Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Бакалавриат |
2013 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
15/12/2023 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Scientific Writing |
Scientific20 distanc |
Scientific Writing |
Poster template |
Scientific Writing |
Poster size |
Scientific Writing |
SYLLABUS Scientific writing |
Scientific Writing |
SYLLABUS Scientific writing |
Scientific Writing |
Article 1 03.02.21 |
Scientific Writing |
Article 2 03.02.21 |
Scientific Writing |
Article 3 03.02.21 |
Scientific Writing |
Scientific20 distanc |
Scientific Writing |
Helpful links |
Scientific Writing |
Scientific Writing |
How_to_Write_and_Publish_a_Scientific_Pa |
Scientific Writing |
ScientificWrittingPaperStyle |
Scientific Writing |
Literature |
Scientific Writing |
The program of final exam Scientific writing SW3210 |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Безотходная технология |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Силлабус Экологиялық БТ 2021 |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Syllabus for EcoBt 2024-2025 |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Эко бт метод реком. лаб зан. |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Syllabus for EcoBt 2024-2025 |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Эко бт метод реком. лаб зан. |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Экологиялық биотехнология. Кіріспе |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Экожүйе (1) |
Ecology Biotechnology |
Карта метод обеспеченности |
Food Biotechnology |
Food Biotechnology, Second Edition ( )-1 |
Food Biotechnology |
SYLLABUS food biotechnology 2022 |
Food Biotechnology |
лабораторные методические указанияMicrosoft Office Word-1 (1) |
Food Biotechnology |
MethodcalRecomendation to seminar |
Food Biotechnology |
Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology ( )-1 |
Food Biotechnology |
MethodcalRecomendation to seminar |
Food Biotechnology |
Methodical instructions for independent work of the student |
Food Biotechnology |
Brief contents of lectures |
Food Biotechnology |
Food Biotechnology 1 |
Food Biotechnology |
карта обеспеченности пищевая биотехнология |
Food Biotechnology |
Map of the discipline 2022 |
Food Biotechnology |
The program of final exam Food biotechnology-1 |
Food Biotechnology |
The program of final exam FB 2022 |
Food Biotechnology |
MethodcalRecomendation to seminar |
Food Biotechnology |
The program of final exam Food biotechnology 2022 |
Microbiology |
Syllabus Microbiology |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
Критерии оценки устного опроса семинарских занятий |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
Силабус Биотехнология фото.микр |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
МР к лабораторным занятиям 3-15 |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
МР к лаб. занятиям 1-2 |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
МР к лаб. занятиям 1-2 |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
Критерии оценки устного опроса семинарских занятий |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
СРC, СРСП әдістемелік ұсыныстар |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
Микробалдырлардын таза дакылдарын бөліп алу |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины |
Biotechnology of Phototrophic Microorganisms |
емтихан бағдарламасы |
Industrial Biotechnology |
Industrial biotechnology Syllabus |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
The Main Themes of Microbiology |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Syllabus_Microorganisms |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_11 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_1 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_2 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_3 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_4 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_5 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_6 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_6 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_7 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_8 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_9 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_10 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_12 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_13 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Lab_14 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 1 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 2 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 3 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 4 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 5 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 6 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 7 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 8 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 9 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 10 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 11 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 12 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 13 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 14 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 15 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Критерии оценки устного опроса семинарских занятий |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
СРC, СРСП Руководство по организации |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
The Main Themes of Microbiology |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
EMCD_Microorganisms |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Syllabus_2021 Microbiology and virology |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 1 |
Microorganisms and Viruses |
Seminar 1 |
Microbiology and virology |
The Main Themes of Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
Syllabus_Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_1 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_2 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_3 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_4 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_5 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_6 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_7 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_8 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_9 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_10 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_11 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_12 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_13 |
Microbiology and virology |
Lab_14 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 1 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 2 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 3 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 4 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 5 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 6 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 7 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 8 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 9 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 10 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 11 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 12 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 13 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 14 |
Microbiology and virology |
Seminar 15 |
Microbiology and virology |
EMCD_Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
Критерии оценки устного опроса семинарских занятий |
Microbiology and virology |
СРC, СРСП Руководство по организации |
Microbiology and virology |
EMCD_Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
The Main Themes of Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины |
Microbiology and virology |
Final exam Microbiology |
Microbiology and virology |
Syllabus_2021 Microbiology and virology |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Biological Imaging |
Biological vis syllabus |
Systematics of viruses |
EMCD Syllabus Systematics of viruses |
Systematics of viruses |
Final version Syllabus for Systematics of viruses 2024-2025 |
Systematics of viruses |
PPT-2-Kraken |
Systematics of viruses |
PPT-3-Kaiju |
Systematics of viruses |
EMCD Syllabus Systematics of viruses |
Systematics of viruses |
PPT-1-Metagenomics-Taxonomy |
Systematics of viruses |
FINAL EXAM PROGRAM Systematics of viruses |
Systematics of viruses |
Силлабус |
Systematics of viruses |
Syllabus for Systematics of viruses 2024-2025 |
Systematics of viruses |
Syllabus for Systematics of viruses 2024-2025 |
Systematics of viruses |
FINAL EXAM PROGRAM Systematics of viruses |
Systematics of viruses |
EMCD Syllabus Systematics of viruses |
High-tech food production |
EMCD Syllabus High-tech food production |
High-tech food production |
Final version Syllabus for Hightech Food production 2024-2025 |
High-tech food production |
ultrasound-applications |
High-tech food production |
Applications_of_Ultrafiltration_Reverse_Osmosis_Na |
High-tech food production |
High pressure sustainability-13-13908 |
High-tech food production |
EMCD Syllabus High-tech food production |
High-tech food production |
Lecture 1 |
High-tech food production |
FINAL EXAM PROGRAM Hightech Food production |
High-tech food production |
Силлабус |
High-tech food production |
Syllabus for High-tech food production 2024-2025 |
High-tech food production |
FINAL EXAM PROGRAM Hightech Food production |
High-tech food production |
EMCD Syllabus High-tech food production |