Autobiography I Begalieva Aisha Karipzhanovna was born on June 20, 1958. In 1964, she entered the first class of Charyn high school,and in 1974, she graduated with honors. In 1977, she worked as a laboratory assistant at the faculty of advanced education of the Kirov state University. In 1979, she entered the history Department of the Kirov state University, and in 1985 she received a diploma in History and social studies. While studying and working at the University, I was engaged in public works (in Komsomol, trade Union, Amateur clubs, etc.), participated in Komsomol,trade Union congresses, conferences, and plenums. In 1993, she studied for postgraduate studies at the Abay pedagogical University. She worked as a senior lecturer at the University of International relations and world languages. Ablay Khan. From 2007 to 2009, she worked as a senior teacher at the Kazakh Academy of labor and social relations. Since 2009, I have been working as a senior teacher of the Department of pre-University training of the faculty of pre-University education of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University. During these years, I teach the history of Kazakhstan to listeners-oralmans from far and near abroad, listeners from Afghanistan.. Member of the NurOtan party. Took part in public events within the Department, faculty,University, organized a round table, online conference, etc. In the children's home "Umit", the house" Ardagerler", along with charitable assistance, I awarded scholarships to students, take an active part in community service. I also do research on the topic: "The agricultural sector in the years of new economic policy and perestroika: a historical comparative analysis of the problem". Currently, 3 articles, more than 100 scientific,methodological,and image articles have been written in Canada and the United States (in English).Over the years,scientific monographs and educational manuals have been written : 1. "Ethnology of Kazakhstan: History and modernity" - monograph. A. Kazakh University. 2018. 2. the History of studying the Ethnography of the people of Turkestan in the works of pre- revolutionary Russian researchers (in KHU111-early XXV.) 2. Educational and methodological guide for University students on the discipline "History of Kazakhstan". 3. Methodological guide "study of the history of Kazakhstan" P. 2015. 4. methodical manual on social education ""knowledge and education of egiz ugym"" 5. textbook "History of Kazakhstan" A. 2016.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1985 |