Moldabekova Maira Sametovna graduated Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov in 1968; faculty - physical; specialty - physics, molecular physics; qualification - a physicist, a teacher of physics. ACADEMIC CAREER: Defense of the Candidate's dissertation: 1977, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty is 01.04.14 – Thermophysics; thesis topic is “Investigation of the interdiffusion coefficient of some gases at low temperatures near the saturation line". Academic rank of Associate Professor: 1985, HCC of the USSR. Defense of the doctoral dissertation: 2002, doctor of pedagogical sciences, specialty is 13.00.08 – theory and methodology of vocational education; the theme of the dissertation is “Fundamentalism of university education in the preparation of the future teacher”. Academic rank of Professor: 2006, CCSES RK. RESEARCH WORK: 1 Investigation of diffusion in gas mixtures subject to various thermodynamic parameters and other conditions; 2 Research of theory and methodology of physics teaching and vocational education. PUBLICATIONS: more than 180 (189) including the monograph “Fundamentalization of the preparation of the teacher of physics as the basis of professional activity. Systemic-synergetic approach. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2000. – 201 p."; textbook in the co-authorship “Молекулалық физика: Оқулық. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2006. - 246 б.”; dictionary "Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionary. Physics and astronomy / under the general ed. of M.B. Kasymbekova, scientific leader of the project is A.K. Kusainov. / - Almaty: KAZakparat, 2014. - 388 p.”, as well as 9 teaching aids in Kazakh and Russian languages including “Thermodynamics of irreversible processes: Teaching aid. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2004. - 102 p." and “Қайтымсыз процестер термодинамикасы. Оқу құралы.- Алматы: Қазақ университеті, - 2009. - 118 б.200 Молдабекова М.С., Асембаева М.К., Мукамеденкызы В., Федоренко О.В. Заттардың жылуфизикалық қасиеттерінің теориялық негіздері. –Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2019.-188 б.,199 Асембаева М.К., Молдабекова М.С. Диффузиялық араласудағы механикалық тепе-теңдіктің орнықсыздығын балласты газдар әдісімен зерттеу; монография.- Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2018.-198 б. ”
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Name of the scientific degree |
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Graduation Date |
Доктор |
23/12/2002 |
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Профессор |
21/04/2006 |