I, Suttibayev Nurbakhyt Abitayuly, graduated in 1999 from the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan and a master's degree from the same university. I successfully defended my dissertation on the topic "Кәсіби-шеттілдік даярлауда шетел тілі мұғалімінің мәдениетаралық қатысымдық құзыреттілігін қалыптастырудың заманауи технологиялары". I have scientific articles of national and international level. I have been working at the Department of Foreign Languages since 2010. I am actively improving my level of language and methodological skills. I have certificates of advanced training: “Macmillan seminar”, “Macmillan education”, “Effective Teaching”,“Intervarsity Global Source Network”, "Study Inn", "Inter press", “Fundamentals of pedagogical measurement methodology”, certificates from neighboring countries, etc. In 2012-13, I published 5 articles on the methodology of teaching a foreign language in Kazakh groups. I take an active part in educational activities through the English Club at the Faculty of Biology.


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