Chekina Elena Bronislavovna was born in Alma-Ata, Russian, higher education. In 1980 she graduated with honors from the Philological Faculty of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, specializing in "Russian Language and Literature" and received the qualification of "Philologist. Teacher of Russian Language and Literature". From 1980 to 1995 she worked at universities in Almaty as a teacher of Russian as a second and as a foreign language. Since 1995, she began working at KazSU as a senior lecturer in the Russian Language Department of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens, and since November 1998 - senior lecturer in the Russian Language Department, and since 2011 - in the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature. Scientific and pedagogical experience - 44 years, including 30 years at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Research interests - methods of teaching Russian language to national and foreign audiences. Regularly takes part in international and republican scientific and practical conferences. Has more than 60 scientific papers, including methodological manuals (20), 2 electronic textbooks and publications in editions on the lists of KKSON and Scopus. Teaches disciplines: "Professionally oriented Russian language", "Russian language", "Speech culture and language communication". 2016-2017 academic year worked in the American program "Flagman" at KazNU. Publications of recent years:2017 1. Chekina E.B., Sansyzbaeva S.K., Abaeva Zh.S. Professionally oriented Russian language: Textbook for students majoring in philology. – Almaty: “Kazak University”. – 2017. – 272 p. – 17.0 pp. ISBN 978-601-04-2540-8 2020 1. Chekina E.B., Kapasova D.A. Russian language: Textbook for students majoring in economics. – Almaty: “Kazak University”. – 2020. – 163 p. – 10.25 pp. ISBN 978-601-247-884-6 2021 1. Chekina E.B., Vishnyakova S.A., Kapasova D.A. Russian language: Textbook (Scientific style of speech). – Almaty: “Cossack University”. – 2021. – 215 p. – 13.5 p.l. ISBN 978-601- 04-5610-5


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