Shokhan Amangeldiuly Shortanbay was born in 1969, Kazakh by nationality, education is high. Graduated from the Philological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (1991) and the Taraz Innovation and Humanities University (2015) with a degree in Kazakh language and literature. Since 1991, he held the position of assistant at the Department of History and Criticism of Kazakh Literature. Since 2001, she is a senior lecturer at the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. Since this period of time Sh. Shortanbai has been giving lectures on subjects such as "Kazakh literature at the beginning of the twentieth century", "Kazakh literature of the twentieth century", "History of Kazakh literature». Also he teaches elective courses like "The idea of freedom (independence) in poetry Alash", "Modern Kazakh stories and stories." Scientific and methodological articles of the teacher were published in various collections, Bulletins and scientific journals of foreign countries such as China (2010), Kyrgyztan (2011), Russia (2015), Poland (2012, 2015), England (2019). An article was published in the journal of international rating (Scopus) (2019). In addition, he is one of the authors of electronic textbooks such as "Kazakh literature at the beginning of the twentieth century" (2017), "The early period of development of Kazakh literature of the twentieth century" (2017) and the educational methodological manual "Lessons in text analysis on Kazakh folklore and literature" (2019). Holder of several copyrights and international certificates. Sh. Shortanbay takes an active part in the public works of the faculty, is the senior curator-adviser of the faculty and the group KYL 18-2K. He was awarded the festive medal "80 years of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi".


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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