Main / Geography and Environmental Sciences / Cartography and geoinformatics / Сахаева Айгерим Куандыковна

Сахаева Айгерим Куандыковна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
       •Date of birth: 06.10.1990. • Divorced. There is 1 child •Position: Senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. •Education: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. 2008 – 2012 "Bachelor's Degree"; 2012 – 2014 "Magistracy"; 2017 – 2020 "Doctoral studies" •Work experience: March 2012 – March 2014; Junior specialist of the Al-Farabi Research Institute at KazNU, Kazakhstan, Almaty. September 2015 – August 2017; Specialist of the Mechanics Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. September 2018 – and currently a lecturer at the Department of Mechanics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty. •Main research interests: Fundamentals, general problems and methods of mechanics, Earth exploration from space, data processing, wave dynamics. •Main publications over the last 5 years: Z.B.Rakisheva, A.K.Sakhaeva, K.K.Kusembayeva. On the issue of methods for studying pollution of the Caspian Sea. Bulletin of KazNITU, No. 4, 2018. A.K. Sakhayeva "Kaspiy tenizinin latan negizderi", Materials of the international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi". Almaty, April 9-12, 2018 – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2018-124 p A.K. Sakhaeva, A.K.Sakhai, K.K.Kusembayeva, A.G. Eltai. Comparative analysis of observational data with data from the Jason and Saral satellite altimetry in the ports of Aktau and Kulaly of the Caspian Sea. XXVI International conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Lomonosov". Moscow April 8-12, 2018 Rakisheva Z.B., Kudryavtseva N., Kusembayeva K.K., Sakhaeva A.K. Study of changes in the average waves of the Caspian Sea according to altimetry data. Bulletin of the Treasury. Mathematics, Mechanics, Computer Science Series, No. 1(101), 2019. pp 59-75. Z.B. Rakisheva, N. Delpesh-Ellmann, A.K. Sakhaeva. Study of upwelling phases in the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea. International Mathematical and Physical Journal 11, №1, 45 (2020). • Awards and prizes awarded. Certificate for participation in the seminar "Quality assurance of higher education in the framework of program accreditation in accordance with ESG criteria" on October 8, 2019 Certificate for participation in the second international Dzholdasbekov Symposium "Mechanics of the future" 1-5 March 2021. Certificate of completion.Academic teacher retraining program.Erasmus+/GEOCLIC.Constanta, Romania. September 4-11, 2022.
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Магистратура 2014
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Бакалавриат 2012
Academic degree


Сахаева Айгерим КуандыковнаКусембаева К.К., Ракишева З.Б. Studying the change of average waves of the Caspian Sea using the altimetry data 2019 - г. 17 - стр. 101


Сахаева Айгерим КуандыковнаРакишева З.Б. Studying upwelling phases in the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea 2020 - г. 6 - стр. 1
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