Publication list 1Creation national picture of the world in literary texts translation Publishing House “Bulletin-Izvestia "Abylai Khan Kazhf and ATU Seri" Philological Sciences” 3 (38),2015. 136- 141bb. - 2 Creating a national picture of the world when translating English literature into Kazakh printed journal " Methods of teaching a Foreign Language”,№2 (64),2015 34-36bb. 3 Methods of using proverbs in English lessons, materials of the international scientific and practical conference “socio-economic,political development and role of independent Kazakhstan in the world community” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty,December 7, 2016 pp. 382-385. 4 The use of innovative technologies in foreign language learning, 70th scientific and Practical Conference of students,undergraduates,Phd students and young scientists“Youth and science :present and future”, pp. 150-151. Asemkhan A. A. 5b010700” - Fine Arts " - 1st year student 5 Literary translation and its significance, XI international scientific and practical conference “effective tools of modern science – 2017”, Czech Republic,Prague, pp. 9-11. 6 Androcentrism in languages: basic concepts and research Publishing House “Science and life of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2020 1, No. 6, pp. 120-128. 7 Literary Translation and its features publishing materials of the international scientific and educational-methodical conference "Philology, linguodidactics and Translation Studies: actual problems and development trends". - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020. 8 Feminist linguistics in the context of Kazakh language publishing WORLD WOMEN CONFERENCE- II Baku Girls University , February 11-12, 2021 Baku, Azerbaijan, Volume 2, 965-968pp. 9 Androcentrism as a new phenomenon in linguistics publishing house ISARC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN STUDIES CONGRESS 08-09 March 2021, Ankara 52p. 10 Stereotypes about men in modern Kazakh society (based on social and survey work) publishing kaznu Bulletin magazine, Philology series. No2 (182).2021, pp. 74-85.


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