Umatova Zhanna Maksutovna graduated from the Kazakh National University named after Al- Farabi in 1996 with a degree in "Russian Language and Literature in the National School". In 1998, she received an academic master's degree in "Theory of Linguistics". 1998-2001 - postgraduate study at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2001-2003 - senior methodologist in the educational and experimental laboratory "Kazakh language: socio- and psycholinguistic research". From 2003 to the present, she has been working as a teacher at the Department of Turkology and Theory of Language at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2023-2024 - assistant professor at the Department of Modern Languages ​​and Translation at KIMEP University. In 2005, Umatova Zh.M. defended her candidate dissertation on the topic "Concepts of soul/woman as a linguacultural phenomenon". During the specified period, Umatova Zh.M. conducts theoretical and practical classes in the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​in the bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs of the Philological Faculty of the following courses: "Electronic language teaching", "Information technology in teaching a foreign language", "Applied linguistics", "Forensic linguistics", "History of linguistic studies", "Computer linguistics", "Jurislinguistics", "Linguistics", "Linguistics and high technology", "Theory of language contacts", etc. Umatova Zh.M. has more than 60 published scientific papers. Zhanna M. Umatova and others Epic Toponyms as Carriers of a Linguocultural Code // Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics.  2023.  9(1).  Pp. 13-23.  (Q1, 85%,). Zhanna M. Umatova and others Expressing Gender Opposition in Kazakh Proverbs through Metaphor // Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 14, № 5, Рp. 1308-1317, May 2024 // DOI: ©️ 2024 ACADEMY PUBLICATION, United Kingdom (Q1, 92%,). Zhanna M. Umatova and others Ethnocultural Originality of Color Toponyms in Turkic Folklore // Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics.  2023.  9(3).  Pp. 216-225.  http://dx.doi.or 2003-2022 - executive secretary of KAZPRYAL (Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature). 2017-2023 - head of the Russian Center at the Russkiy Mir Foundation (Russia) During her work at the department, Zh.M. Umatova has established herself as a conscientious, responsible and competent employee in the relevant field of knowledge.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

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