Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2003 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
11/04/2014 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент) |
01/01/2001 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
СИЛЛАБУС 2016-17 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Семинар тақырыптары мен Әдіс.нұсқау. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары мен Әдіс.нұсқау. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Дәріс тезистері |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Бақылау материалдары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Глоссарий |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
СИЛЛАБУС Адвокатура 2016-17 |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Семинар тапсырмалары |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Дәріс тезистері |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
КУМОД_Адвокатура_каз |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
СИЛЛАБУС 2016-17 |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Семинар тапсырмалары |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Лекции |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
экз.вопросы |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Midterm.exam сұрақтары |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Метод.указания- Семинар |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Метод.указания- СРС |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Метод.указания- Семинар |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Метод.указания- СРС |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Метод.указания- Midterm |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Дәріс тезистері |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
КУМОД_Адвокатура_каз |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Метод.реком.- Семинар |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Метод.реком.- СРС |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
учебное пособие |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
Силлабус УПП 2017 ж. |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
Метод.реком.- Семинар |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
Дәріс тезистері |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
Метод.реком.- СРС |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
экз.вопросы |
Criminal Procedural Law (The general part and special part ) |
Midterm.exam сұрақтары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Метод.указания- Семинар правоохран. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Дәріс тезистері правоохран |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
КУМОД правоохран.органы |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
МУ Midterm |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Глоссарий |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Емтихан сұрақтары 2017 |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Силлабус УПП 2017 ж. |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
МУ Семинар |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Дәріс тезистері |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
экз.вопросы |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Midterm.exam сұрақтары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
СИЛЛАБУС 17-18 |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
Силлабус Этика Юриста 2017-2018 ж. |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
МУ Семинар этика юриста |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
КУМОД этика юриста |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
Дәріс тезистері этика юриста - копия |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part) |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part) |
Семинар_тапсырм_УПП_3_каз_ерекш_б |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part) |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық — семинар |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part) |
Әдістемелік_нұсқаулық_—_Мид_Терм |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special Part) |
Әдістемелік_нұсқаулық-_СӨЖ |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
СИЛЛАБУС 17-18 Құқық қорғау |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
Силлабус Этика Юриста 2017 ж. |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
МУ Семинар этика юриста |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
Professional Ethics of Lawyer |
МУ СӨЖ этика |
Procuracy Supervision |
Силлабус Прокурорлық қадағалау 2017 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод.указания организации подгот.к СРМ и СРМП Акт пробл теории и прак |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Организация Midterm exam Акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва весна 2016-1 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
РУП Акт проб.теории и прак УП з-ва маг 1 весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 2, 3 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 4, 5 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва ( 2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 6, 7 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 8, 9 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 10, 11 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 12, 13 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 14, 15 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (2 часа) |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
вопросы для подготовки к midterm exam по Акт проблемы террии и практ УП з-ва весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Метод по промежуточному Акт проблемы теории и практ УПз-ва весна 2016-1 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Организация Midterm exam Акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
экз.вопросы Акт. пробл. теории и прак. УП з-ва маг 1 весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Глоссарий |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Метод по промежуточному Акт проблемы теории и практ УПз-ва весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод указания для вып СРМП |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод указания по подгот к семинарским занятиям Акт пробл теории и прак УП з-ва весна 2016 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Силлабус-новый |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод указания по подгот к семинарским занятиям Акт пробл теории и прак УП з-ва весна 2016-1 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Задания для СРМ и СРМП |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод указания для вып СРМП-1 |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
әдістемелік_нұсқаулар_МӨЖ |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
әдістемелік_нұсқаулар_семинар(1) |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік_нұсқаулық-_СӨЖ |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік_нұсқаулық_—_семинар |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Сот қызметін ұйымдастыру |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Сот қызметін ұйымдастыру(1) |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
әдістемелік ҚР ПРОКУРОРЛЫҚ ҚАДАҒАЛАУ семинар |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Силлабус-_Новый |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық — семинар |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық- СӨЖ |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус(11) |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Дәріс_тезистері |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Емтихан_сұрақтары |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
силлабус_прок_уйым_кызмет |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Семинар_жане_д__р¦с_сурактары_прок_уйым_кызм |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
М__Ж_тапсырмалары_прок_уйым_кызмет¦ |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Емтихан_с__ра__тары_(1) |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
КУМО_прок_уйым_кызмет¦ |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Семинар |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Лекция |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Лекция_прок_уйым_кызмет¦ |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Семинар-2 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
СРСП_(1)-2 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Лекции1 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
экз.вопросы1 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Midterm_Exam_емтихан_сурактары1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Силлабус_ПО_РО_новый-1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Семинар ПО РУС новый |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 2 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 4 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Лекция 5 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 6 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 7 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть. Лекция 7. Ведение производства (проблемная) (2часа)-2 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Глоссарий |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
методические указания по выполнению СРСП |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 8 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Вопросы по ПО |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
КУМОД_Русс_2015 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
силлабус по УПП 2015-16 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
задания для практических занятий |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Задания для СРС и СРСП |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть Лекция 2 (проблемная) (2 часа). |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП. Общая часть. Лекции 4, 5 (проблемная лекция) (4 часа).-1 |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар- Midterm |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Силлабус_ПО_РО_новый-1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Семинар ПО РУС новый |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 2 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 3 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 4 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Лекция 5 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 6 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 7 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
лекция 8 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Вопросы по ПО |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
КУМОД_Русс_2015 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
CРС и Метод.указания ПО. рус |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Вопросы по ПО для Мидтерма-1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Глоссарий ПО русс |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
силлабус по УПП 2015-16 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
задания для практических занятий |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Задания для СРС и СРСП |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть Лекция 1 (вводная) (2 часа). (1) |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть Лекция 2 (проблемная) (2 часа). |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП. Общая часть.Лекция 3 (2 часа). |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП. Общая часть. Лекции 4, 5 (проблемная лекция) (4 часа).-1 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть.Лекция 6 Реабилитация (проблемная) (2 часа). |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП Общая часть. Лекция 7. Ведение производства (проблемная) (2часа)-2 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
материалы Вопросы по контролю знаний студентов |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Карта методической обеспеченности дисциплиныfice Word |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
вопросы по УПП д.р.о для подготовки к midterm exam 2015 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Глоссарий |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
методические указания по выполнению СРСП |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Организация Midterm exam |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Силлабус |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Семинар |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Лекция |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Midterm exam |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
метод.указания организации подгот.к СРМ и СРМП Акт пробл теории и прак-1 |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
лекция 1 акт пробл теории и практ УП з-ва (1 час) |
Procuracy Supervision |
Силлабус- новый |
Procuracy Supervision |
Силлабус — Жанибеков А. |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Силлабус_адвокатура_обн |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
СОЖ_тапсырмалары_адвокатура + |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Дәріс |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
КУМОД_Адвокатура_каз |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Құқық қорғау органдары |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
ПО сем. метод. рек. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
ПО СРС метод.рек. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
ПО сем. метод. рек. |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
ПО СРС метод.рек. |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП сем. метод. рек. |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП СРС метод.рек |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Қыл.іс жүргізу құқығы Кеден ісі |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП сем. метод. рек. |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
УПП СРС метод.рек |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Сот қызметін ұйымдастыру |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Қыл.іс жүргізу құқығы (жалпы бөлім) |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
ҚР покурорлық қад.теориясы |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Қылмыстық қудалау |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулықтар |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Силлабус УПП каз Жалпы бол1м |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Семинар_Проц_______ы__ |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Карта_УПП_каз |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
СРСП (1) |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Midterm_Exam_емтихан_сурактары-1 |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Д__р¦с_УПП_каз |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Метод_указ_по_СРСП_УПП_каз |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
силлабус прок уйым кызмет |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Семинар жане д__р¦с сурактары прок уйым кызм |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
М__Ж тапсырмалары прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Лекция прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Емтихан с__ра__тары (1) |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
КУМО прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
Метод указ прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Силлабус- Новый |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Семинар сабақтары |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
МӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Дәріс тезистері |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Глоссарий |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Силлабус ПО каз |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Дәріс тезистері |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Емтихан сұрақтары-1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Midterm Емтихан сұрақтары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
бақылау материалдары |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Глоссарий |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Семинар-1 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
СРСП (1)-1 |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Лекции |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
экз.вопросы |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Семинар |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
СӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Сот билігінің мәселелері Midterm exam. |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Сот билігінің мәселелері Midterm exam. |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
ҚР прокуратура органдары Midterm exam. |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
ҚР прокуратура органдары Midterm exam. |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Сот дәлелдеу теориясы Midterm exam. |
Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Әдістемелік нұсқаулық- СӨЖ |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Midterm_exam1 |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
силлабус ҚР прок_уйым_кызмет |
Problems of the Theory and Practice of Public Prosecutor's Supervision in RK |
әдістемелік нұсқаулар МӨЖ1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Силлабус-1 |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
Midterm сұрақтары |
Problems of Improvement of Activity of Bodies of Criminal Prosecution |
Силлабус1 |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
силлабус прок уйым кызмет |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
Семинар жане д__р¦с сурактары прок уйым кызм |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
М__Ж тапсырмалары прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
Лекция прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
Емтихан с__ра__тары (1) |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Силлабус- Новый |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Семинар сабақтары |
Legal Status of the Judge |
МӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Дәріс тезистері |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Глоссарий |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Силлабус_адвокатура_обн + |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
СОЖ_тапсырмалары_адвокатура + |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
Адвокатура_лекция каз + |
Advocacy and Advocate`s Activity |
КУМОД_Адвокатура_каз + |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Силлабус- Новый |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Семинар сабақтары |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
МӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Дәріс тезистері |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Глоссарий |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
КУМО прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
автор |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
Метод указ прок уйым кызмет¦ |
Organizational and Legal Problems of Activity of Prosecution Authorities of Kazakhstan |
РУП прок уйым кызмет |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Силлабус |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Семинар |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Дәріс тезистері |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Әдебиет |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Midterm exam |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Силлабус |
Criminal Process Law |
силлабус по УПП 2014-15 |
Criminal Process Law |
Задания для СРС и СРСП |
Criminal Process Law |
вопросы по новой форме |
Criminal Process Law |
карта методической обеспеченности дисциплины |
Criminal Process Law |
вопросы по УПП д.р.о для подготовки к midterm exam 2014 |
Criminal Process Law |
методические указания по выполнению СРСП |
Criminal Process Law |
Глоссарий |
Criminal Process Law |
вопросы по УПП д.р.о для подготовки к midterm exam 2014 |
Criminal Process Law |
Раб. прог. УПП. 2013-2014 |
Judicial Law |
Problems of the Theory of Judicial Proofs |
Сот дәлелдеу теориясы Midterm exam. |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Судьяның құқықтық мәртебесі Midterm exam. |
Legal Status of the Judge |
Судьяның құқықтық мәртебесі Midterm exam. |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Қіж заңнамасының теориясы Midterm exam. |
Actual Problems of the Theory and Practice of Criminal-Procedure Legislation of the RK |
Қіж заңнамасының теориясы Midterm exam. |
Judicial Law |
Judicial Law |
Дәріс тезистері |
Judicial Law |
Глоссарий |
Judicial Law |
Семинар сабақтары |
Judicial Law |
Силлабус- Новый |
Law Enforcement Bodies |
CРС и Метод.указания ПО. рус |
Criminal Process Law |
Силлабус ҚІЖқ |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Силлабус УПП каз Жалпы бол1м |
Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part) |
Семинар_Проц_______ы__ |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Силлабус-_Новый |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
Семинар_сабақтары |
Organization of Judicial Activity |
МӨЖ_тапсырмалары |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Семинар |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
МӨЖ тапсырмалары |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Дәріс тезистері |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Problems of Judicial Authority |
Алимкулов Е.Т., Джансараева Р.Е., Нұрмағанбет Е.Т., Баяндина М.О., Мухамадиева Г.Н.
2. Қазақстан Республикасындағы адвокатура: оқу-әдістемелік құрал/ құраст. Мұхамадиева Г.Н. Әлімқұлов Е.Т.,Баяндина М.О., Нұрмағамбет Е.Т., Жанибеков А.К.; жалп. Басқ.ред Джансараева Р.Е.-Өнд. Толық.2 бас.-Алматы, Қазақ университеті, 2016-103б.
"Қазақ университеті" 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1620-8 6 - стр.
Таубаев Б.Р.
Қазақстан Республикасындағы пенитенциарлық қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз ету мәселелері
" Қазақ университеті " 2015 - г. ISBN 5-89123-106-9 165 - стр.
" Қазақ университеті " 2015 - г. ISBN 980-604-04-0870-8 124 - стр.
Сотқа дейінгі тергеп-тексеру барысында дәлелдемелерді бағалаудың теориялық және тәжірибелік мәселелері
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2643-6 141 - стр.
Кусаинов Д.О., Жетписбаев Б.А.
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2600-9 206 - стр.