Zhylbek Senbekuly KERIMBEK Born on January 3, 1974 in the village of Karatau, Sozak district, South Kazakhstan region. Received a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Teacher of English" at the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan (KazSUIR&WL) in Almaty. In 1998-2001, he got a job at the Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages (KazSUIR&WL) and taught in English. In 1999- 2001, he gave lectures in English to students of the Academy of Civil Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2001 to 2013, he worked as an expert editor at the national TV channel “Kazakhstan” and “Kazakh Radio”; senior editor-translator; reviewer; speaker; served as editor-in-chief. Scientific and educational articles are published in republican publications (magazines “Zhuldyz”, “Kazakh and world literature”, “Kazakhstan-Zaman”, “Zhas Kazakh” and other newspapers). In 2012-2014 he graduated from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay and received a Master of Arts degree. In 2014-2017, he completed his doctoral studies under a joint program of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art. In 2013-2015 he worked as a researcher at the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O.Auezov. In 2015-2019, he lectured as a senior lecturer at the University of Foreign Languages and Business Careers. In 2019-2020, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of International Communications at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaykhan. From 2020 to 2023, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Practical English at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Currently works as a teacher at the UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication at Kazakh National University named after Al- Farabi. Awarded the “Qurmet” diploma from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winner of the Anuarbek Baizhanbayev Prize of the Kazakh Radio. Member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Высшее |
1998 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
Methodological guidance for the implementation of the SIW task |
Infographic tools in new media |
v2014-04-05-02-bokarieva |
Creating a business plan for the project |
Karta uch met ob Sost bisn pl |
Big data in PR |
Syllabus Metadata in english |
Big data in PR |
Seminars by discipline |
Big data in PR |
Schedule for the implementation of the IWS |
Big data in PR |
Lectures Metadata in PR |
Big data in PR |
PROGRAM of final exam |
Big data in PR |
Метод.рекомендации для СРМ- |
Big data in PR |
Map of MD in PR |
Modern Press Service |
Seminars |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
Fact-cheking in the “post-truth” era |
Силлабус ҒЗӘ 2023-2024 ж |
Research workshop |
СӨЖ материалдары - Ғылыим-зертеу практикумы |
Research workshop |
Оқу-әстемелік қамтамасыз етілу картасы (1) |
Creating a business plan for the project |
СИЛЛАБУС Жобаның бизнес жоспарын құру |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Sample questions for the exam |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Семинар сабақтарының оқу материалдары |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
СӨЖ ұйымдастыру бойынша жетекшілік |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Дәрістің қысқаша мазмұны |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Қосымша материалдар |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Зертханалық жұмыс тақырыптары |
Communication components of sustainable gender equality |
Силлабус Туракты гендер__2022 -2023 ж. |
Basics of International Relations |
FIR exam questions |
Correspondent |
The map of educational and methodological provision of the discipline FC |
Correspondent |
Correspondent |
Methodical instructions for the seminarian work FC |
Academic text and writing |
Силлабус Академиялық мәтін және хат |
Academic text and writing |
Оқу-әдістемелік нұсқаулық |
Academic text and writing |
СӨЖ тақырыптары (1) |
Academic text and writing |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы баспасөз |
Academic text and writing |
Оқу-әдістемелік картасы |
Academic text and writing |
akademicheskoe-pismo-zakony-zhanra |
Academic text and writing |
Қосымша материалдар |
Correspondent |
Correspondent |
Correspondent |
Correspondent |
Schedule for submitting ISWs |
Correspondent |
UNESCO manual |
Correspondent |
Correspondent |
Working as a correspondent abroad |
Infographic tools in new media |
Силлабус Азаматтық журналистика+ |
Basics of International Relations |
Technologies of foreign print media |
Research workshop |
Силлабус. Ғылыми-зерттеу практикумы |
Силлабус |
Research workshop |
СӨЖ тапсырмаларын орындау үшін әдістемелік нұсқаулық (1) |
Academic text and writing |
Силлабус Академиялық жазу |
Assessment and measurement of public opinion |
Лекция №1 Общественное мнение |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Lectures 1-15 |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
The map of educational and methodological provision of the discipline |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Schedule for submitting AAinFM |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Seminars 1-15 |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Analytical_article_as_a_mass_media_genre_based_on_ |
Analytical Article in Foreign Media |
Methodical instructions for the seminarian work AAinFM |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Methodical instructions for the seminarian work AAinFM |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Schedule for submitting SIW |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Analytical_article_as_a_mass_media_genre_based_on_ |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
The map of educational and methodological provision of the discipline |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Lectures |
Fact-cheking in the “post-truth” era |
faktcheking-ot-termina-i-ponyatiya-k-slovoupotrebleniyu |
Research workshop |
Зертханалық материалдар |
Зертханалық жұмыстар үшін |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Types of content and infographics for social networks |
СӨЖ дайындау бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулық |
Writing informational PR-materials |
СИЛЛАБУС Ақпараттық PR-материал жазу |
Writing informational PR-materials |
СИЛЛАБУС Ақпараттық PR-материал жазу |
Writing informational PR-materials |
15 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы |
Writing informational PR-materials |
СӨЖ дайындау бойынша әдістемелік ұсыныстар |
Writing informational PR-materials |
5 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
6 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
8 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
7 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
11 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
file_1443167696_1952 (2) |
Writing informational PR-materials |
9 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
АPRМжЕмтихан сурактары |
Writing informational PR-materials |
2 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
3 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
10 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
14 Дәріс |
Modern Press Service |
Educational and methodological support card |
Modern Press Service |
Exam Preparation Questions |
Modern Press Service |
Lectures |
Academic text and writing |
Лекциялар жиынтығы 23-24 |
Creating text, audio and video content in new media |
Creating text, audio and video content in new media |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Creating text, audio and video content in new media |
Практикалық сабақтардың әдістемелік нұсқаулығы |
Creating text, audio and video content in new media |
Дәріс 1 |
Types of content and infographics for social networks |
Дәрістер мазмұны |
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарлама + |
Writing informational PR-materials |
1 Дәріс. |
Writing informational PR-materials |
Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы |
Writing informational PR-materials |
sovremennye-podhody-k-opredeleniyu-pr-teksta |
Writing informational PR-materials |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Writing informational PR-materials |
12 Дәріс |
Writing informational PR-materials |
СИЛЛАБУС Ақпараттық PR-материал жазу |
Infographic tools in new media |
ЖМИҚ sillabus |
Research workshop |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы ҒЗП |
Writing informational PR-materials |
13 дәріс |
Assessment and measurement of public opinion |
Требования к СРС_Общественное мнение_3 курс_А.А.Кудабай |
Assessment and measurement of public opinion |
Программа итогового экзамена _Общественное мнение_А.А.Кудабай |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
The program of the final exam |
Big data in PR |
Additional materials for practical and seminar classes |
Assessment and measurement of public opinion |
Силлабус_Общественное мнение_3 курс_А.А.Кудабай |
Building and maintaining of online community |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы.Онлайн |
Modern Press Service |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы. Қазіргі баспасөз қызметі |
Building and maintaining of online community |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы.Онлайн |
History of Foreign Journalism (coursework) |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы. Шетелдік журналистика тарихы |
Modern Press Service |
ҚБҚ Емтихан сұрақтары |
Modern Press Service |
СӨЖ ұйымдастыру бойынша жетекшілік |
Modern Press Service |
семинар ҚБҚ |
International Law and Mass Media Legislation of Foreign Countries |
Силлабус_Международное зак-во СМИ, 4 курс_Керимбек_2024-25 уч.год |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
Лекция №1-2 Менеджмент и маркетинг |
Modern Press Service |
Силлабус Баспасөз қызметі 2024-25 |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
Силлабус ҚЗКММ |
Management and marketing of modern communic |
Methodological guidelines for laboratory practical work |
Writing informational PR-materials |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы (АPRМЖ) |
New commercial products in PR |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы (PRЖКӨ) |
Creating text, audio and video content in new media |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы (ЖММАБКЖ) |
Types of content and infographics for social networks |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы (ӘЖКИТ) |
Infographic tools in new media |
Final exam programm(ITinNM) |
Modern Press Service |
Лекция ҚБҚ |
Inner PR |
Лекция 1 |
Regional Studies and Media |
Final exam programm(RS&M) |
Regional Studies and Media |
Силлабус Аймақтану және медиа |
Modern Press Service |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы (ҚБҚ) финал |
Inner PR |
Vnutr PR Lab Rab |
Inner PR |
Progr itiog exam Vnutr PR |
Workshop on the Production of Print Media Abroad |
Seminars |
Types of content and infographics for social networks |
Оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы |
Types of content and infographics for social networks |
Modern Press Service |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы. ҚБҚ2024 |
New commercial products in PR |
Қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы ПР ЖКӨ2024 |
Inner PR |
Vnutr PR SRS |
Assessment and measurement of public opinion |
МетодСемПрактич_Общественное мнение_3 курс_А.А.Кудабай |
Inner PR |
Vnutr PR sillabus |
New commercial products in PR |
Пәннің әдістемелік нұсқауы |
New commercial products in PR |
Емтихан бағдарламасы ПР ЖКӨ |
New commercial products in PR |
Силлабус Комм ПР 24-25 ж1 |
New commercial products in PR |
Әдістемелік нұсқау CӨЖ |