Alima Orazbayeva received her higher pedagogical education in 1994 at the Kazakh University of World Languages named after Ablai Khan, specializing in "German and Russian languages". She received her second higher education in 2000-2002 at the Kazakh Pedagogical Women's Institute, a full course in the specialty "Foreign Language". 2013 – Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. 2013 was awarded the master’s Degree on pedagogical sciences (MA) on the specialty 6М011900- Foreign language: two foreign languages. Work experience is 30 years. Alima Sultanbekovna is a master of foreign languages and participates in various foreign language seminars in order to continuously improve her skills. She will be awarded with the medal "Sign of Honor" for her contribution to the development of the university. 2014 rector of Kazmemkyzpu D.J.Noketaeva. Awarded the "Educational Excellence" medal for meritorious work in education. 2018 M.Tokashbaev, of the Republican Council for Public Awards and Titles chairman. Monograph. ISBN 978-601-232-889-9. "Oratory and Spiritual and Moral Education: 2012. Textbook. B1, B2, specialty «5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages». «Country studies», 2014. Methodical - educational textbook. «Teaching national traditions in a foreign language" 2021. In addition, several of his scientific articles have been published in journals presented by the State Institute of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The effective methods of choosing themes on A1 A2 levels of English language: Herald of Abay University “Pedagogical sciences” 2017. Psycholinguistic features of English textbooks: Herald of Abay University, “Psychological sciences” 2018. "Effectiveness of teaching foreign languges in using fairy-tales and riddles" Herald of Abay University “Pedagogical sciences” 2018. "Formation of students' cognitive skills through the use of mythological material in English lessons". Herald of Abay University "Pedagogical Sciences", 2019. “Using authentic films and video materials in the language classroom”, "Science and Life of Kazakhstan", International Scientific Journal 2020. "Mәдениетаралық қатысымның кейбір мәселелері, негізгі түрлері мен сипаттамасы" Herald of ABYLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY, 2023. “ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SPEAKING AND PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS, PRACTICAL TIPS TO PRACTICE PUBLIC PRESENTATION SKILLS”, Herald of ABYLAI KHAN UNIVERSITY, 2024.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Высшее |
1994 |