Dosanova Albina Maratkhanovna (PhD, acting associate professor born in 1984, nationality–Kazakh, education–higher) Scientific and pedagogical experience at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is 16 years. In 2007-2011 was a PhD student at the Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2011-2012 was an assistant at the Department of General Linguistics and Foreign Philology, in 2012-2015 was a senior lecturer. In 2014-2015 – Chairman of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Faculty, in 2015-2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and European Languages, in 2018-2021 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology for Scientific and Innovative work and International cooperation, in 2022 – Acting Associate Professor of the department of Turkology and Language Theory of the Faculty of Philology. Education: 2001-2005 – Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Bachelor's degree in «Kazakh Philology: Kazakh language». 2005-2007 – Master's degree in «Language Theory» 2007-2011 – Faculty of Philology, Department of General Linguistics, PhD doctoral studies in the specialty «Linguistics, general psycholinguistics, bilinguistics» (6D020500 – Philology) 2016-2018 – graduated with honors from the specialty «Foreign language: two foreign languages». Scientific awards: 1) «The best young scientist of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University» 2015; 2) holder of the state scientific scholarship for gifted young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016; 2019; 3) laureate of the scholarship of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017; 5) The best young scientist, diploma of the first degree, badge «Civilization of knowledge» 2020; 6) Scholarship holder of the international Bolashak program for the project «500 scientists» 2022. Scientific internships: Indiana University (Bloomington, USA 2008); Otto-von Guericke Universities (Magdeburg, Germany 2011); University of Helsinki (Finland 2011); Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), Institut français d'études sur l'Asie centrale (IFEAC, 2016), University La Coruna (La Coruna, Spain 2018), Adam-Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland 2019), University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, USA 2022) Research work: 2 monographs, about 75 scientific articles. Scopus Author ID 57331217800, Hirsch – 1, copyright certificate-6. Participation in international projects: Dosanov
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2005 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
11/05/2012 |