Koshim Asima Kalymzhangyzy, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor. 1976-1981 - Faculty of Geography KazSU named after S.M. Kirov (now KazNU named after al- Farabi), Department of Geomorphology. 1982 -1990 - Technician-hydrogeologist of the Experimental-methodical expedition of the PA "Kazhydrogelogy". 1990 -1993 postgraduate studies at KazSU, specializing in Geomorphology and Evolutionary Geography; 1993-1999 Geography teacher at secondary school 129, Almaty. 1997 Ph.D. thesis defense in Bishkek KR on the topic: "Modern relief-forming processes in the Priemba oil-bearing region and environmental issues." From 1999 to the present, he has been working at the Al-Farabi KazNU at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics as a professor. 2009 "The best teacher of KazNU named after al-Farabi". 2011 defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Environmental aspects of modern geomorphogenesis in the oil-producing regions of Western Kazakhstan." Scientific direction - ecological geomorphology, remote sensing, GIS, geoinformation mapping. More than 200 works, 5 monographs have been published, more than 20 teaching aids. Hirsch index -5. 2012-2014 - Scientific director of the scientific project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Modern relief-forming processes in the oil-producing regions of Western Kazakhstan" In 2019, she was awarded the honorary award "Scopus Award-2019" by ELSEVIER for the best Kazakhstan article in the AIFC nomination "Sustainable Oil and Gas in Kazakhstan". In 2020, she was awarded the honorary medal of the Committee for Geodesy and Cartography of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Urmetti Cartographer". Coordinator of 3 educational programs: "Natural and man-made risks" (bachelor's, master's, doctoral). 2020-2021 academic year - Chairman of the Methodological Council of the faculty. Since 2022, she is the Chairman of the Academic Committee for the Quality of Teaching and Learning of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management 2023 awarded the medal "For Labor Contribution". 2023 awarded the medal "Best University Teacher - 2023 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2024 awarded the badge ""Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin" Currently holds the position of professor of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics.


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Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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Author Documents


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