I, Uzakbayeva Zamira Adilbayevna was born on July 29, 1995 in the city of Shymbai, Republic of Karakalpakstan, Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2012, I graduated from secondary school N18 in Aktobe. In 2012, I entered Aktobe Pedagogical Institute in Aktobe. In 2016, I graduated from Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov with a degree in “Foreign Language:two foreign languages”.In order to continue my studies, in 2016 I entered the full-time graduate department of the Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages. In 2018, I received a master's degree in “Foreign Language:two foreign languages”. After graduation, I worked as a manager for the first vice-rector of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov. In 2019, I moved to Almaty, where in September I got a job as a teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2020, I received a doctoral grant in linguistics from the Faculty of Philology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. During my studies, the articles of my dissertation "The suggestive influence of verbal and non-verbal brands" were published in several journals and conference collections. I successfully completed an internship abroad at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Kingdom of Jordan. In 2023, I completed a 3-year doctoral course in linguistics at the Faculty of Philology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since September 2023, I have been working as a teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages.


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Актюбинский гос.универ. им. Жубанова

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