Басты бет / Химия және химиялық технология / Ғылыми мақалалар

Химия және химиялық технология

Жариялыным тізімдері.

Жариялынымдардың жылы:


Корулькин Д. Ю. Изучение свойств биологически активных комплексов на основе Rumex tianschanicus L. в эксперименте по хронической токсичности KazNU Bulletin. Biology series. Experimental Biology. 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Уркимбаева П. И. Influence of polyvinyl alcohol-based copolymers on the physico-mechanical properties of the thermal insulation materials Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Тугелбаева Л. М. Influence of polyvinyl alcohol-based copolymers on the physico-mechanical properties of the thermal insulation materials Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Тулепов М. И. Preparation of composites of antibacterial materials based on bacterial cellulose and silver nanoparticles for wound healing International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Preparation of composites of antibacterial materials based on bacterial cellulose and silver nanoparticles for wound healing International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Акназаров С. Х. Preparation of composites of antibacterial materials based on bacterial cellulose and silver nanoparticles for wound healing International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Synthesis, characterization of magnetic composites and testing of their activity in liquid-phase oxidation of phenol with oxygen ChemEngineering 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Isothermic and Kinetic Study on Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using Anisomeles malabarica Silver Nanoparticles: An Efficient Adsorbent to Purify Dye-Contaminated Wastewater Adsorption Science & Technology 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Кудьярова Ж. Б. Research of thermodynamic characteristics of a gas-generating composition based on ammonium perchlorate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Тулепов М. И. Research of thermodynamic characteristics of a gas-generating composition based on ammonium perchlorate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Research of thermodynamic characteristics of a gas-generating composition based on ammonium perchlorate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Головченко О. Ю. Research of thermodynamic characteristics of a gas-generating composition based on ammonium perchlorate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Акназаров С. Х. Research of thermodynamic characteristics of a gas-generating composition based on ammonium perchlorate ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Исмаилова А. Г. Catalytic cracking of M-100 fuel oil: relationships between origin process parameters and conversion products Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Батырбаева А. А. Catalytic cracking of M-100 fuel oil: relationships between origin process parameters and conversion products Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Catalytic cracking of M-100 fuel oil: relationships between origin process parameters and conversion products Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Сасыкова Л. Р. Activity features of catalysts for thermocatalytic hydrogenation processing of polymer waste Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Аубакиров Е. А. Activity features of catalysts for thermocatalytic hydrogenation processing of polymer waste Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Ташмухамбетова Ж. Х. Activity features of catalysts for thermocatalytic hydrogenation processing of polymer waste Chimica Techno Acta 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Қалдыбаева А. Б. Complexes of 3-[3-(1Н-imidazol-1-yl)propyl]-3,7-diazabispidines and β-cyclodextrin as coatings to protect and stimulate sprouting wheat seeds Molecules 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Қалдыбаева А. Б. Prospects for the chemistry of imidazole derivatives Химический Журнал Казахстана 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Мансуров З. А. Некоторые проблемы перехода на низкоуглеродное топливо Химия в интересах устойчивого развития 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Пономаренко О. И. Uranium isotopes in food and effect on health of Southern Kazakhstan citizens Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Нажипқызы М. Электрохимические характеристики химически активированных углей из опилок в качестве электродов суперконденсаторов MDPI 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Супиева Ж. А. The latest cobalt and nickel recovery methods from mineral raw Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом (произведение науки) 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Ескалиева Б. К. Extraction, Isolation of Bioactive Compounds and Therapeutic Potential of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Molecules 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Камысбаев Д. Х. Sorption of Neodymium from Nitrate Solutions by Humic Acids-Based Sorbent Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Тасибеков Х. С. Sorption of Neodymium from Nitrate Solutions by Humic Acids-Based Sorbent Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Исмаилова А. Г. Sorption of Neodymium from Nitrate Solutions by Humic Acids-Based Sorbent Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Аканова Г. Ж. Sorption of Neodymium from Nitrate Solutions by Humic Acids-Based Sorbent Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Бажыкова К. Б. Изучение биологически активных веществ из сырья Artemisia Cina Berg с противовирусной активностью Фармация Казахстана 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Головченко О. Ю. Optimization of Aluminum Boride Synthesis in the Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Mode to Create Waste-Free Technology Ceramics 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Акназаров С. Х. Optimization of Aluminum Boride Synthesis in the Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Mode to Create Waste-Free Technology Ceramics 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Токпаев Р. Р. Investigation of the functional layer formation on the surface of carbon material STUDIA UBB CHEMIA 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Кишибаев К. К. Investigation of the functional layer formation on the surface of carbon material STUDIA UBB CHEMIA 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Токпаев Р. Р. Production of dry building mixes using waste of the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Кишибаев К. К. Production of dry building mixes using waste of the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Бажыкова К. Б. In silico drug-likeness, biological activity and toxicity prediction of new 3,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-4H-pyran-4-one derivatives Вестник КазНУ 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Онгарбаев Е. К. Модификация нефтяного битума механохимически активированным шунгитом месторождения коксу «Горение и плазмохимия» 0 - г. 0 - стр.


Онгарбаев Е. К. Modification of Bitumen with Recycled PET Plastics from Waste Materials Polymers 0 - г. 0 - стр.