Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазГУ им. С.М. Кирова |
Высшее |
1969 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
08/04/1981 |
Доктор |
28/05/2010 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Доцент |
28/09/1983 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Linguistic and Culturological Relations of the Central Asian Nations and the Sdudied Eastern Country |
срд |
Country Studies |
Страноведение2 |
History of Country of Target Language |
Метод рекомендации к семинарским занятиям Переводческое дело 2 курс 3 кредита |
History of Country of Target Language |
Книгообеспечнность |
History of Country of Target Language |
Силлабус История изучаемой страны 3 кредита |
History of Country of Target Language |
Варианты самостоятельных работ |
History of Country of Target Language |
Краткий конспект лекций История изучаемой страны переводческое дело 2 курс 3 кредита |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Карта |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Diplomacy and the Foreign Policy Doctrine of the Studied Country |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
семинар |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
Карта |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
силлабус |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
Gender Researches in the Western and Eastern Linguistics |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Копия (2) Метод рекомендации к семинарским занятиям Ин фил 2 курс 3 кредита |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Карта |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Копия (3) Варианты самостоятельных работ |
Political-Economical Structure of the Studied Country |
Копия (1) Краткий конспект лекций полит экИн.филология 2 курс 3 кредита |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
семинар |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
метод обесп |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
Карта |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
силлабус |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
срc |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
лекции |
Social and Political Thought of Studied Country |
Вопросы к экзамену |
Globalization Problems in the Eastern Countries |
Глобализация и МО |
Globalization Problems in the Eastern Countries |
Экзаменационные вопросы |
Ethnography of Korea |
титулка Этнография Кореи |
титулка Этнография Кореи |
Ethnography of Korea |
практ. занятия |
практ.занятия |
Ethnography of Korea |
Карта Этнография Кореи |
Карта Этнография Кореи |
Ethnography of Korea |
силлабус этнография |
силлабус |
Ethnography of Korea |
срс |
срс |
Ethnography of Korea |
лекции этнография |
лекции этнография |
Ethnography of Korea |
Экзаменационные вопросы |
по дисциплине (3) |
Ethnography of Korea |
mt 1 |
mt |
Religion and Religious Situation in Korea |
титулка религия |
титулка религия |
Religion and Religious Situation in Korea |
Религия и религиозная ситуация Кореи. |
карта |
Religion and Religious Situation in Korea |
Силлабус Религия и религиозные отношения Microsoft Word (1) |
Силлабус |
Religion and Religious Situation in Korea |
Лекции Религия и религиозные отношения Microsoft Word |
лекции |
Religion and Religious Situation in Korea |
Экзаменац.вопросы. Религия и религиозные отношения Microsoft Word (1) |
Экзаменац.вопросы |
Foreign Policy of Korea in Central Asia and in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Внешняя политика экз вопросы магистратурт |