Kalkabaeva Salima Abdramanovna, was born on November 25, 1961 in the village of Tasaryk, Tolebi district, Turkestan region. In 1980, she entered the Faculty of Philology of Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov and graduated in 1985. In 1990, she entered the graduate school of KazNU named after al-Farabi with a degree in Kazakh literature and graduated in 1994. In 2005-2007 She was a doctoral student at the Department of Literary Creativity and Translation Studies. In 1995 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Moral quests in the prose of A. Nurshaiykov." In 2005 she received the academic title of Associate Professor in Literary Studies. In 1995-1997 worked in the Department of Theory of Literature of the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2005-2007 She was a doctoral student at the Department of Literary Creativity and Translation Studies. In 1995 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Moral quests in the prose of A. Nurshaiykov." In 2005 she received the academic title of Associate Professor in Literary Studies. In 1995- 1997 worked in the Department of Theory of Literature of the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O.Auezov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1998 he has been working as a teacher at the Faculty of Philology of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University. He gives lectures and conducts practical classes in such basic disciplines as "Introduction to Literary Studies", "Theory of Literature", special doctoral, master's and undergraduate courses. Combining teaching with science, S.A. Kalkabaeva published many scientific works and educational and methodical works. She has 2 monographs “A.Nurshayyqov prozasyndagy adamgershilik izdenister”(2004),“Körkem shygarma poetikasy” (“Kazakh university”,2019,2021),2 textbook “Theoretical problems of literary studies” (“Kazygұrt ", 2O21),"Fundamentals of Literary Studies"("Kazakh Universities",2022) and several educational methodological aids. Has more than 80 scientific and methodological articles published in republican editions and scientific collections, materials of international and republican scientific-theoretical, methodological conferences: "Actual problems of modern humanitarian science", "Theoretical and methodological problems of modern literary criticism and folklore" ”, “Auezov and world literature”,“Kab
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1985 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
27/04/1995 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Доцент |
15/10/2005 |