Main / History / Dean`s Office of the Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology / Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна

Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна

Position Зам.декана по учебной, методической и воспитательной работе, И.о. доцента
Dean`s Office of the Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology
Is hidden
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Магистратура 2010
КазНПУ им.Абая Высшее 2008
Academic degree
File name Headline Description
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
World Museums
Arts and Crafts
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Introduction to Museology
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Arts and Crafts
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
Arts and Crafts
History of World Architecture
Introduction to Ethnology
Fundamentals of Museology
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Introduction to Ethnology
Ancient and Medieval Museums
History of World Architecture
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
Fundamentals of Museology
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
World Museums
World Museums
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Arts and Crafts
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
Fundamentals of Museology
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Introduction to Ethnology
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Fundamentals of Museology
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Introduction to Museology
Arts and Crafts
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Ethnology
History of World Architecture
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
World Museums
Arts and Crafts
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
World Museums
Introduction to Museology
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
Семинар тапсырмалары
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Fundamentals of Museology
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Arts and Crafts
Introduction to Ethnology
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
History of World Architecture
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
History of World Architecture
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Introduction to Ethnology
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
Introduction to Museology
World Museums
Arts and Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Arts and Crafts
World Museums
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Ethnology
History of World Architecture
World Museums
World Museums
Arts and Crafts
Fundamentals of Museology
Introduction to Museology
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
Әдістемелік карта
Arts and Crafts
History of World Architecture
Introduction to Ethnology
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
History of World Architecture
Fundamentals of Museology
Arts and Crafts
Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection
Introduction to Museology
Introduction to Museology
Fundamentals of Museology
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Arts and Crafts
World Museums
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Introduction to Ethnology
Historical Technologies in Material Culture
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
History of World Architecture
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
History of World Architecture
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
History of World Architecture
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
Ancient and Medieval Museums
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
History of World Architecture
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
Arts and Crafts
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
History of World Architecture
Ancient and Medieval Museums
History of World Architecture
Informational Technologies in Museology and Heritage Protection
World Museums
Medieval Archeology of Kazakhstan
Scientifically-Fund Work of Museum
History of World Architecture


Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна Музейлердегі қор жұмысын жасақтау " Қазақ университеті " 2012 - г. ISBN 978-601-247-510 98 - стр.


Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна Қазақстан территориясынан табылған ерте ортағасырлардағы ат-әбзелдер (археологиялық деректер негізінде) 2013 - г. 5 - стр. 0


Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна Қазақтың дәстүрлі ою-өрнек өнері - қола дәуіріндегі қыш ыдыстар көрінісінде 2012 - г. 3 - стр. Алматы


Терекбаева Жазира Махмудовна Қазақстан территориясындағы жылқы әбзелдері (археологиялық материалдар негізінде) 2013 - г. 6 - стр. КазНУ имени аль-Фараби
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