Kaliaskarova Z.K. in 1995 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Geography of Al- Farabi Kazakh State University with a degree in Geography. According to the distribution of the GEK, she was left to work at the Department of Economic and Social Geography as an assistant. In 1996, she entered the full-time postgraduate course at the Department of Economic and Social Geography, continuing to work as a part-time assistant. In 1999 she prepared and defended in the dissertation council of the Kyrgyz Republic 14.A.15.03. at KazGU named after al-Farabi Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Main problems of rational use of oil and gas resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (economic and geographical aspect)" in the specialty - 11.00.02. - "Economic, social and political geography". The work was carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor Kargazhanov Z.K. For excellent postgraduate studies, she was awarded a scholarship named after Ch. Valikhanov. She currently conducts lectures, seminars and practical classes. He is a curator - an adviser for 1st year students of the specialty "Cadastre". From 2011 to 2014, she participated in the implementation of the Grant project "Kazakhstan in the system of the latest geopolitical and regional transformations in Central Asia" and was the responsible executor. Since 2015, he has been participating in the implementation of 1 grant project on fundamental scientific research and the head of 1 grant project on the topic: "Development of an economic mechanism for solving the problem of pollution of buffer zones with municipal solid waste (on the example of the city of Almaty)". Under the project, in March 2015, she was on an internship in St. Petersburg, where she participated in the work of the International Environmental Forum "Ecology of the Big City", in 2016 she took part in the work of the International Conference GEOMED 2016 (Turkey), in 2017 she took part in the work of 5 -th International Conference "Sustainable Management of Municipal Solid Waste" in Athens (Greece). Since March 2018, he has been the scientific editor of the journal Vestnik Geographical Series. Passed advanced training at the Kazakh-German University in April 2021 at the course "Environmental Economics". Also at the Institute of Neurointegration from April to June 2022.


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КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

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