My name is Demzhanova Gulnafis Serikovna. I was born on April 25, 1993 in the city of Kyzylorda. Graduated from school-gymnasium No. 9 in 2011. 2011-2015 Studied at ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov in Astana, faculty of natural sciences, specialty 5B060700- "Biology". Undergraduate. 2015-2017 - Master's degree in the specialty 6M060700 - "Biology" at ENU named after Gumilyov, Astana. From 2017-2018 I worked in the perinatal center No. 3 in Astana as a laboratory specialist. From 2018-2022 - teacher of biology at NIS Chemistry and Biology direction, Almaty From 2022 - to current time - a teacher of immunology in English at the Higher School of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Health at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty.
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Евразийский нац.университ |
Бакалавриат |
2015 |