1. Akhmetkaliyevа 2. Sandygul 3.Kusmanovna 4.Altai State University Faculty of Mathematics, full-time 5.Specialty- Mathematics. 6. Qualification Mathematician. Teacher. Diploma MB number 303460 7.Specialty degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences 8. Specialty: Management in social and economic systems. 9. Participation in research projects: - International scientific project: “Communication and Transfer Center Logistics” - for the formulation and solution of strategic tasks between production training - Scientific project “Complete reconstruction of a warehouse for the distribution of dairy products Foodmaster-Trade in Kazakhstan” for the project competition held by the European Logistics Association. Initiative scientific topics: - № 0329 / GF2 AO NTSGNTE "Modeling and research of organizational mechanisms of the logistics system" - №1033 / GF2 AO NTSGNTE "Development of a set of simulation games for making management decisions"
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Алтайский государственный университет |
Высшее |
1985 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
25/10/2011 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Distribution Logistics |
Силлабус Распределительная оргистика. Ахметкалиева С.К. 2018 |
Logistics Infrastructure of International Transport Corridors |
Лекция 8 |
Risk Management in Supply Chains |
ПИК САМЛС каз 2022 -2023 |
Risk Management in Supply Chains |
ПИК САМЛС каз 2022 -2023 |
Basics of Transport Service Design |
ОТС-ИК-для загрузки.docx |
Systems Analysis and Modeling of the Logistics Systems |
САМЛС-ИК-для загрузки |
Systems Analysis and Modeling of the Logistics Systems |
САМЛС-ИК-для загрузки |
Systems Analysis and Modeling of the Logistics Systems |
САМЛС-ИК-для загрузки 2 |
Modern methods of integrated strategic planning of logistics systems |
СМИСП-ИК-для загрузки 2 |
Basics of Transport Service Design |
Logistics Infrastructure of International Transport Corridors |
Лекция 7 |
Logistics Infrastructure of International Transport Corridors |
Лекция 4 |
Лекция 4 |
Logistics Infrastructure of International Transport Corridors |
Лекция 5 |
Logistics Infrastructure of International Transport Corridors |
Лекция 6 |
Supply Chain Management |
Вопросы УЦП МТ |
Goods Movement Logistics |
Силлабус ТҚ логистикасы |
Goods Movement Logistics |
Силлабус ТҚ логистикасы |
Basics of Logistics |
Силлабус Основы логистики 2022 |
Cалааралық жүйелік талдау
КазНУ им.аль-Фараби Высшая школа экономики и бизнеса Учебная лаборатория 2016 - г. 3 - стр.
Распределительная логистика
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2938-3 185 - стр.
Тауар қозғалысының логистикасы
"Қазақ университеті" 2020 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-4547-5 10 - стр.