Davletkaliev Bauyrzhan Shynbergenovich was born on May 06, 1989 in Zhetysu district of Almaty. In 2007, he graduated from the Abai Gymnasium in Kaskelen, Karasai district, Almaty region. In 2007, he received a state educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty "050903 – Land Management", was accepted for the 1st year of land management at the K. I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, in 2012 he received a Bachelor of Science degree in land management. Under the supervision of Professor Dzhulamanov, T. D. defended her graduation thesis on the topic "allocation of land for mining". Davletkaliev B. Sh. In 2015 received a state educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, the educational stage of the magistracy – the Department of magistracy in the specialty "6m090300 – Land Management". The master's thesis was received by the Candidate of Technical Sciences Assoc. under the scientific guidance of Prof. Soltabayeva S. T. implemented the topic "methods of solving problems of modern land management works". He has presented his scientific papers and articles at many scientific conferences. Davletkaliev B. S. During his studies at the Kazakh National University named after K. I. Satpayev took an active part in events within the faculty.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНТУ им.К.И.Сатпаева |
Высшее |
2012 |