Naraliyeva Rakhila Tursynovna, Senior Teacher on a subject of the Kazakh language Department of Pre-College Education (Department of International Education) Chair of Pre-University Training Author, second author of more than 150 scientific-methodical and image works, Author/second author of 15 tutorials, author-partner of 1 scientific monograph; Basic scientific and methodical works: 2) 5 tiered tutorial Language is instrument, was fixed by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana AkarmanMEDIA-2011. 5 books; 3) Modern Methods of Teaching Kazakh as a ForeignLanguage: Search, Innovation, Quality, Result. 171;SCOPUS из Elsevier Customer&; Service Review – Vol. Canada - June 2015 Индекс: 150428- 003953, ISSN: 1918-7181. Impact factor 0,588; Thankful letters and diplomas: 1) Gratitude of the Kazakh National University is recorded in the employment history in 1995 y; 2) Gratitude of the Kazakh National University is recorded in the employment history in 1998 y; 3) Thankful letter from center of education of South Korea’s Emdassy in 2005 y; 4) Thankful letter from national charitable foundation “Janashyr” in 2014y; 5) Thankful letter from Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2015y; 6) Diploma under the name World Science& of the International Scientific Society for Innovation and Scientific Research in the Field of World Science in 2016 y; 7) Holder of the Republic information-methodical center’s diploma of the second category in 2016 y; 8) Laureate of the Republic competition "The bestteacher"& 2016y. Republic information-methodical center Educarion& Astana. 9) One of the authors registered in the system “Science Index”of the international electronic library in 2016y ; The purpose Creating innovative, effective, modern methods of teaching the Kazakh language as a foreign language to foreign students


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