Main / Biology and Biotechnology / Biotechnology / Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна

Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
File name Headline Description
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Industrial Biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Modern methods in biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Sanitsry Microbiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Industrial Biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Sanitsry Microbiology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Modern methods in biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Industrial Biotechnology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Modern methods in biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Modern methods in biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Microbial Biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Industrial Biotechnology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Microbial Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Modern methods in biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Microbial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Industrial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Industrial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Modern methods in biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Sanitsry Microbiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Microbial Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Biological safety of biotechnological production
Microbial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Sanitsry Microbiology
Methods of Molecular Biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Sanitsry Microbiology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Entrepreneurship in biotechnology
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation
Industrial Biotechnology
Medical Microbiology and Epidemiology
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Development and Production of Biotechnological Products
Modern methods in biotechnology
Processes and Equipment in Biotechnology
Antibiotics of Microbial Origin
Anti-infective Microdial Drugs
Genetic engineering for phytoremediation


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна " Қазақ университеті " 2019 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-4058-6 134 - стр.


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна " Қазақ университеті " 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-280-739-4 18 - стр.


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2018 - г. 10 - стр. 20


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2018 - г. 11 - стр. 90


Ултанбекова Гульнар ДаулетбаевнаАкмуханова Н.Р., Алтыбаева Н.А., Нурмаханова А.С. Medium optimization for enhanced collagenase production by aspergillus fungi 2019 - г. 4 - стр. 2


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна Іле-Алатау мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи паркі РММ Ақсай филиалының орман тұқымбақтарына биоорганикалық тыңайтқыштарды қолдану технологиясы 2019 - г. 10 - стр. 61


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2020 - г. 8 - стр. 62


Ултанбекова Гульнар ДаулетбаевнаСыдыкбекова Р.К. Түркістан облысының суармалы тұздалған топырағы жағдайында жүгерінің өсуі мен дамуына BACILLUS SP. ПК-1 галофильды микроағзалардың әсері 2020 - г. 10 - стр. 62




Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна Биоэнергетикалық қондырғыда ірі қара малдың көңін анаэробты ашытудың технологиялық процесі 2022 - г. 12 - стр. 7


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2018 - г. 1 - стр.


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2018 - г. 1 - стр. tokyo


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2020 - г. 6 - стр. Узбекистан


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна 2020 - г. 9 - стр. Узбекистан


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна Каналбек Г.Қ., Мухатаева К.А., Мамытова Н.С. 2024 - г. 4 - стр. КазНУ им.Аль-Фараби


Ултанбекова Гульнар Даулетбаевна The use of predatory fungi of the genus Arthrobotrys isolated from soil in the farmlands of Southern Kazakhstan to control nematode infections in tomato plants 2024 - г. 6 - стр. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
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