Kulniyazova Gulshat Mataevna, was born in Novoiletsk of the Orenburg region, Russia. 1971y. finished high school.1972-1973-Kindergarten teacher.1980- graduated from pediatric department of Orenburg State Medical Institute. 1980-1982-resident physician at the Orenburg Regional Children's Hospital. 1982-1990-Uralsk (Kazakhstan), 1year as a district doctor, then deputy chief physician for medical work at City Hospital #1. Within 7y-s I headed a number of medical and professional commissions. In 1991 I was elected by competition on a post as Ass. of the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Advanced Training of Doctors of Aktobe State Medical Academy. 1991-2003 - Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training (FUV). 2001 - protection by the candidate of candidate's thesis, theme: "Anatomical-physiological features and a state of health of children of school age (7-15y.) Aktobe". 2004-2006 - targeted 3 years. doctoral dissertation, Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (SCP&PS), Almaty. D. dissertation: "Connective tissue dysplastic anomalies of children heart, their evolution, substantiation of treatment and prevention" in the framework of 2 scientific research:1) "Scientific-based ways of solving the problem of reduction of disability and mortality in children with disabilities" SRSTI 76.29.47; UDC 616. After protection-work in WKMU named after M. Ospanov: Since the 2007th year- docent of chair of hospital pediatrics with ambulatory-polyclinic pediatrics, 2010-2012- Head of this chair; along with this position 2008-2011y.- Dean of pedagogical faculty. Since September 2012- Professor of the above chair. The experience on a speciality- 42years, scientific and pedagogical- 32years. I have more than 150 published works. Typographically published 8 works: manuals and guidelines in Russian and state languages. Author's certificate of RK for 4 inventions: 1.#51409,2006. "A way of medicamental correction of school desadaptation in children who are brought up in an orphanage". 2.#53318,2006 "Method for treatment of hidden DCP in children and adolescents",#53362,2006. 3."Method of cardiac arrhythmia treatment inchildren". 4.#53459, 2006 "Method of correction of energetic processes in myocardium at DST in children and teenagers". Since 2021 I have been holding a position of professor at the Department of Fundamental Medicine at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, I teach the discipline, Immunology.


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