Kakisheva Nurzada Tursumbekovna was born in Almaty July 13, 1961. From 1968 to 1978 she studied at secondary school No. 8. In 1978 she entered the Philological Faculty of the Kirov State University, and graduated in 1983 with honors, qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1983-1985 he was a research intern at the Academy of Sciences KazSSR in the department of Kazakh literature, 1985-1988. postgraduate student of KazPI named after Abai, Department of Kazakh literatures. Career Kakisheva N.T.: From 1988 to 1995. teacher at Kazgoszhenpi. Since 1995 – 2000. senior lecturer at KazGUA. From 2000-2008 , senior lecturer at the Department of Russian Language at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2008 to 2011, Senior lecturer at the Department of Russian and World Literature , Faculty of Philology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Russian Russian and World Literature Department has been renamed the Department of Russian Philology, Russian and World Literature since 2011. In 2010, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The Poetics of D.Snegin's prose”. Scientific and pedagogical experience - 25 years. General experience – 30 years old. The number of publications is about 60. For 8 years from 2003 to 2011, she was the chairman of the Trade union Committee of the Faculty of Philology, was awarded the jubilee medal for the 75th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Actively participates in the life of the faculty, annually stands for phil.He participated in the sports contest of the Faculty of KazNU as part of the table tennis and volleyball teams. Nurzada Tursumbekovna is an advisor of the group of specialty "Russian language and literature". She is married and has two children.


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Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

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