«THE BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER» 2014 DZHULAMANOV TAIR DAUTKANOVICH Dzhulamanov Tair Dautkanovich Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. In 1976 he graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, having received the specialty «Mining engineer-mine surveyor». When distributed, he was left at the Department of Mine Surveying in the direction of the MV and MTR of the Kazakh SSR. In 1981-1982 in the direction of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Kazakh SSR, he improved his qualifications, being a trainee teacher at the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy of the Moscow Mining Institute, and in 1982 he entered the same place for full-time target postgraduate study. The scientific supervisor was a prominent scientist of the USSR, professor, doctor of technical sciences Viktor Aleksandrovich Bukrinsky. In 1986, in Moscow at the Moscow Mining Institute, he defended his Ph.D. After defending his Ph.D. thesis, he worked as a senior researcher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at KazNTU named after K.I. Satpaev. From 2000 to 2008 he was the Deputy Director of the Republican Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Engineering Personnel and Teachers in Technical Disciplines for Higher Educational Institutions at KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev. From 2008 to 2011 he worked as the director of the Institute of Distance Education (IDO) of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. From 2011 to 2012 he worked as a professor at the Department of Applied Geodesy and Cadastre, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. From 2012 to 2017 he worked as the head of the department «Land Resources and Cadastre» of the Kazakh National Agrarian University. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as a professor at the Department of «Land Resources and Cadastre» of the Kazakh National Agrarian University. From 2019 to 2022, he worked as an acting professor of the Department of «Cartography and Geoinformatics» of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 2022, he has been an associate professor of the Department of «Geography, Land Management and Cadastre» of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


Educational institution


Expiration date

Каз. политехнический инст. им.В.И.Ленина

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
State Prizes
Prize Name Date of award
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2015 году
Знак "Ы.Алтынсарин"

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