Main / of Physics and Technology / Thermal physics and technical physics / Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович

Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович

Position Доцент
Кафедра теплофизики и технической физики
Scopus author ID: 57213887316
       He was born in 1947, in 1968 he graduated from KazHTI with a degree in A and KMKhTP, in 1973 from 15.02.73 to 15.06.73 he studied at the FPK MAI, where he attended lectures in many disciplines and completed his thesis on the topic “Questions construction of special optoelectronic devices ". In the same 1973, he entered the postgraduate department of the Department No. 301 "Automatic control systems of aircraft" (the cycle "Amplifying-converting devices of control systems of aircraft") MAI, which he graduated in 1976 with the dissertation to defend. He defended his thesis for the degree of Ph.D. under the topic "Improving the radiation resistance of silicon transistors and transistor circuits by technological irradiation and circuitry compensation" in the specialty 05.27.01 - Solid-state electronics and microelectronics, diploma number ТН №122866. In 1988 he was elected through the VOIR delegate of the VII Congress of inventors and rationalizers, which was held in Moscow. In 1994, he received the diploma of associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a degree in Electronics. In February 1995, he was invited to work at the NCRES of the RK in Almaty as the head of the R & D department. In the period from March 1995 to December 1996, in parallel, he worked at 0.5 rates of associate professor at the Electronics Department of KazNTU. From September 1996 to August 2014, he worked at JSC AGA as academic secretary of JSC AGA, head of the department of Avionics, where he received approximately 47 patents and about 15 articles by activity profile. In recent years, Altai Alisherovich works at the KazNU at the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics. During his work at KazNU, Altai Alsherovich read lectures on a wide range of disciplines, published about 30 scientific papers, of which13 articles were KKSON, 2 article with impact factor, 13 patents, and approximately 2 positive conclusions on issuing a patent. Total publications 164. At the International Conferences “The World of Al-Farabi” students and undergraduates A. Tuyakbayeva occupy top places, how well they have reported their material and received patents - these are undergraduates Bolyskhan B., Zhumagulova J., Kortkbaeva N. Altai Alisherovich has the authority of a competent specialist who has knowledge of new technologies in heat and power engineering, electronics, measuring equipment, automation, waste management, etc. Alt
File name Headline Description
Calculation and ensuring the thermal regimej of devices and equipment
Calculation and ensuring the thermal regimej of devices and equipment
Automation of Мeasurements and Мeasurement
Operational Reliability and Safety of Thermal Processing Systems
Operational Reliability and Safety of Thermal Processing Systems
Calculation and ensuring the thermal regimej of devices and equipment
Scientific and Technical Problems of heat power enginering and heat technologies
Calculation and ensuring the thermal regimej of devices and equipment


Туякбаев Альтай АльшеровичАлдиярова А.Н., Максимов В.Ю., Шортанбаева Ж.К., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Болегенова С.А., Бекетаева М.Т., Габитова З.Х., Ергалиева А.Б. 2016 - г. 11 - стр. 0


Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович БКЗ 420 жану қазандығында шаңкөмірлі отынды жағу процесстерін paraview сандық модельдеу. Журнал проблем эволюции открытых систем. Алматы, 2016.- Том 1, Вып.18. – с.55-60. 2016 - г. 6 - стр. 1


Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович Компьютерное моделирование процессов дисперсии и горения жидких топлив при высокой турбулентности. Вестинк КазНУ серия физическая. Алматы Қазақ университеті. - 2016. №1 (56) - С.28-35. 2016 - г. 8 - стр. 1


Туякбаев Альтай АльшеровичШортанбаева Ж.К., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Березовская И.Э., Болегенова С.А., Зульбухарова Э.М., Максимов В.Ю., Оспанова Ш.С., Нұғыманова А.О., Бердіхан Қ.., Максутханова А.М. Investigation of various types of liquid fuel atomization and combustion processes at high turbulence 2018 - г. 10 - стр. 11


Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович Гидрогель: универсальный материал будущего, подготовка, характеристика и применение 2019 - г. 5 - стр. 0




Туякбаев Альтай Альшерович Шортанбаева Ж.К., Болегенова С.А., Аскарова А.С., Болегенова С.А., Оспанова Ш.С. Сұйық отын ағынын ауа-жару тозаңдауын статистикалық модельдеу үшін RANS қосымшалары 2011 - г. 9 - стр. Болгария. Бургас. Солнецный берег
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