
9 Дәріс Кәсіпкерлік қызметтің экономикалық қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету |
State management of economic security |
Тема 10. Кәсіпорындардың экономикалық қауыпсыздығы |
State management of economic security |
Книгообеспеченность ГУ ЭБ (1) |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Midterm_voprosy (1) |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_1 (2) |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_3 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_8 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_10 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_13 |
Strategic Planning and Budgetary Processes in Public Administration |
Lektsia_14 |
Corporate Intellectual Property Management |
Силлабус по новой форме УИС |
State management of economic security |
программа экзамена Экономбезопасность 2021-2022 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
программа ПринРеш 2022_новаяВерсия |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
программа ПринРеш 2022_новаяВерсия-converted |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Программа Прин Упр Реш 2022 (1) |
State management of economic security |
программа экзамена Экономбезопасность 2021-2022 |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Книгообеспеченность кадры |
Management of Competitiveness |
Учебник_Конкурент |
Management of Competitiveness |
кейс_методика |
Management of Competitiveness |
Подготовка студентов к семинарскому занятию |
Management of Competitiveness |
Программа_по_дисциплине_УпрКонкур |
Интернет-ресурсы: Дополнительный учебный материал по «Теория и практика государственного управления», а также документация для подготовки к семинарам, выполнения СРС/СРСП будет доступна на вашей странице на сайте univer.kaznu.kz. в разделе УМКД. |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 8 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Подготовка докторантов к семинарскому занятию |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
1 список литературы |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 3 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 5 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л2 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция2 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 4 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 6 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 7 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
силлабус_доктор_КОМ_РИС |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л7 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л11 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
семинар коммерцианализация |
Management of Competitiveness |
сил Управ. конкурент ро. 2022-2023 осень (1) (5) |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
сил технология докт ро. 2022-2023 осень |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 9 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 10 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 11 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 12 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 13 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 15 |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
кадры_Кульжамбекова |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Кадры Метод указания по семинарским (2) |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Подготовка СРС |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
семинар |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Экзамены кадры(1) (4) |
Management of Competitiveness |
Программа_по_дисциплине_УпрКонкур |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Кадр политика итог сессия1 |
Management of Competitiveness |
Программа_по_дисциплине_УпрКонкур 2022 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
доплитра |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекция 4 ТГУ |
The Theory of Public Administration |
лекиця 5 ТГУ |
State Regulation of Economy |
лекция 8 ГРЭ |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Программа_по_дисциплине_КРИД 2021 |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
программа итог экзамена тех политки |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Лекция_11_КАДРЫ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_3_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_4_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_9_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_11_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Подготовка СРС |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Подготовка докторантов к семинарскому занятию |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Дополнительный материал |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_1_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_2_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_5_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_10_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_12_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_13_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_14_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_15_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Сисслабус СЭАГУ 2023г |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_6_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_7_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Лекция_8_СЭАГУ |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Подготовка докторантов к семинарскому занятию |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
Подготовка докторантов к семинарскому занятию |
Socio-economic aspects of governance |
ГРЭ УИА программа экзамена 2020-2021 |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 1 кадры |
State management of economic security |
Программа итоговой аттестации ГУ ЭБГ каз 2021 Тумбай Ж.О. (2) |
State management of economic security |
12 Дәріс. Мемлекеттің әлеуметтік қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз етудің мемлекеттік жүйесі |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Семинар_Госрешения |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
семинар ГРЭ |
Management of Competitiveness |
сил Управ. конкурент ро. 2022-2023 осень |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
сил кадры бакалавры ро. 2022-2023 осень |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
Силабус Менеджмент исправлен (1) |
Theory and Practice of Public Administration |
ТПГУ_силлабус_2023 |
Management of Competitiveness |
семинар Управконкур ро. 2023-2024 осень - копия |
Basic of state and local government |
Подготовка студентов к семинарскому занятию |
State management of economic security |
Тема15.Экологическая безопасность, как аспект безопасности жизнедеятельности |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
силлабус_доктор_КОМ_РИС_НОВЫЙ |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
программа итог экзамена тех политки |
Management of Competitiveness |
Программа_по_дисциплине_УпрКонкур 2022 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Кадр политика итог сессия |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
программа ПринРеш 2023 |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 11 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 12 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 13 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 15 УправКонкурент |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 1 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
семинар Управконкур ро. 2020-2021 осень - копия |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Лекция_12_КАДРЫ |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
темы срс |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 5 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 7 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 8 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 13 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 14 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
силлабус госрешения ро.весна |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Семинар_Госрешения |
Tehnological Policies of Developed Countries |
Лекция 14 |
Basic of state and local government |
Лекции 1 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 2 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 9 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 10 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 12 А ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 13 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 14 ОМГУ |
Basic of state and local government |
лекция 15 ОМГУ |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
сил госрешения ро.весна |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
доп лит |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
доплитра |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Innovation policy of the state |
Литература |
Innovation policy of the state |
Innovation policy of the state |
Подготовка СРС |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 3. Госрегулирование ИИД РК |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 4. Инфраструктура инновационной деятельности. |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 8. Государственная инновационная политика. |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 9. ГИП. Сущность и экономическая природа инвестиционного риска |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 13. Инвестиции в инновационном процессе |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 1. Нововведение и инновации |
Management of Competitiveness |
Лекция 1 |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 4 УпрКонкурс |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 5 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 9 Управконкур (2) |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 10 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 14 Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 3 УправКонкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 6 Управкокур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 7Управконкур |
Management of Competitiveness |
лекция 8 Управконкур |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 9 кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 4 кадры |
State management of economic security |
СИЛЛАБУС_безопасность_2024-2025 |
State management of economic security |
1 тема Теорет сущность ЭБ |
State management of economic security |
2 Методы оценки уровня экономической безопасностиі |
State management of economic security |
3 Вызовы и угрозы экономической безопасности . |
State management of economic security |
4 тема.Система обеспечения экономической безопасности субъекты и их функции |
State management of economic security |
5 Государственное управление финансовой безопасности |
State management of economic security |
7 Государственное управление энергетической безопасностью |
State management of economic security |
8 Государственное управление транспортной безопасности |
State management of economic security |
9 Обеспечение экономической безопасности предпринимательской деятельности |
State management of economic security |
11Внешнеэкономическая деятельность в системе национальной безопасности |
State management of economic security |
12 тема Социальная безопасность |
State management of economic security |
13 Теневая экономика и ее влияние на экономическую безопасностьі |
State management of economic security |
семинар |
State management of economic security |
программа итоговой аттестации русс |
State management of economic security |
6 темаГосударственное управление продовольственной безопасностью |
State management of economic security |
темы срм |
State management of economic security |
темы срм |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Кадр политика итог сессия |
Basic of state and local government |
Подготовка СРС |
Management of Competitiveness |
Конкуренция_силлабус_2023 |
Innovation policy of the state |
вопросы семинарских занятий |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Семинар_Госрешения |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Силлабус_2025 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция 1 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_лекция2 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция3 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция4 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция5 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция6 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция8 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция9 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция10 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция11 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция15 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция12 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция14 |
Anti-crisis public administration |
семинарские занятия антикриз |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция7 |
Government Regulation of the Economy |
сил ГРЭ ро.весна |
State management of economic security |
Formirovanie_effektivn._sistemy_ekonomich._bezopasnosti |
Management of Competitiveness |
сил Управ. конкурент ро. 2022-2023 осень (1) |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
сил кадры бакалавры ро. 2022-2023 осень (2) |
Basic of state and local government |
Семинар огму |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 10. Рынок НТП |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л15 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
семинар коммерцианализация |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Программа_по_дисциплине_КРИД 2024 (1) |
State management of economic security |
СИЛЛАБУС_безопасность_2024-2025 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л4 |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 15 Зарубежный опыт регулирования инновационной сферы. |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 2. Инновационная деятельность и инновационный процесс (1) |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 5-1 Правовое регулирование инновационной деятельности в РК |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 6. Государственно-частное партнерство как механизм поддержки инновационной деятельности [Автосохраненный] |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 11. Риски в инновационной деятельности и методы их снижения |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 14. Оценка эффективность инновационной деятельности |
Innovation policy of the state |
Тема 7. Индустриально-инновац система РК |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Лекция_13_КАДРЫ |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 7 кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 8 кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
Лекция_14_КАДРЫ |
State management of economic security |
10 Экономическая безопасность личности |
Anti-crisis public administration |
Антикризис_Лекция13 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 4 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 6 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 11 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 12 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 1 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 2 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 3 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 9-10 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Лекция 15 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
силлабус_доктор_КОМ_РИС_НОВЫЙ |
Basic of state and local government |
ОМГУ_силлабус_2023 |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Adoption and Implementation of Government Decisions |
Карта уч-метод обеспеч. |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 2 кадры |
Staff Policy in Public Administration |
лекция 3 кадры |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л5 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л9 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л10 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л6 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л12 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л3 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л13 |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Подготовка докторантов к семинарскому занятию |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Л14 |
Бимендиева Л.А., Нурманова Б.З., Ахметова З.Б., Аскаров Д.Т.
Қазақ университетi 2016 - г. ISBN 9965-29-725-8 10 - стр.
Бимендиева Л.А.
Казақ Университеті 2012 - г. ISBN 9965-29-725-8 10 - стр.
ТОО "Издательство "Экономика" 2013 - г. 14 - стр.
Экономикалық теория
"Қазақ университеті" 2014 - г. 19 - стр.
Экономиканы мемлекеттiк реттеу
ТОО "Издательство "Экономика" 2014 - г. 12 - стр.
" Қазақ университеті " 2014 - г. 12 - стр.
О соотношении производственных и экономических отношений в научной системе экономических знаний
" Қазақ университеті " 2016 - г. 8 - стр.
Бимендиева Л.А., Нурманова Б.З., Ахметова З.Б.
"Казак университетi" 2011 - г. ISBN 9965-29-725-8 10 - стр.
Даулиева Г.Р.
Экономикалық теория
" Қазақ университеті " 2024 - г. 16 - стр.