Main / Faculty of Medicine and Health / Physical education and sport / Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна

Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна

Position Профессоp
Кафедра физического воспитания и спорта
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазИФК Высшее 1980
Academic degree

Academic rank
Name of academic title Date of assignment
Доцент 01/01/2001
Профессор 01/01/2001
File name Headline Description
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Scientific Research methods
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Sport and moving games
Sport and moving games
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Scientific Research methods
Sport and moving games
Sport and moving games
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Scientific Research methods
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Academic writing
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Scientific Research methods
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Basis of professional-applied physical training
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Scientific Research methods
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Academic writing
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Basis of professional-applied physical training
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Scientific Research methods
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Academic writing
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Sport and moving games
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Scientific Research methods
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Sport and moving games
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Scientific Research methods
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Academic writing
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Scientific Research methods
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Academic writing
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Sport and moving games
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
Sport and moving games
Academic writing
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Scientific Research methods
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Academic writing
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Sport and moving games
Scientific Research methods
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Pedagogical Practice (Continuous) Coaching
Sport and moving games
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
Management of Physical Culture and Sport
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Basis of professional-applied physical training
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Scientific Research methods
Scientific Research methods
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Methodics of Physical Education and Sport
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Инструкция к экзаменам
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
National idea: development and popularization of national sports
Bases of pedagogical and sport skills in chosen type of sport
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Scientific Research methods
Bases of Pedagogical and Sport Skills in the Chosen Specialization
Sport and moving games
Sport and moving games
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture
New standards and curriculum in secondary school
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Methods of experiment planning and statistical processing in the physical culture
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English)
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Current Challenges To the System of Scientific Knowledge About the Physical Culture and Sports
Modeling of Training Process of Training Highly Skilled Athletes
History and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methods of teaching basic sports
Theory and methodology of teaching basic sports (for the school curriculum)
Academic writing
Theory and methods of children's and youth and professional sports
Theory and Methodics of Physical Culture


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Теория и методика футбола КазНУ им аль-Фараби 2019 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-3906-1 7 - стр.


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Физическое воспитание для студентов в специальной медицинской группе " Қазақ университеті " 2019 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-3908-5 3 - стр.


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Система физического воспитания учащейся молодежи в Республики Казахстан 2018 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Формирование здорового образа жизни молодежи. 2018 - г. 3 - стр. 2


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Спорт и здоровье 2018 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Management of team motivation during formation of self-organazing command 2018 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Управление процессом интеграции спортивных и оздоровительных технологий 2018 - г. 6 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Физическое воспитание студентов 2018 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Формирование ключевых компетенций у студентов медицинского факультета на занятиях по предмету "физическая культура" 2019 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Касымбекова Сауле Ильясовна Методика бега на средние дистанции 2019 - г. 4 - стр. 0
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