After graduating from undergraduate in 2000, Omarova A.Aentered the magistracy of the faculty of chemistry of KazNU. Al-Farabi at the Department of "catalysis and colloid chemistry" and graduated in 2002. Since October 2002, Worked as a leading engineer at the Institute of organic catalysis and D. V. In 2002, she entered the Institute of organic catalysis and electrochemistry in graduate school, specialty "petrochemistry" and "catalysis". After completing a two-year postgraduate course in December 2004, he moved to the position of lead engineer. Since 2006 he worked as a small researcher in the laboratory of multifunctional catalysts. Since March 2009-senior researcher. Omarova A. A.successfully defended her thesis on specialty 02.00.15 - catalysis; 02.00.13 - petrochemistry on the topic: "Development of gasoline fractions of direct distillation by model hydrocarbons in modified zeolite-containing catalysts". In the presence of A. A., new multifunctional nanoscale catalysts were prepared in the processes of refining the gasoline fraction of oil and gas condensate and o-xylene, C6- C15-n-alkanes. Gasoline direct distillation processed efficient multifunctional catalyst PFK-2. When processing the gasoline fraction on the PFC-2 catalyst (T=3800C, V=2.0 h-1) , high-octane gasoline was obtained, the quality of which corresponds to European standards. Based on the results of the processing of the gasoline fraction at the enlarged installation, the catalyst PFK–2 was presented for pilot production tests at the Kazakh gas processing plant in Zhanaozen.


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазГУ им.аль Фараби

Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
Branch of science
Graduation Date

Academic rank

Name of academic title
Date of assignment
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Author Documents


36 по 18

