Akhmetova Laila Seisembekovna, Doctor of History, Professor. 1971 - 1976 - Kazakh State University named after C.M. Kirov (KazSU), faculty of journalism, Alma-Ata - journalist, member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, full member of the International Academy of Informatization, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, member of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1976 to the present, she has been working at al-Farabi KazNU. Reads the courses "Principles of business communication", "Marketing and management in communications", "Imageology", "PR of state structures", "Conflictology", "International conflicts: essence, content, typology, communication methods and means of their resolution", "National state priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in foreign policy and international relations in the prism of media”, etc. Chief editor and creator of the collection "PR and media in Kazakhstan. Collection of Scientific Papers” at the UNESCO Center and the UNESCO Chair in Journalism and Communication of al-Farabi KazNU, published twice a year. In September 2022, the 23rd collection of scientific papers was published. She has published more than a thousand articles, brochures, books. Author of the books “Political Science” (2006), “Measuring Democracy in Elections” (2007, co-authored), “Press Release. Press conference. Experience” (2008), “Alikhan. Ahmet. Turar” (2008, co- authored), “Furious 1941. Reflections of Historians” (2011, co-authored). In 2018 - "Looking at faces again". In 2010, 12 books were published. In 2016 - “1941. Brest Fortress. Kazakhstan". In 2020, the book "Panfilovites: Our Pride, Our Glory" was published. In 2021, the books “Zhumabay Shayakhmetov and his time” (co-authored with V.K. Grigoriev), “About those whom I remember and love” were published. In 2022 - "Military journalism of 1940- 22.06.1941: on the example of military commissar M. Daurembaev's publications." Published 2 documentaries, five social videos about Almaty (2009), co-authored videos about the worst forms of child labor (2010-2011). Public work: Member of the International Expert Council of Altaic and Turkic Studies "Great Altai", Chairman of the Committee for the Preservation of the Historical Memory of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Intern
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
1976 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Доктор |
11/06/1999 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Профессор |
19/03/2001 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Орден "Курмет" | 05/12/2011 |
Мерекелік медаль "Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл" | 10/11/2011 |
Государственный грант "Лучший преподаватель вуза" в 2010 году | 31/12/2010 |
Юбилейная медаль "10 жыл Астана" | 06/07/2008 |
Юбилейная медаль "Қазақстан Конституциясына 10 жыл" | 25/08/2005 |
Знак "Почетный работник образования Республики Казахстан" | 10/03/2004 |
Почетная грамота за значительный вклад в развитие профсоюзного движения в г.Алматы | 12/02/2004 |
Почетная грамота Алматинского союза Профсоюзов | 12/02/2004 |
Знак "За заслуги в области Образования РК" | 01/01/2003 |
Медаль "10 лет независимости Республики Казахстан" | 04/02/2002 |
Почетный знак Мин-ва культуры и обществен.согласия "Мәдениет қайраткерi" | |
Знак Детского Фонда ООН за особый вклад в улучшении положения детей и защиту их прав в РК |