Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазГНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1997 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 14 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 3 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 6 инт |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
EDGE.docx Лек 12 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Digital Сircuitry |
Силлабус Схемотехника |
Digital Сircuitry |
лек7 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Изучение логических операций и правил их преобразований.docx лаб 15 |
Linear Control Systems |
лек 13 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 14 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 4 ЛСУ |
Digital Сircuitry |
АРИФМЕТИКО.docxлаб 3 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Исследование принципа работы мультиплексора.docx лаб 4 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 10 нлсу (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л 10 про |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 6 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 7 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Компания арендовала 3 помещения в бизнес центре.docx Сем 1 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 15 |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 15 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Electronics |
6 л рус эл |
Electronics |
Силлабус Эл |
Electronics |
л 1 рус эл |
Electronics |
л 2 рус эл |
Electronics |
5 л рус эл |
Electronics |
7 л рус эл |
Electronics |
8 л рус эл |
Electronics |
9 л рус эл |
Electronics |
10 л рус эл |
Electronics |
л 11 рус эл |
Electronics |
л 12 рус эл |
Electronics |
л 13 рус эл |
Electronics |
14 л рус эл |
Electronics |
15 л рус эл |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 5 ЛСУ |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 15 |
Electronics |
сем 1 |
Electronics |
сем 3 |
Electronics |
Сем 6 |
Electronics |
сем 7 |
Electronics |
СЕМ 10 |
Electronics |
Сем 2 |
Electronics |
Сем 8 |
Electronics |
СЕМ 9 |
Electronics |
СРСП 1 |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 3 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 10 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Экзамен |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 12 ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 1 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
13 (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
15 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек7 |
Electronics |
л 3 рус эл |
Electronics |
4 л рус эл |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Electronics |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 11 инт |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс1 |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 12 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 2 ЛСУ |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Силлабус Беспр |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 7 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.14 docx |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа 9 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.11 docx |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx4 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx 5 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx 6 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.8 docx |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа 10 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.12 docx |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.13 docx |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 1 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Сем 2 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 5 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 6 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 7 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 3 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 8 |
Electronics |
СРСП 2 |
Electronics |
СРСП 3 |
Electronics |
Electronics |
СРСП 5 |
Electronics |
Сем 4 |
Electronics |
Сем 5 |
Electronics |
СЕМ 11 |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 11 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 1 ЛСУ |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 3 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Компания арендовала 3 помещения в бизнес центре.docx Сем 1 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СРС 1 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СРС 2 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
сем 4 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СРС 3 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СРС 4 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СРС 5 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
ZigBee.docxЛек 4 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Беспроводная локальная сеть.docx Лек 7 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
WiMAX.docxЛек 8 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
WWAN.docxЛек 9 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Transmission Control Protocol.docx Лек 7 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
HSPA.docx Лек 14 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Беспроводные персональные сети.docxЛек 2 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Bluetooth.docx Лек 3 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
6LoWPAN.docx Лек 5 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
EV.docx Лек 13 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
UMTS.docx Лек 15 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Circuit Switched Data.docxЛек 10 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Беспроводные технологии.docx Лек 1 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
WMAN.docx Лек 6 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Карта УМЛ |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 1 (4) (1) |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
программа ИК с рубрикат устно оф БВСиС 23 24 рус |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 12 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 15 |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Экзам вопросы |
Wireless Technology for Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 |
Digital Circuitry |
Запоминающие устройства.docx 13 (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 1 НС |
Digital Circuitry |
СЧЕТЧИКИ.docлек12 (2) |
Digital Сircuitry |
Синхронные.docx лаб 6 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Digital Сircuitry |
Исследование вольт.docx лаб 13 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 1 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 3 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 5 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс4 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Digital Сircuitry |
Базовые логические элементы.docx лек 2 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс2 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс7 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Экз вопросы |
Digital Сircuitry |
Карта УМЛ |
Digital Сircuitry |
Цифровые компараторы.docx лек6 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Арифметико.docxлек 8 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Комбинационные цифровые устройства.docxлек 9 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Шифраторы.docx лек 4 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Мультиплексоры.docx лек 5 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Триггеры.docxлек 10 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Регистры.docлек 11 |
Digital Сircuitry |
СЧЕТЧИКИ.docлек12 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Запоминающие устройства.docx 13 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Аналого.docx14 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Триггеры.docxлаб 4 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 2 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 4 |
Digital Сircuitry |
D.docx лаб 7 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Микросхема арифметико.docxлаб 14 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Изучение логических операций и правил их преобразований.docx лаб 15 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 6 |
Digital Сircuitry |
JK.docx лаб 8 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Сигнализирующее устройство.docx лаб 9 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Digital Сircuitry |
лаб 12 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Задача 7 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс3 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс5 |
Digital Сircuitry |
срс6 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Виды цифровых микросхем.docx лек 3 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Internet of Things System Design |
Силлабус Проекирование |
Internet of Things System Design |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 |
Internet of Things System Design |
4 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Умный дом 2.docx5 |
Internet of Things System Design |
6 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Smart.docx7 |
Internet of Things System Design |
9 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 1 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Сем 2 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 3 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 5 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 11 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 |
Internet of Things System Design |
8 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 4 |
Internet of Things System Design |
сем 8 |
Internet of Things System Design |
8docx |
Internet of Things System Design |
СРС 1 |
Internet of Things System Design |
СРС 2 |
Internet of Things System Design |
СРС 4 |
Internet of Things System Design |
СРС 5 |
Internet of Things System Design |
Карта УМЛ |
Internet of Things System Design |
Экз вопросы |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 2 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 3 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 4 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 7 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 10 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 13 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 1 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 6 |
Internet of Things System Design |
СРС 3 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 5 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 14 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек8 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 5 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Пр 10 (1) |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 3 ЛСУ |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л15 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 2 (3) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 11 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Экзамен (3) (4) |
Digital Сircuitry |
Силлабус Схемотехника (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 6 |
Digital Сircuitry |
Силлабус Схемотехника |
Internet of Things System Design |
Силлабус Проекирование |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 2 |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 5 лсу |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 14 нлсу (2) |
Operations Research |
Лекция 14 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
11 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 12 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 2 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 9 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 7 нлсу (1) (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Зад 14 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
12 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 12 инт |
Digital Circuitry |
лаб2 |
Digital Circuitry |
Сигнализирующее устройство.docx лаб 9 |
Digital Circuitry |
лаб 5 |
Digital Circuitry |
JK.docx лаб 8 |
Digital Circuitry |
Digital Circuitry |
Digital Circuitry |
лаб 12 (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Исследование вольт.docx лаб 13 (2) |
Digital Circuitry |
Изучение логических операций и правил их преобразований.docx лаб 15 (2) |
Digital Circuitry |
лаб 3 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 1 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 2 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 4 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 5 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 6 (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 7 (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 8 |
Digital Circuitry |
задача 11 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс1 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс2 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс3 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс6 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс7 |
Digital Circuitry |
Карта УМЛ (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Силлабус Циф сзем |
Digital Circuitry |
Базовые логические элементы.docx лек 2 |
Digital Circuitry |
Цифровые компараторы.docx лек6 |
Digital Circuitry |
Арифметико.docxлек 8 |
Digital Circuitry |
лаб 6 |
Digital Circuitry |
Синхронные.docx лаб 6 |
Digital Circuitry |
Исследование принципа работы мультиплексора.docx лаб 4 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 10 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс5 |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 9 |
Digital Circuitry |
срс4 |
Digital Circuitry |
Виды цифровых микросхем.docx лек 3 |
Digital Circuitry |
лек7 |
Digital Circuitry |
Комбинационные цифровые устройства.docxлек 9 |
Digital Circuitry |
Регистры.docлек 11 (2) |
Digital Circuitry |
Digital Circuitry |
Задача 12 |
Digital Circuitry |
Digital Circuitry |
Экз вопросы |
Digital Circuitry |
ЦИФРОВЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА.docx лек 1 (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Триггеры.docxлек 10 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 1 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 2 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 3 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 4 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 5 инт |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 4 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 1 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 2 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л6 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 3 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 4 |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 4 лсу |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 8 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 10 сим |
Digital Circuitry |
Шифраторы.docx лек 4 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 6 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 7 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 8 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 9 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 12 нт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 3 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 5 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 7 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 8 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 9 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 11 |
Internet of Things System Design |
лек 12 |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л11 про |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 3 (1) |
Internet of Things System Design |
Силлабус Проекирование |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 8 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 9 инт |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 9 нлсу (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 15 нлсу (1) (1) |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 9 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 13 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лекция 1 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
СИЛЛАБУС (1).docx Схем |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 1 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 2 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 11 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 12 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 15 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 10 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 11 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 13 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 4 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 6 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 10 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
практ 14 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 5 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 13 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек 15 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 2 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 4 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Лек 7 Инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лек10 инт |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс1 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс2 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс3 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс4 |
Electronics |
Карта УМЛ (Электоника) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 1 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 2 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие 8 |
Digital Circuitry |
Аналого.docx14 (2) |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 6 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 13 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 6 ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 3 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс5 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Карта Схем |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс6 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
срс7 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Экз вопросы |
Digital Circuitry |
Лабораторная работа 1 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 15 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л15 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие11 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 11 нлсу (1) (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
12 (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
14 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л10 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб5 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 9 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 1 лсу (1) (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 12 нлсу (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 10 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 1 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 2 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 3 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 5 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 7 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 8 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 9 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 10 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 11 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
пр 12 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 4 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 5 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 6 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
лек 8 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 9 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 14 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 1 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 3 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
лек 10 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
лек 11 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 7 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек12 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лек 13 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
лек 15 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
4 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
9 (1) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
10 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
14 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 2 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 3 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 4 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Силлабус Умный дом |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Умный дом 2.docx5 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
6 (1) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
8 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 1 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 5 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 6 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 (2) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Smart.docx7 (2) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
15 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
11 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
12 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
13 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
СРС 7 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Карта УМЛ (2) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Экз вопросы (3) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 3 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л3 |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л 12 про |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 10 нлсу (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 7 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие3 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие 4 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие 9 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 1 (4) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Пр 9 (1) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 13 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 15 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 14 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Силлабус_Протоколы беспроводной связи IoT устройств_рус_23-24 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Рамка прогр ИК тестирование в системе Univer ФГ |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 2 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л8 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 4 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 6 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 13 нлсу (1) |
Digital Circuitry |
Зад 15 |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
Изучение логических операций и правил их преобразований.docx лаб 15 (2) |
Circuitry for the Internet of Things (MINOR) |
лаб 14 инт |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л13 про |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 4 нлсу (1) (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 1 Сенсор |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 2 Сенсор |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 7 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 3 Сенсор |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 4 (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л 2 Особенности нелинейных систем автоматического управления |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л3 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 12 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
8 (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
12 (2) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Силлабус Сенсорс и Актуатор |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 14 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 7 ЛСУ |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
13 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 8 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 6 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 5 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 8 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 9 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 9 нлсу (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 11 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 5 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 6 нлсу (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 13 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лек 14 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 (2) (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 (2) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
4 (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
9 (1) (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
12 (2) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
15 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Умный дом 2.docx5 (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Smart.docx7 (2) (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
8 (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
11 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
14 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
6 (1) (3) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
13 (2) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 1 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 2 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 3 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 4 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 5 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 6 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 7 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 8 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 11 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 13 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 14 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 9 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Пр 10 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
пр 12 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 2 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 3 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 4 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 5 (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 6 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
СРС 7 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие1 (1) |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 4 |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 6 |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 5 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 6 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие5 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие 6 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие 7 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие10 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 4 |
LoT Methods and Tools |
Пр 6 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Силлабус Сенсорс |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л 14 про |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс 4 н |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс 7 (3) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
14 пр |
Digital Circuitry |
Мультиплексоры.docx лек 5 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 13 нлсу (1) |
LoT Methods and Tools |
лек 2 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лабораторное занятие2 |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
10 (2) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Силлабус Сенсорс и Актуатор |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Рамка прогр ИК тестирование в системе Univer ФГ (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л15 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л1 про |
Operations Research |
Лекция 13 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 8 нлсу (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л15 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 (2) (3) (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие14 (2) |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 2 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 7 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 8 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 (2) |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 15 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 8 ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 10 ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 11 ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
срс 7 |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 4 (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 14 нлсу (2) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л11 |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Силлабус ЛСУ |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 1 лсу |
Linear Control Systems |
Пр 9 лсу |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 3 (1) (2) |
Operations Research |
Л4 |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Linear Control Systems |
Лек 9 ЛСУ |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Семинар 4 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Лекция 1 М2М |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л2 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л4 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л5 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л6 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л7 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л8 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л9 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л10 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л11 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л14 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
КартаУМО каз |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Экзамен (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л12 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Л13 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
15 пр |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Силлабуc |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Карта |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Экзамен |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 11 сим |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 3 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 8 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 3 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 6 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Экзамен (3) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л5 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л6 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л7 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л9 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л12 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л14 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л15 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 1 лсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 2 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 4 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 7 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 11 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Пр 15 нлсу (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 4 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 5 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л4 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Лекция 1 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л8 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л10 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л11 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Л13 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Силлабус Нелинейные |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л9 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л13 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 15 нлсу (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Рамка прогр ИК тестирование в системе Univer ФГ (2) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л1 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 7 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Силлабус Симуляторы HMI |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 14 нлсу (2) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 5 нлсу (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 6 нлсу (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 8 нлсу (1) (1) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс 5 н |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Силлабуc (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Силлабус Нелинейные (2) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
срс 1 НС |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
СРС 1 |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс2 м2м |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс 3 н |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
срс 6 н |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 12 нлсу (1) (1) |
Household Automation Actuators and Sensors |
Экз вопросы (3) (2) |
Linear Control Systems |
Силлабус ЛСУ |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 13 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 14 сим |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Силлабус ИО (5) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 (3) |
Operations Research |
Лекция 6 |
Operations Research |
срсп5 |
Operations Research |
срсп6 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Силлабус Нелинейные (2) (1) |
Operations Research |
Экзамен (3) (4) |
Operations Research |
Силлабус ИО |
Operations Research |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) (1) |
Process Control Engineering and the Industrial Internet of Things |
Экзамен Док |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 2 (1) (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л5 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб6 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб10 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л7 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб1 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб2 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб3 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л3 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л4 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб4 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб7 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб8 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
лаб9 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
л2 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 3 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 5 нлсу (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 13 нлсу (1) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 6 (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx3 (3) |
Operations Research |
Пр 4 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 6 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 9 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 14 лсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 5 (3) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 6 (2) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 2 (1) (1) |
Operations Research |
Лекция 2 |
Operations Research |
Лекция 3 |
Operations Research |
Лекция 4 |
Operations Research |
Лекция 5 |
Operations Research |
Лекция.7 docx |
Operations Research |
Лекция.8 docx |
Operations Research |
Лекция.12docx |
Operations Research |
Operations Research |
срсп 2 |
Operations Research |
срсп7 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л12 (1) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Экзамен (3) |
Inter-Machine Interaction M2M |
Экзамен M2M |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л 2 про |
Operations Research |
Л7 |
Operations Research |
Л8 |
Operations Research |
Пр 2 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 7 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 8 лсу |
Operations Research |
Л1 Инд 4.0 |
Operations Research |
Л2 Инд 4.0 |
Operations Research |
Л3 |
Operations Research |
Л6 |
Operations Research |
Л9 |
Operations Research |
Л10 |
Operations Research |
Л11 |
Operations Research |
Л12 |
Operations Research |
Л13 |
Operations Research |
Л14 |
Operations Research |
Л15 |
Operations Research |
Пр 1 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 3 лсу |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л5 про |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
срс 7 (4) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 5 (1) (1) |
Operations Research |
Л5 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 3 |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 7 (5) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л1 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Программа Протоколы |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Силлабус Симуляторы Tia portal |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л 2 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л3 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л 4 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л5 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л6 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек 1 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек 8 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек5 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек9 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек10 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек2 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек 3 |
Operations Research |
Пр 10 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 11 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 12 лсу |
Operations Research |
Пр 13 лсу |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л7 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л8 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
6 (1) (3) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
8 (3) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
9 (1) (3) |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л 11 |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Л14 |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л9про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л4 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л6 про |
Introduction to Blockchain Technologies |
Силлабус Блокчейн |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция.12docx |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 14 (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Силлабус Симуляторы HMI |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
лек 1 Сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Л 2 Сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 3 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 6 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
лек 4 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 5 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л7 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 1 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 2 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л5 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л6 (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
ИО Пр (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 7 нлсу (1) |
Nonlinear System of Automatic Control |
Пр 9 нлсу (1) |
Operations Research |
Пр 5 лсу |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 1 (4) (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 4 (1) (2) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л 2 про |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Экзамен Cим |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
11 (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
12 (2) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 2 (3) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 3 (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 1 НС (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 4 (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 5 (3) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 6 (2) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
срс 7 (4) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 1 лсу (1) (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 2 нлсу (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 3 нлсу (1) (1) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 12 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 8 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 9 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 15 сим |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л3 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
л 4 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Силлабус Про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л 3 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л5 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л9про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л 10 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л11 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л 12 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л13 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л4 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л6 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л7 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л8 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
л 14 про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 1 (4) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 2 (1) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 3 (1) (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx 1 (2) (3) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Лабораторная работа.docx2 (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
4 (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
14 (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Карта УМЛ (2) (3) (1) (1) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр (1) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 4 (1) (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 5 (1) (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 7 (5) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Умный дом 2.docx5 (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
6 (1) (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Smart.docx7 (2) (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Силлабус Про |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 1 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 4 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 5 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 6 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 7 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 8 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 9 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 10 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 11 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
пр 12 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 13 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 14 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 15 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
9 (1) (3) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
10 (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
11 (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
15 (1) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Пр 2 |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Силлабус_Протоколы беспроводной связи IoT устройств_рус_23-24 |
Operations Research |
Лекция 1 docx |
Operations Research |
Лекция.11docx |
Operations Research |
Лекция 15 |
Operations Research |
срсп3 |
Operations Research |
Лекция.9 docx |
Operations Research |
Лекция 10 |
Operations Research |
срсп4 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Лекция 14 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Лекция 15 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Силлабус ИО |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 3 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 15 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 1 docx (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 4 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 5 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция.7 docx |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 10 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л10 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л14 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л15 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп 2 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп6 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп7 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л1 Инд 4.0 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л2 Инд 4.0 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л5 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л7 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л8 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л9 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л11 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л12 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л13 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп3 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп4 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
срсп5 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
ИО Пр (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 2 (1) |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция.11docx |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Smart.docx7 (2) (3) (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
Умный дом 2.docx5 (3) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
10 (2) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
14 (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
15 (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 5 (1) (1) |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 3 Пользователи и злоумышленники в Интернете |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 6 docx |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 7 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 8 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 9 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 10 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Силлабус БВСиС |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 5 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 13 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Тема лекции 14. Информационная безопасность оказания онлайн услуг |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 1 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л3 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 4 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 5 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 6 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 7 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 9 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 11 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л12 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 13 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 14 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс2 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 2 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 8 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 10 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
л 15 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс 1 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс3 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс7 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция.8 docx |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция.9 docx |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Лекция 13 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л3 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л4 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Л6 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 4_IIoT |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 1-2 IIoT |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 6-7 (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 11 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 13 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 15 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие1 (3) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие2 (2) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие7 (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие9 (3) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие12 (2) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие13 (2) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие15 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 7 (5) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Силлабус IIoT |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Силлабус ИО (5) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Силлабус IIoT |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 3_IIoT |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие8 (3) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 6 (3) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 5_IIoT |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 10 (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 14 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 9 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 12 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие3 (2) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие4 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие5 (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие6 (3) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 3 (1) (2) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
СРС 4 (1) (2) |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс4 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс5 |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
срс6 |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Силлабус ИО (5) (1) (1).docx 19.10 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Силлабус Моделирование |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Силлабус БВСиС (1) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 1 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 3 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 5 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 6 |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
13 (2) |
Non-Linear Control Systems |
Силлабус Нелинейные |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лекция 8 |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Пр 10 нлсу (1) (1) |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Лекция 11- Основы обеспечения безопасности сети |
Security of Computing Systems and Networks |
Силлабус БВСиС (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Силлабус Моделирование |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
Силлабус ИО (5) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 10 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 4 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 7 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 11 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 12 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция13 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 14 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 7 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 9 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 10 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 11 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 12 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек 4 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л 1 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
лек6 |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
л 3 про |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
4 (3) |
Operations Research |
ИО Пр |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Сим Пр |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
СРС 6 (3) |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Кунелбаев М.М (2).pdf Сим |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Кунелбаев М.М.pdf Прот |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
ИО Пр (1) (1) |
Wireless Communication Protocols of IoT Devices |
13 (2) |
Wireless communication protocols of IoT Devices |
Программа Протоколы |
Simulators of Human-Machine Interaction |
Программа Симул |
Operations Research and Optimization Methods |
ИО Пр (1) (1) |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
Л 12 |
TIA Portal 1 Simulators |
л 13 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 7 (5) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 1 (4) (1) (2).docx 222 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 2 (1) (1) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 3 (1) (2) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 4 (1) (2) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 5 (1) (1) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
СРС 6 (3) (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 8 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 2 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 1 (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лекция 15 |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
ИО Пр (1) |
Modeling and Optimizing of IIoT Device Control |
Лабораторное занятие11 (4) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 13 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 14 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 15 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 2 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 5 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Лаба 6 |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |
Силлабус ИО (5) (1) (1).docx 19.10 (1) |
Microcontrollers Smart IoT Systems |