Main / History / Chair of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology / Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы

Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Кафедра археологии, этнологии и музеологии
Scopus author ID: 56258902800
3(773) 500-12-85 вн:8701
File name Headline Description
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Experimental Archeology
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Medieval Archaeology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Problems of Studying of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan
Historical Anthropology
Historical Anthropology
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Historical Anthropology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Historical Anthropology
Medieval Archaeology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Introduction to Archaeology
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Historical Anthropology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Experimental Archeology
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Experimental Archeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Experimental Archeology
Experimental Archeology
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Archaeology
Medieval Archaeology
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Experimental Archeology
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Medieval Archaeology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Historical Anthropology
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Problems of Studying of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan
Problems of Studying of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Organization and Planning of Archaeological and Ethnological Research
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern field, laboratory, laboratory and office archaeology
Experimental Archeology
Archaeological research of the sacred spaces of the Turkic culture in the Middle Ages of the VI — XII centuries.
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Problems of Studying of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Kazakhstan Steppe Civilization
Problems of Studying of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan
Ancient technologies as a cultural phenomenon
Ancient and Medieval Architecture in Central Asia
Medieval Archaeology
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
Medieval Archaeology
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Medieval Archaeology
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Historical Anthropology
Introduction to Archaeology
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Archeology Bases
Organisation and Planning of Archaeological Researches
Organisation and Planning of Archaeological Researches
Archeology Bases
Medieval Archaeology
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Restoration and Preservation of Museum Objects
Organisation and Planning of Archaeological Researches
Archeology Bases
Organisation and Planning of Archaeological Researches
Archeology Bases
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Organisation and Planning of Archaeological Researches
Introduction to Archaeology
Historical Anthropology
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Historical Anthropology
Historical Anthropology
Historical Anthropology
Introduction to Archaeology
Archeology Bases
Archeology Bases
Introduction to Archaeology
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
The Method of Archaeological Excavations
Medieval Archaeology
Protection, Restoration and Conservation of Archaeological Sites


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласы керамикасының зерттелу тарихы 2015 - г. 12 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы 2016 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы ШардарбекұлыЕлеуов М.. 2015 - г. 8 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы ШардарбекұлыЕлеуов М.. 2016 - г. 8 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласы керамикасының зерттелу тарихы 2015 - г. 9 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы ШардарбекұлыЕлеуов М.. Мұсылман архитектурасы стилінде салынған мұнара іргетасы (Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласы) 2016 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық Сортөбе кірпіш күйдіретін пеші 2016 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Шу-Талас өңірлеріндегі орта ғасырлардағы жүзім шаруашылығы (Жазбаша және археологиялық материалдар бойынша) 2017 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласындағы кірпіш күйдіретін пеш 2017 - г. 12 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Local production and long-distance trade of Islamic glazed ceramics in Central Asia:A compositional analyses of ceramics from Southern Kazakhstan by NAA and LA-ICP-M 2019 - г. 22 - стр. 0


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық қалалар мен қоныстардың керамикаларын топтау мәселесі (VI-XIII ғ. басы) 2016 - г. 4 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Тарихты топырағынан таныған… 2016 - г. 3 - стр. КазНУ им. аль-Фараби


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Нуржанов А.А. 2016 - г. 4 - стр. Erzurum


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық қалалар мен қоныстардың керамикаларын топтау мәселесі (VI-XIII ғ. басы) 2016 - г. 4 - стр.


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Керамикалардың сыртын өңдеу және әсемдеу үдерісін талдау (Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласы материалдары бойынша) 2016 - г. 3 - стр.


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Шу өңіріндегі ортағасырлық кірпіш күйдіретін пештер 2017 - г. 7 - стр.


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Ортағасырлық Шортөбе қаласы 2017 - г. 7 - стр.


Ақымбек Ералы Шардарбекұлы Керамикаларды пішіндеу технологиясы үдерісін талдау (Ортағасырлық Ақтөбе қаласы материалдары бойынша) 2016 - г. 9 - стр.
Author Documents



0 по 0



Sphero-conical vessels of Aktobe medieval ancient settlement

Yeleuov, M., Akymbek, Y.S., Chang, C.


Life Science Journal
11, с. 384-387

