Коданова С.К., Еримбетова Л.Т., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Коданова С.К., Еримбетова Л.Т., Исанова М.К., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Коданова С.К., Исанова М.К., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works
Еримбетова Л.Т., Исанова М.К., Нұрғалиева Қ.Е., Машеева Р.У.
Mathematical problems and computer simulation in power engineering: methodical instructions for laboratory works