Басты бет / Химия және химиялық технология / Ғылыми мақалалар

Химия және химиялық технология

Жариялыным тізімдері.

Жариялынымдардың жылы:


Токтабаева А. К. Development of the composite materials based on N-(2-vinyloxyethyl)-N-(2-cyanoethyl) amine International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Агибаева Л. Э. Hysteresis Effects During the Phase Transition in Solutions of Temperature Sensitive Polymers Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Мун Г. А. Hysteresis Effects During the Phase Transition in Solutions of Temperature Sensitive Polymers Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Агибаева Л. Э. Mutual activation and sorption ability of rare cross-linked networks in intergel system based on polymethacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogels in relation to Lanthanum ions Chemistry and Chemical Technology 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Абилов Ж. Mutual activation and sorption ability of rare cross-linked networks in intergel system based on polymethacrylic acid and poly-4-vinylpyridine hydrogels in relation to Lanthanum ions Chemistry and Chemical Technology 0 - г. 0 - стр.