Born in Ukraine 21.03.1954 in Uzhgorod. In 1971-1976 - a student of the philological faculty of KazSU, which she graduated with honors. In 1976-1981 - an intern-researcher at the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of KazSU, a postgraduate student (defended her dissertation in 1983). After being assigned to Karaganda State University - senior lecturer, associate professor, academic secretary of the Council of Karaganda State University. In 1995, after passing the competition and to the present day, I have been an associate professor of the department. Since 1995 - academy of the Academy of Humanitarian Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author of 4 monographs (in co-authorship), 3 textbooks, more than 150 articles in near and far abroad, including in highly rated journals. She was a participant in 2 scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2014), (2014-2016). Prepared a PhD (2019), 28 masters. Research interests - the image of the author in a fiction text, mythopoetics of Russian and Kazakh literature, the genre system of Russian literature abroad.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
27/07/1983 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Доцент |
17/04/1990 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
The discourse of the literature of the Russian abroad |
Мет рек-и для практических/сем/лаб. занятий |
The discourse of the literature of the Russian abroad |
Задания и рек- и,график и мет указания к СРМ Худ дискурсЛРЗ |
The discourse of the literature of the Russian abroad |
ДОП_МАТ-Л по дисциплине ХУД.ДИСКУРС ЛРЗ |
The discourse of the literature of the Russian abroad |
MID_T_по дисциплине Худ_Дискурс ЛРЗ |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Сарсекеева_SYLLABUS_Рус лит критика |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Рек-и к к сем- пр-лаб занятиям по РЛК |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Russian Literary Criticism |
КАРТА УЧ-МЕТ_ОБЕСП_Рус лит критика |
Russian Literary Criticism |
ДОП МАТ-Л по дисциплине РУС_ЛИТ КРИТИКА |
Russian Literary Criticism |
ДОП МАТ-Л по Символ.критике |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Вопросы к итоговому экзамену по дисц. Рус лит.критика |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Типовая пр-ма по дисциплине Рус лит критика |
Interdisciplinary research in Literary Studies |
Рук-во по орг-и СРС (задания, график, методические указания к ним) |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Творчество И.Гончарова |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Ф. М. Достоевский |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Лесков Н. С. Творческий путь |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Пьеса Островского «Гроза» |
Презентация |
Interdisciplinary research in Literary Studies |
Доп.Учебные мат-лы к пр/сем/лаб занятиям МЕЖДИСЦ ИССЛ-Я В ЛИТВ |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Тургенев презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин Творческий путь |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Итоговый экзамен по ИРЛ 19 ВЕКА (2) |
Interdisciplinary research in Literary Studies |
History of Russian Literary Criticism |
Добролюбов-Критическая деятельноость |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Анализ Коментариев Г.Адамовича |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Любовные повести Тургенева |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Тургенев Творческий путь |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Тургенев Творческий путь |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Любовные повести Тургенева |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Силлабус Рус лит -ра 19 ВЕКА (II пол) 2020-2021 |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Творчество Н.Лескова |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Лесков Анализ повести "Леди Макбет Мценского уезда" |
Презентация |
History of Russian Literary Criticism |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Пьеса Островского «Гроза» |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Творчество И.Гончарова |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Ф. М. Достоевский: проблемы изучения тв-ва писателя |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
HAND OUTS_ДОП.М-Л Тестовые вопросы по РЛ 19 (2) |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Лесков Леди Макбет(1) |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Бунин презентация |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Бунин и Мережковский |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Творчество Н.А. Тэффи |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Проза И Бунина в вузе |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Б К Зайцев: изучение тв-ва в вузе |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Б.Зайцев |
History of Russian Literary Criticism |
История Рус лит критики _Программа экзамена |
History of Russian Literary Criticism |
Добролюбов и его роль в русской литературной критике |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
И.Бунин и И.Шмелев-_Ср.-соп.х-ка |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XX Century |
Афганская тема в рус лит 20 в (2) |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XX Century |
«Калина Красная» (В.М. Шукшин) |
Повести В.Шукшина |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XX Century |
Вампилов |
Специфика драм-и А.Вампилова |
The discourse of the literature of the Russian abroad |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XX Century |
Военная проза С.АЛЕКСИЕВИЧ |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Лесков Леди Макбет |
Презентация |
Russian Literary Criticism |
Пр-ма итог. ЭКЗ Рус лит критика 2021-2022 |
ПРОГРАММА итогового экзамена по Русской литературной критике |
Russian literature abroad at a University |
Б.Поплавский |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XX Century |
Доктор Живаго |
Специфика прозы Б.Пастернака |
History of Russian Literature of the Second Half of the XIX Century |
Н.Лесков.повести |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Ф. М. Достоевский |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Творчество И.Гончарова |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Лесков Н. С.(1) |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II floor.) |
Тв-во Тургенева: проблемы изучения |
Презентация |
Russian Literature of the XIX Century (II Helf) |
Любовные повести Тургенева |
History of Russian Literary Criticism |
Лит критика Н.Новикова |
Джолдасбекова Б.У.
Қазақ университетi 2012 - г. 26 - стр.
"Қазак университеті" 2013 - г. 310 - стр.
Абаева Ж.С.
Олимпиада «Әл-Фараби» арналған тест тапсырмаларының жинағы
"Қазақ университеті" 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1890-5 150 - стр.
Баянбаева Ж.А., Джолдасбекова Б.У., Жаксылыков А.Ж.
Эстетическая многоплановость гуманитарного дискурса литературы Казахстана периода Независимости
" Қазақ университеті " 2016 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2078-6 280 - стр.
Абаева Ж.С.
Сборник тестовых заданий по республиканской олимпиаде "аль-Фараби"
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1757-1 9 - стр.
Русский язык / литература // Сборник тестовых заданий по олимпиаде аль-Фараби 2017. -160 с.- С.34-43.
"Қазақ университеті" 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-1757-1 7 - стр.
Касымова Р.Т.
Освоение лексики в ситуации двуязычия
Wydawnictwo Uczelni Lingwistyczno-Technicznej w Świeciu 2018 - г. ISBN : 978-83-933823- 1 - стр.
Абаева Ж.С.
Cборник тестовых заданий по республиканской олимпиаде аль-Фараби
" Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. 0 - стр.