Alkebaeva Dina Akbergenovna was born in the village of Karaturyk, Chilik district, Almaty region. In 1984 she graduated from the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, specializing in "Kazakh language and literature". In 1990-1993 she studied in full-time graduate school at this university. In 1993, she defended her candidate's dissertation on the topic: "Linguistic features of M. Zhumabaev's poetry" in the specialty 10.02.02 - Kazakh language. In 2006, at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Pragmatics of stylistics of the Kazakh language" in the specialty 10.02.02 - Kazakh language. By the decision of the Committee in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30 (minutes No. 5), she was awarded the academic title of professor. Number of scientific works, publications, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids: 1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 2 collections of scientific works, 9 teaching aids and more than 350 scientific articles have been published. Scientific achievements are vividly reflected in the following works: "The Language of Magzhan's Poetry", "The Poetics of Linguistics", "Stylistics and Pragmatics of the Kazakh Language", "Pragmatics of the Kazakh Language Sitillistics", "Pragmastylistics of the Kazakh Language", "Speech Culture", "Magzhan's Thinking Style", "Actual Problems of the Functional Grammar of the Kazakh Language", editor- in-chief of the scientific collection "Functional Grammar of the Kazakh Language", the main ideas of which are reflected in the teaching aid "Functional Grammar of the Kazakh Language" and the textbook "Functional Grammar of the Kazakh Language". Head of the scientific project 13 55 GK2 "Priorities of the Functional Grammar of the Kazakh Language: from Theory to Practice". Actively participates in international and republican conferences and symposia, as well as the implementation of scientific projects. She is one of the authors of the State General Compulsory Education Standard (GOSO) "Kazakh Language and Literature" and "Philology" for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under the supervision of Professor Alkebaeva D., 1 candidate of sciences, 2 PhD doctors were prepared, and she is also the supervisor of several PhD doctoral students.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1984 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
28/05/1993 |
Доктор |
28/11/2006 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
01/01/2001 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель 2012г." | 09/01/2013 |
Нагрудный знак МОН РК «Ғылымды дамытуға сіңірген еңбегі үшін» |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Tendencies of Modern Kazakh Language Development |
Қазақ тіліндегі жаңа үдерістер. УМКД |
Tendencies of Modern Kazakh Language Development |
Speech and Spiritual Ecology |
Силлабус Сөз және рухани экология |
Speech and Spiritual Ecology |
умк 2014 |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
умк 21 июнь стил. тил мадениети |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
Семинар |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
лекция |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
емтихан билет |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
карта обесп. |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
лекция |
Stylistics and Culture of Speech |
Семинар |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
прагма стилис УМК 2014 |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика лекция |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
умк стилистика 21.06 2014 |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика казахского языка Силлабус 2014 |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика СОӨЖ |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика лекция |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Қазақ тілі стилистикасы эмтихан билет |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
карта обесп. |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
умк стилистика 21.06 2014 |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика лекция |
Stylistics of Kazakh Language |
Стилистика лекция |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагма стилис УМК 2014 |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика семинар |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика сөж |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
Прагмастилистика эмтихан сурактары |
Lingvoecology |
умк лингвоэкология 2014 обнов. |
Lingvoecology |
Силлаб лингвоэкол. обнов. |
Lingvoecology |
умк лингвоэкология 2014 |
Lingvoecology |
емтихан сұрақ |
Lingvoecology |
Силлаб лингвоэкол. |
Lingvoecology |
умк лингвоэкология 2014 |
Lingvoecology |
умк лингвоэкология 2014 |
Lingvoecology |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика лекция |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика книгообеспеченность |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика семинар |
Basic Problems Pragma Stylistics |
прагмастилистика лекция |
The actual problems of Speech Studies |
умкд речеведение |
The actual problems of Speech Studies |
Силлабус |
Speech and Spiritual Ecology |
Силлаб Сөз жне рухани экология |
Speech and Spiritual Ecology |
Сөз және рух. экология семинар |
Lingvoecology |
умк лингвоэкология 2014 обнов. |
Lingvoecology |
Силлаб лингвоэкол. 2014 |
Stylistics and Standard of Speech of Modern Kazakh Language |
стилистика силлабус |
The actual problems of Speech Studies |
Сөзтанудың өзекті маселелері. обнов. |
Lingvoecology |
Карта |
Stylistics of the Kazakh Language |
СОӨЖ-ге арналған Әдістемелік нұсқаулық.жасалған |
Сөз мәдениеті
"Қазақуниверситеті" 2011 - г. ISBN 978-601-06-1731-5 196 - стр.
Қазақ тілінің прагмастилистикасы
" Қазақ университеті " 2013 - г. 272 - стр.
Мағжанның ойлау стилі
" Қазақ университеті " 2014 - г. ISBN 9786010402928 170 - стр.
Сөз мәдениеті
" Қазақ университеті " 2014 - г. ISBN 9786010617315 212 - стр.
Қазақ тілінің функционалды грамматикасы
" Қазақ университеті " 2013 - г. ISBN 9786010402003 178 - стр.
Қазақ тілінің прагмастилистикасы
" Қазақ университеті " 2014 - г. ISBN 9786010409019 245 - стр.