Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1973 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
05/12/1984 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Доцент |
16/04/1993 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №11 Совр.асп. |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
1 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
3 Семинар-1 |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
4 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
5 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
6 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
10 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
13 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
15Семинар.docx по методике |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Семинары основы современных технологий |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 1 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 3 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 4 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 6 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 7 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 9 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 10 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 12 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 13 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 14 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 15 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 2 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 5 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 8 |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Лекция 11 |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 1-2 по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
Лекция 3-4. по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 5-6. методике препод |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 7-8 по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 9-10 по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 11-12.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 13-14.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 15-16 .по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 25-26.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 17-18 по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 19-20 .по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 29-30 .по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 21-22.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 23-24.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 27-28.по методике |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
11 Семинар |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №1, Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №2,Совр,асп, |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 4 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 3 Совр,асп, |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция № 5Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 13 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 6 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №7 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 8 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №14 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция № 9 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция 12 Совр.асп. |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
2 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
7 Семинар |
Topical Questions of Analysis and Processing of Mineral Resources |
карта обесп дисц Мусабековой А.А 2015г эк проблемы перер мин |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
Вопросы Мидтерм |
Вопросы Мидтерма |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
Мидтерм сұрақтары |
Мидтерм сұрақтары |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
Силлабусө Соврем.технологии в произв. ред. метұ2015г. |
Силлабус |
Technologies of the Production of Scattered and Refractory Metals |
Темы семинарских занятий для техн.рас.туг.металлов |
Technologies of the Production of Scattered and Refractory Metals |
карта обесп дисц Мусабековой А.А 2015г технология пр рас и туг мет |
Ecological Problems of the Technology of Processing of Mineral Raw Materials |
Темы семинарских занятий по эк 2015 рус |
Ecological Problems of the Technology of Processing of Mineral Raw Materials |
Темы СРМП по эколог 2015 рус |
Ecological Problems of the Technology of Processing of Mineral Raw Materials |
Лекции экол проб 2015-2016 |
Ecological Problems of the Technology of Processing of Mineral Raw Materials |
карта обесп дисц Мусабековой А.А 2015г эк проблемы перер мин |
Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Noble Metals |
темы лаб.заняти по хим и тез ред и благ мет 2014-2015 |
Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Noble Metals |
темы СРС по хим и тех ред и благ мет 2014-2015 |
Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Noble Metals |
Лекция по хим и тех ред благ мет 2014-2015 |
Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Noble Metals |
карта обесп дисц Мусабековой А.А 2014-2015г хим техред благ мет |
Technologies of the Production of Scattered and Refractory Metals |
Лекция по тех рас и туг мет 2014-2015 |
Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Noble Metals |
химия и технология ред. 2014-2015 |
Theory and Applied Aspects of Complex Formation in the Processing of Mineral Resources |
Силлабус-комплексы%20в%20технологии,%20рус.[1] |
Theory and Applied Aspects of Complex Formation in the Processing of Mineral Resources |
Силлабус-комплексы%20в%20технологии,%20рус.[1] |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Силлабус Инструменты и аппараты в пищ.техн.(2) |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Силлабус Инструменты и аппараты в пищ.техн. |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
8 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
9 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
14 Семинар |
Technique of Teaching Technological Disciplines |
12 Семинар |
Basics of Modern Technologies for Processing of Mineral Resources |
Силлабус основы совр техн пер мин сыр |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №10 Совр.асп. |
Modern Aspects Technologies of Processing and Analysis of Mineral Resours |
Лекция №15 Совр.асп. |
Analytical chemistry |
АХ, силлабус |