Name/ФИО Berkimbaeva S. Kenzhebekovna Personal info/Контакты(имейл) saule- berkimbaeva Education/Образование Higher education 1.Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, English teacher, 1986-1991. and methodology of vocational education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (defended in 2010), 2002-2005. Degree, academic title /Степень, звание candidate of sciences in pedagogics Work Experience/Опыт работы 33 years Research Publications/Научные публикации 96 articles. ( Scopus 4) 1. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay. Series "Philological Sciences" No. 3 Almaty, 2020 Formation of a model for constructing an academic text in scientific research. ISSN 2073-333X KKSON 2020 2. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences- No/VOL: 09.-India. ISSN: 0975-8585 Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters)), Web of Science - March-April 2018 P. 80-82 3. . Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences/ Italy. ISSN 2039-2117(online) ISSN 2039-9340(PRINT) Vol 6 №3 S1 May 2015 P. 253- 258 SCOPUS 4. . [Impact Factor 0.35] “The Unity of Science”, February 2016, Direction 2: “Psychological sciences” Vienna, Austria 2016. International scientific periodical journal.УДК 81 . P. 193-195 SCOPUS 0,4 5. Linguodidactics as a methodological foundation of foreign language teaching Philadelphia, USA 2016. International scientific journal. Theoretical and applied science (Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)), [Impact Factor 6.630] P.-76-79. ISSN 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN 2409-0085№29/2019 VOL.1 ISSN 3124-1123 6. Slovenska cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia International scientific journal№3 2019 VOL. 3№3 2019 ISSN 3547-23 7. Linguistic image of the Kazakh worldview in the national ornament E- ISSN: 2346-075X Innovaciencia 2022; 10(1); 1-8 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 0aa3-433f-a57e-4d717ca538ae-6b338019/relevance/1 8. Foundations of the theory of the studied (English) language. Educational manual in English, Almaty 2022.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Высшее |
1991 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
25/06/2010 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Foreign Language |
hand out22-3L 2 |
Foreign Language |
hand out 25-3L |
Foreign Language |
Foreign Language |
practical course 2024 |
Foreign Language |
hand out 7-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 8-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 22-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 23-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 16-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 17-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 8-4L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 7-4L (1) |
Foreign Language |
hand out 11-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 10-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 24-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 25-2L |
Foreign Language |
HAND OUT 26th 2 level |
Foreign Language |
hand out 27-2L (1) |
Foreign Language |
3 level-1 |
Foreign Language |
hand out 19-2L (3) |
Foreign Language |
hand out 9-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 10-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 11-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 12-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 9-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 10-2L |
Foreign Language |
Lesson 1Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Foreign Language |
hand out 20-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 21-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 17-3L |
Foreign Language |
Карта учебно-метод обесп |
Foreign Language |
1 вопрос (1) |
Foreign Language |
2 вопрос (1) |
Foreign Language |
hand out 3-2L (1) |
Foreign Language |
Hand out 4-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 5-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 6-2L (2) |
Foreign Language |
hand out 13-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 14-2L (2) |
Foreign Language |
hand out (5)2 3L (1) |
Foreign Language |
Hand out 3 3L |
Foreign Language |
Annotation-Foreign language |
Foreign Language |
метод.рекомендации к лабораторной работе (1) |
Foreign Language |
Lesson 2Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Foreign Language |
СРСП по дисц Иностранный язык (проф) |
Foreign Language |
hand out 3-2L (1) |
Foreign Language |
Hand out 4-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 5-2L |
Foreign Language |
hand out 6-2L (2) |
Foreign Language |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля Иностранный язык |
Foreign Language |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля иностранный язык 1 |
Foreign Language |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms ин.яз (1) |
Foreign Language |
Экзаменационные вопросы |
Foreign Language |
syllabus |
Foreign Language |
syllabus -International Journalism (6B03202) |
Foreign Language |
hand out (5)2 3L (1) |
Foreign Language |
Hand out 3 3L |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
доп материалы отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
доп материалы отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
syllabus -Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
силлабус отия (1) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
силлабус отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
методич.рекоменд. отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
методич.рекоменд. отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
LIW 7 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории вопр семинара |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
задания отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
office hours 9-отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
seminar 3 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
LIW-6 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия вопросы 4 лек |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
office hours 10-отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
seminar 5-отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории вопр семинара |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
вопросы лек2 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
LIW 8 -отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории срс задании |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
СРС заданий ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия вопросы 4 лек |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
seminar 3 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
Lecture 14 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
seminar 5-отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории срс задании |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 7 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 12 ОТИЯ (2) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 12 ОТИЯ (3) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия лек.11 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 13 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 9 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекц3 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 6 отия (1) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 4 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
Лекция 10 ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 11 ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 12 ОТИЯ (4) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 13 ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 14 ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 15 ОТИЯ |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 5 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия лек.15 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия лек.11 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
ЛЕКЦИЯ 12 ОТИЯ (2) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 13 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
Lecture 14 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция2 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
лекция 8 отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
отия лек.11 |
lecture 11 |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
кумод отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
кумод отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
правила провед экз |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
силлабус нов.отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
силлабус нов.отия |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории экз вопр |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
основы теории экз вопр |
History of Language |
History of language |
History of Language |
syllabus history of english |
History of Language |
LIW-7history |
History of Language |
seminar 3 history of english |
History of Language |
office hours 9-отия |
History of Language |
LIW-6 отия |
History of Language |
seminar 4-history of Eng |
History of Language |
office hours 10-history |
History of Language |
seminar 1 history of english |
History of Language |
seminar 5-history |
History of Language |
seminar 11-history of language |
History of Language |
questions 2 history of english |
History of Language |
seminar 3 history of english |
History of Language |
seminar 3 history of english |
History of Language |
seminar 4-history of Eng |
History of Language |
seminar 5-history |
History of Language |
lecture 7-history |
History of Language |
3-Lecture History of language |
History of Language |
lecture 12 history |
History of Language |
Lecture № 9-history |
History of Language |
lecture 6-history |
History of Language |
lecture 4-history of Eng |
History of Language |
Lecture 10-history |
History of Language |
Lecture 1History of English |
History of Language |
Lecture13 history |
History of Language |
Lecture14 history |
History of Language |
Lecture History of language-5 |
History of Language |
Lecture 11 history of language |
History of Language |
lecture 2 |
History of Language |
lecture 8-history |
History of Language |
методич.рекоменд. ист.языка |
History of Language |
Экз.вопросы ист языка |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 2 Kaz |
Make a presentation on the theme |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 2 Kaz |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Doc |
Vocabulary |
Foreign Language (professional) |
syllabus foreign languages |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Syllabus Forign language (prof - Kl&L) (3) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
syllabus Prof.English-Kazakh language and literature (7M01701) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Syllabus__Foreign Language (professional) journalizm 2022-2023new |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Отсканированный документ 4 (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Отсканированный документ 6 (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Doc |
Syllabus |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 1 kaznu |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 3-eng |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 3-eng |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 1- Philology |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 2- Philology |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 14-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 7-4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 8-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 10 -4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 12 -4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 7-4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 8-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 10 -4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 4-каз |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 23-3L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 27-3L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 28-3L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 7-4L K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 8-4L K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 11-4L K&L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 13-4L (4) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 12 -4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 9 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 9 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26 foriegn |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26 foriegn |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 2 Kaz |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 7-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Hand-out-17-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 18-4L (4) (4) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 3 K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 4 K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 5-K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Hand-out 6 K$&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Hand-out 6 казну |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 25-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 25-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 26-4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 25-4L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 1 Казну |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 3-eng |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 3-eng |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 8 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 8 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
СРСП по дисц Иностранный язык (проф) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
СРСП по дисц Иностранный язык (проф) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 4-kaznu |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 9 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 26-foriegn |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 9 |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 26-foriegn |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 1 K |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 2 Kaz |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 7-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Doc |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW26-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 6-foriegn |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 25-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 25-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
lecture 5-Foreign philology |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 5-K&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Hand-out 6 K$&L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 21-3L (1) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Syllabus Forign language (prof - Kl&L) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms ин.яз |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 22-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 22-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
HO 27 3L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 24-4L |
Foreign Language (professional) |
LIW 2 Kaz |
Make a presentation on the theme |
Foreign Language (professional) |
hand out 18-4L (4) |
Foreign Language (professional) |
Hand-out 6 казну |
Stylistics |
Stylistics 1 lecture |
Stylistics |
stylistic seminar |
Stylistics |
стилистика cеминар вопросы |
Stylistics |
Berkimbayeva S. - Stylistics |
Stylistics |
Berkimbayeva S. - Stylistics |
Stylistics |
методич.рекоменд. стилистика docx |
Stylistics |
методич.рекоменд. стилистика docx |
Stylistics |
seminar 2 stylistics |
Stylistics |
Stylistics seminar 1 |
Stylistics |
Seminar task 6-stylistyc |
Stylistics |
seminar 3-stylistics |
Stylistics |
seminar 4-stylistics |
Stylistics |
задания семинара стилистика |
Stylistics |
стилистика cеминар вопросы |
Stylistics |
Stylistic seminar 11 |
Stylistics |
Stylistics seminar 1 |
Stylistics |
seminar 3-stylistics |
Stylistics |
seminar 4-stylistics |
Stylistics |
задания СРС cтилистика |
Stylistics |
стилистика cрсп вопросы |
Stylistics |
Stylistics 1 lecture |
Stylistics |
lecture 2 Stylistic |
Stylistics |
6-lecture Stories (text) for stylistic analysis |
Stylistics |
Lecture 3-Stylistics |
Stylistics |
lecture 4-Stylistic-The case for the defence |
Stylistics |
lecture Stylistic BSK |
Stylistics |
lecture Stylistic BSK |
Stylistics |
KУМО стилистика |
Stylistics |
KУМО стилистика |
Stylistics |
стилистика экз вопросы |
Stylistics |
стилистика экз вопросы |
Interpretation Practice |
!!! Translation Techniquies |
Interpretation Practice |
!!! Translation Techniquies |
Interpretation Practice |
syllabus «Practice of Oral Translation» |
Interpretation Practice |
syllabus «Practice of Oral Translation» |
Interpretation Practice |
Syllabus «Practice of Oral Translation»(5B020700) |
Interpretation Practice |
!!! Practice exercises for SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING |
Interpretation Practice |
Карта учеб-метод обесп - практика уст перевода |
Interpretation Practice |
Семинар - Практика устного перевода |
Interpretation Practice |
Семинар - Практика устного перевода |
Interpretation Practice |
Seminar 1 Practice of Oral Translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Seminar 2 Practice of Oral Translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Seminar 3 Practice of Oral Translation |
Interpretation Practice |
!!! Practice exercises for SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING |
Interpretation Practice |
Семинар - Практика устного перевода |
Interpretation Practice |
Translaion Tecniques |
Interpretation Practice |
lecture 12 oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 4 -oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 5-oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Translaion Tecniques |
Interpretation Practice |
lecture 14-15 oral translation.docx.doc |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 10-practice in oral speech |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 11-practice in oral speech |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 7-Oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 8-Oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 6-oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
Lecture 9-oral translation |
Interpretation Practice |
!!! Translation Techniquies |
Interpretation Practice |
Translaion Tecniques |
Interpretation Practice |
Карта учеб-метод обесп - практика уст перевода |
Interpretation Practice |
Экз.вопросы Foreign philology |
Interpretation Practice |
syllabus «Practice of Oral Translation» |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
доп.мат -foriegn philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
доп.мат -foriegn philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Syllabus«Modern methods of teaching literature» |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
seminar 4 Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 2 Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 3-Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 4-Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
lecture 5-Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
lecture 5-modern methods of Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
5-Lecture modern methods of Foreign philology. |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 1-Mordern methods of teaching |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 3-Foreign philology |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 6-mordern methods |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 7-mordern methods |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 9-mordern methods |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Lecture 10-mordern methods |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Modern methods of teaching literature |
Modern Methods of Teaching Literature |
Syllabus«Modern methods of teaching literature» |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
методич.рекоменд. стилистика docx |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
стилистика cеминар вопросы |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
задания семинара стилистика |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
liw 14 |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
стилистика cрсп вопросы |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
задания СРС cтилистика |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
lecture Stylistic BSK |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
stylistic seminar |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
КУМО Стилистика |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
стилистика экз вопросы |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
стилистика экз вопросы |
Text Stylistics and Translation |
Berkimbayeva S. - Stylistics |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
стилистика cрсп вопросы |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
задания семинара стилистика |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
KУМО стилистика |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
Berkimbayeva S. - Stylistics |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
методич.рекоменд. стилистика docx |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
задания СРС cтилистика |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
lecture Stylistic BSK |
Stylistics and Text Analysis |
стилистика экз вопросы |
Basic Foreign Languages |
Basic Foreign Languages |
Basic Foreign Languages |
Syllabus Forеign language (Basic) |
Basic Foreign Languages |
методич.рекоменд. basic |
Basic Foreign Languages |
Hand outs Berkimbayeva S.K 2020 KAZNU |
Basic Foreign Languages |
hand out 14 kaznu |
Basic Foreign Languages |
hand outs.Berkimbayeva S.Kdocx |
Basic Foreign Languages |
LIW Task Berkimbayeva S.K KAZNU |
Basic Foreign Languages |
LIW Task Berkimbayeva S.K KAZNU |
Basic Foreign Languages |
LIW 16 |
Basic Foreign Languages |
hand out 14 |
Basic Foreign Languages |
мат.срс |
Basic Foreign Languages |
кумод basic |
Basic Foreign Languages |
1-блок экз.вопр КАЗНУ |
Basic Foreign Languages |
1-блок экз.вопр КАЗНУ |
Basic Foreign Languages |
2-блок Экз вопросы |
Basic Foreign Languages |
3-блок Экз вопросы |
Basic Foreign Languages |
экз.билеты - копия |
Basic Foreign Languages |
силлабус отия |
Basic Foreign Languages |
основы теории вопр семинара |
Basic Foreign Languages |
Hand outs Berkimbayeva S.K 2020 KAZNU |
Basic Foreign Languages |
отия лек.11 |
Basic Foreign Languages |
основы теории экз вопр |
Academic writing |
Дополн. материалы - Academic writing |
Academic writing |
Дополн. материалы - (1)academic writing |
Academic writing |
SYLLABUS 2022-2023 Academic Writting Translation (Western Languages) |
Academic writing |
метод.реком по english writing |
Academic writing |
Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины academic writing |
Academic writing |
СРС academic writing |
Academic writing |
MACMILLANAcad.Writing |
Academic writing |
Учебно-методическое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины academic writing |
Academic writing |
Экз вопросы - Academic writing |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
доп.материалы |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
Syllabus Foreign language (prof ) |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
методич.рекоменд. проф |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
Hand outs Berkimbayeva S.K 2020 KAZNU |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
hand out 14 kaznu |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
hand outs.Berkimbayeva S.Kdocx |
handouts |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
LIW Task Berkimbayeva S.K KAZNU |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
LIW 16 |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
hand out 14 |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
мат.срс |
срс |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
кумод prof |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
1-блок экз.вопр КАЗНУ |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
2-блок Экз вопросы |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
3-блок Экз вопросы |
Specialized Professional Foreign Language |
экз.билеты - копия |
билеты |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
доп.мат -innovation (2) |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
доп.мат -innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
syllabus Innovative methods of information processing in philology (7) |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Annotation- Innovative methods of information processing in philology |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar (2) |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
LIW1-Innovative methods |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
LIW2-innovative methods |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture Innovation-7 |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
make a report on the theme |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
seminar 6-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
office hours 10-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar 4 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar 3-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
LIW1-Innovative methods |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
LIW2-innovative methods |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar 4 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Seminar 3-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 1-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 1-1Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 2Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 3 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 4 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 5 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture 5-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 1 innovative methods |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 2-Innovative |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture 7- innovation methods of Foreign philology |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 4-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 5-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 6-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture Innovation-7 |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 12 Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture 14-15 to the Innovative methods of information processing in philolo lecture |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture 14-15 to the Innovative methods of information processing in philolo lecture |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 2 |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
lecture 3-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 10-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 8-innovation (7) |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 1 innovative |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 6-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 10-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 4-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 10-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 3-Innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Modern methods of teaching literature |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 11 innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
кумо-innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Экз.вопросы innovation |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
syllabus Innovative methods of information processing in philology |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
syllabus Innovative methods of information processing in philology |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
Lecture 1History of English |
Innovation Methods of Information Processing in Philology |
seminar 1 history of english |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 7 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 10 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 13 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
МУ к практическим семинарским англ (1) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Программа 1 рубежного контроля |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Аннотация Stylistics ant Interpretation of text |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Syllabus. Stylistcs and Interpretation of text 2022-2023 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Аннотация Stylistics ant Interpretation of text |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
метод.рекомендации к лабораторной работе (2) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
МУ к практическим семинарским англ (1) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Руководство по организации СРС 2022-23 Stylistic Inter |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 13 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 14 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 15 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 3 stylistic |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lectures 4-5 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 6 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 7 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 8 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 9 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 10 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 11 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 13 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 14 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 15 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 3 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lectures 4-5 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 6 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 1 Stylistic |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 2The main notions of stylistics |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lectures 4-5Stylistic and interpretation |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 6 Stylistic and interpretation (2) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 7 Stylistic and interpretation (1) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 7 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 8 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 9 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 10 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lectures 4-5 Stylistic |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 11 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 12 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 2The main notions of stylistics |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Lecture 1 (3) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности (1) |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Программа итогового контроля по Стилистике |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Syllabus. Stylistcs and Interpretation of text 2021-2022 |
Stylistics and interpretation of Text |
Syllabus. Stylistcs and Interpretation of text |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Lectures.on.Le_icology2 |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Lectures History & Lexicology 2022-23 |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Lecture 1 лексикология |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины лингвокультурология |
Lexicology and history of target language |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля лексикологии и истории языка |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Syllabus__Lexicology and history of target language 2022-2023 |
Lexicology and history of target language |
Семинар 1-Вопросы для самоконтроля |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Additional material |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Additional task |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Syllabus- Translation in management and marketing sphere 2022-2023 new |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Отсканированный документ 25 (1) |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Семинарские и практические задания |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Guidelines for the Organization of the SSW |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
лекции Translation in management and marketing sphere2022-23 |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
corballis_t_jennings_w_english_for_management_studies_in_hig — копия |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Translation in management and marketing sphere |
ПРОГРАММА ИТОГОВОГО ЭКЗАМЕНА по дисциплине Translation in management and marketing sphere |
Theory of Intercultural communication in the professional sphere |
Intercul comm syllabus 22-23 final |
Academic reading |
SYLLABUS 2022-2023 Academic Reading. Translation (Western Languages) |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
Отсканированный документ 5 (1) |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
доп.мат -синх перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
доп.мат -синх перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
syllabus Modern trends in translation studies |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
силлабус для синхрон.перевод. |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
office hours 7-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
seminar 8-translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW1 |
questions |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW 2 |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW 9-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Seminar Tasks 6-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
seminar 3 -перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
office hours 10-translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
seminar 4 соврем перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Seminar 11 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW 5-translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW 8-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW1 |
individual work |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
seminar 3 -перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
seminar 4 соврем перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
LIW 5-translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
lecture 5-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
lecture 5-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
lecture 7-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
lecture 8-translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 1master |
lecture |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 2 master |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 9 translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
lecture 6-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 3-перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 10-translater |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 12 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 13 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 14 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 14 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 4-соврем перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Lecture 11 translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
кумо-синх перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Экз.вопросы син.перевод |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms translator |
Modern Directions in Translation Studies |
office hours 10-translator |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
доп мат-научный.docx 1 |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Аннотация« Organization and planning of scientific research on interpretation techniques » |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Syllabus.« Organization and planning of scientific research on interpretation techniques » |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
метод.рекомендации к лабораторной работе (2) |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Руководство по организации СРС Science Organization and planning of scientific research on interpretation techniques » |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 2 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 4 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 5Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 6 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 1 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 2 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 3 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 4 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 7 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 1 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture research |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 5 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 6 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 8 Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 9Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Lecture 10-Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности Science |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Программа итогового экзамена по дисциплине«Организация и планирование научных исследований по технике устного перевода» |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Syllabus.« Organization and planning of scientific research on interpretation techniques » |
Organizing and Planning Research on the Technique of Interpreting |
Программа итогового контроля по Science |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
!!! Translation Techniquies Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Syllabus__Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews 2022-2023new |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
метод.рекомендации к лабораторной работе Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Семинар - Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews Синхронный перевод (западные языки) (7M02316) |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
СРСП - Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
!!! Translation Techniquies Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
!!! Interpretation TechniquesInterpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Карта учеб-метод обесп - Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Interpretation of International Negotiations and Interviews |
Программа итогового контроля по |
Theory and Fundamentals of intercultural communication |
Syllabus__Theory and Fundamentals of intercultural communication 2022-2023new |
Theory and Fundamentals of intercultural communication |
Отсканированный документ 26 (1) |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Аннотация - Медиалингвистика |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Syllabus. Medialinguistics and Foreign Language 2022-2023 |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
МУ к практическим семинарским Medialinguistics and Foreign Language |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Руководство по организации СРС 2022-23 Медиалингвистика |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 12 -medialingv |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 13 -medialingv |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 14 -medialingv |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
What is Media Linguistics |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 1 Medialingua |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 1 Medialingustic |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Lecture 2 Medialingua |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Media linguistics 2 lecture |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности Medialinguistics and Foreign Language |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms Medialinguistics and Foreign Language |
Medialinguistics and foreign language |
Силлабус - Медиалингвистика и ин.язык |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
доп мат-научный |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
syllabus « Methodological and technical requirements for scientific work » |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
office hours 7-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
office hours 8-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW 1 Science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW2-science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
office hours 9-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Seminar Tasks 6-reseacher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
seminar 2-научный |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
office hours 10-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
lecture 4-science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Seminar 11 researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW 5-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW 8-resarcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW 1 Science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW2-science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
seminar 2-научный |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Seminar 4-Science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
LIW 5-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
lecture 7-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
8-Lecture researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture1 Science (1) |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 2 Science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 9 researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
lecture 6- reseacher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 2-научный |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
lecture 10-researsher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 12 researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 13 researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 14 researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
lecture 4-science |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 11 researsher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Lecture 5-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
кумо-researcher |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
экз.вопросы-научный |
Methodical and technical requirements for scientific work |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms reseacher |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Annotation Linguocultural basics of translation (1) |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 10-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Syllabus. Linguocultural basics of translation (2) |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
МУ к практическим семинарским Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Учебные материалы к практическим семинарски.Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Ind work-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 12 -lingvocult |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 13 -lingvocult-1 |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 14 -lingvocult-1 |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 1-Linguocultural basics of translation. |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 2-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 7-Linguocultural basics of translation 2 |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 5-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 1-Linguocultural basics of translation. |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 2-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 3-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 4-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 5-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 6-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 7-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 8-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 9-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 10-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 11-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Lecture 11-Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
карта учебно-метод обеспеченности Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
Итоговый экзамен программа terms Linguocultural basics of translation |
Linguocultural basics of translation |
доп.материалы Лингвокульторология |
Literature of the target language country and translation |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля Литература страны изучаемого языка и перевод |
Literature of the target language country and translation |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля лексикологии и истории языка |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Translaion Tecniques (2) |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Syllabus-« Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization » |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
!!! Practice exercises for SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING (1) |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 5-Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 1 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 2 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 3 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 1 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 2 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Seminar 3 Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
СРСП - Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 3 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 1 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 2 -2Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 4 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 11- Pragmatics in oral translation |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 12 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 13 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 14-15 -Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 6-oral translation |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 7-Oral translation |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 8-Oral translation |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
benefits of reading-oral translation 6 |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 7-Oral translation.2 |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Lecture 8-Oral translation.2 |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Карта учеб-метод обесп - Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization(1) |
Pragmatics of Interpretation and Commercialization |
Экз.вопросы Foreign philology |
Practical course of a Foreign language |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля Практический курс иностранного языка |
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Language |
2024-2025 прог.итог. контроля лексикологии и истории языка |
Actual Problems of Anglistics (XX-XXI cc.) |
Syllabus PhD Actual Problems of Anglistics 2024-2025 |
Actual Problems of Anglistics (XX-XXI cc.) |
Actual Problems of Anglistics (XX-XXI cc.) |
Actual Problems of Anglistics (XX-XXI cc.) |
Lectures 1-15 (1) |
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy 2015 - г. 9 - стр.
International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science 2016 - г. 9 - стр.
НАУКА И ЖИЗНЬ КАЗАХСТАНА 2018 - г. ISBN issn 2073-333x 9 - стр.
" Қазақ университеті " 2021 - г. 76 - стр.