Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Каспийский обществ. ун. |
Бакалавриат |
2008 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
11/01/2018 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Political Modernization |
Силлабус Саяси модернизация 2017(1) |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Саяси технологиялар |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Саяси технологиялар |
Political Technologies |
SILLABUS Political Technologies |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Саяси технологиялар |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Политические технологии - семинары |
Political Technologies |
Саяси технологиялар - семинар |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Political Technologies |
«Саяси технологиялар» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Political Technologies |
«Саяси технологиялар» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
Political Conflict Studies |
Силлабус Политич.конфликтология (3)(2)(1) |
Political Conflict Studies |
саяси конфликтология 2018 |
Political Conflict Studies |
Политическая конфликтология рус отд 2018 |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Новый силлабус |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Силлабус Политическая ииджелогия |
Political imageology |
Политическая имиджеология - семинары |
Political imageology |
Экзаменационные вопросы полит.имидж |
Political Culture and Ideologies |
саяси мадениет семинар |
Political Culture and Ideologies |
Карта учебно-м.об. Саяси М |
Political Culture and Ideologies |
сил.саяси м. и идеол. новый |
Political Managment |
Силлабус Политический менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Задания для СРСП и СРС - политический менедж. |
Political Managment |
Политическии менедж. - семинары |
Public Relations in Politics |
Силлабус Связь с общественностью в сфере политики |
Public Relations in Politics |
Связи с общ. - семинары |
Political Communication |
Силлабус Политические коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Пол. ком. - семинары |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Силлабус Теоретическая и прикладная политология. |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
ТИПП - семинары |
International Negotiation Techniques |
EMCD Technologies of international negotiations |
International Negotiation Techniques |
ПОӘК Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиялары |
International Negotiation Techniques |
УМКД Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы - семинар |
International Negotiation Techniques |
«Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы» пәнін оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету картасы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
SILLABUS Technologies of international negotiations |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Технологии международных переговоров |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Силлабус Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы |
International Negotiation Techniques |
СӨЖ және СОӨЖ тапсырмалары |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Дәрістер |
International Negotiation Techniques |
«Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы» пәні бойынша аралық емтиханға арналған сұрақтар |
International Negotiation Techniques |
«Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
International Negotiation Techniques |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Технологии международных переговоров» |
International Negotiation Techniques |
«Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
International Negotiation Techniques |
«Халықаралық келіссөздер технологиясы» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
EMCD Technologies for the adoption and implementation of political decisions |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
ПОӘК Саяси шешімдерді қабылдау және енгізу технологиялары |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
УМКД Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Семинары по предмету т.п.п.р. |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Книгообеспечнность по дисциплине полит. техн. |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
SILLABUS Technologies for the adoption and implementation of political decisions |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Саяси шешімдерді қабылдау және енгізу технологиялары |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
SILLABUS Technologies for the adoption and implementation of political decisions |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Саяси шешімдерді қабылдау және енгізу технологиялары |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
SILLABUS Technologies for the adoption and implementation of political decisions |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений(1) |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Силлабус Технологии принятия и реализации политических решений |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
задания для СРСП и СРС-1 |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
лекция 1,2 Shabrova_Political-Decisions-1 |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Экзаменационные вопросы т.п.п.р |
Political Decision-making and Implementation |
Экзаменационные вопросы т.п.п.р |
The Institutions of Civil Society in Kazakhstan |
Силлабус Илеуова_институты гражданского общества_2018 |
Politics and the U.S. Administration (in English) |
Syllabus Politics and Administration of the USA |
Politics and the U.S. Administration (in English) |
Politics and Administration of the USA семинары |
Political Science |
Politics ( ) |
Political Science |
politics-ideologies |
Political Science |
Pjatychorsky_A_What_is_political_phylosophy |
Political Science |
politicheskye ideologii |
Political Science |
ponyatie-i-tipologiya-politicheskih-rezhimov (1)-1 |
Political Science |
stanovlenie politologii |
Political Science |
Основы социологии и политологии,Косов,2010 |
Political Science |
ЭССЕ Пособие ТЮНИН А.И. - копия-converted (1) |
Political Science |
8. Государственное управление.Учебник. 2010.Т.1(1) |
Political Science |
politologiya_a.s._turgaev_a.e._hrenov |
Political Science |
М. Вебер. Политика как призвание и профессия. (2) (2) |
Political Science |
Силлабус |
Political Science |
СИЛЛАБУС_политология 2021-2022 |
Political Science |
СИЛЛАБУС_политология 2020-2021 |
Political Science |
Political Science |
Задания для семинарских занятий |
Political Science |
Семинары метод рекомендации |
Political Science |
СРС 1 методические рекомендации для студентов |
Political Science |
СРС 2 методические рекомендации для студентов |
Political Science |
СРС 3 методические рекомендации для студентов |
Political Science |
Лекция 3 |
Political Science |
Democracy |
Political Science |
Лекция 1 |
Political Science |
Лекция 2 |
Political Science |
Лекции 3-5 |
Political Science |
Lecture 1 |
Political Science |
Lecture 2 |
Political Science |
Political modernization of the society |
Political Science |
Лекция 6-8 |
Political Science |
Лекции 9-10 |
Political Science |
Вводная лекция ознакомление с содержанием, целями и задачами, структурой курса |
Political Science |
Лекция 2 |
Political Science |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности |
Political Science |
Tests РК3 |
Political Science |
Exam questions for the discipline political science |
Political Science |
программа экзаменов_весна_2021-2022 уч.год-1 |
Political Science |
Political Science |
Syllabus 1 year |
Political Science |
Political Science |
Syllabus 1 year |
Political Science |
СИЛЛАБУС_политология 2021-2022 |
Political Science |
СИЛЛАБУС_политология 2020-2021 |
Political Science |
Силлабус ТИПП |
Political Science |
Syllabus |
Political Science |
Syllabus лето |
Political Science |
Political Science - seminar |
Political Science |
Political Science - seminar |
Political Science |
Семинары по предмету ТИПП |
Scientific Writing |
SW |
Scientific Writing |
Scientific writing 2024 |
Scientific Writing |
Akademtext_YArskaya_Smirnova |
Scientific Writing |
Академическое письмо. От исследования к тексту |
Scientific Writing |
методические рекомендации сем.занятий |
Scientific Writing |
методические рекомендации по СРСП |
Scientific Writing |
Лекция 5 |
Scientific Writing |
Лекция 6 |
Scientific Writing |
Лекция 2 |
Scientific Writing |
Лекция 4 |
Scientific Writing |
Программа экзамена |
Scientific Writing |
Comparative Political Research |
1644_Burhanov, Bogomyakov - Vlast, politika, gosudarstvo - Uch. posobie - 2014 |
Comparative Political Research |
Силлабус 2023-2024 |
Comparative Political Research |
Задания к семинарским занятиям |
Comparative Political Research |
Задания к семинарским занятиям |
Comparative Political Research |
СРС-1 Кросснациональное сравнение |
Comparative Political Research |
Краткое содержание лекций Сравнительная политология |
Comparative Political Research |
Книгообеспечнность по дисциплине |
Comparative Political Research |
Программа итогового экзамена Сравнительная политология |
Political Technologies |
Соловьев |
Political Technologies |
Задания для СРСП и СРС - политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
УМКД Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Карта учебно-Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Карта учебно-Саяси технологиялар |
Political Technologies |
Силлабус Политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Политические технологии - семинары |
Political Technologies |
Саяси технологиялар - семинар |
Political Technologies |
Задания для СРСП и СРС - политические технологии |
Political Technologies |
Лекции |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к Midterm экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Political Technologies |
«Саяси технологиялар» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
Political Technologies |
«Саяси технологиялар» пәні бойынша емтихан сұрақтары |
Political Technologies |
Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Политические технологии» |
Complex Examination |
Программа КЭ Политология КазНУ и НИИ выпуск 2018 рус. яз_ |
Complex Examination |
Программа КЭ Политология КазНУ и НИИ выпуск 2018 рус. яз_[1] |
Political systems and regimes |
Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism |
Political systems and regimes |
2017 Handbook on Theories of Governance - Talesh Chapter |
Political systems and regimes |
architecture-of-modern-political-power |
Political systems and regimes |
Ideas_-Political-Power_-and-Public-Policy |
Political systems and regimes |
Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism |
Political systems and regimes |
Syllabus political systems for 2024-2025 academic year |
Political systems and regimes |
Tasks for the IWS |
Political systems and regimes |
Political systems and regimes |
Political systems and regimes |
Political systems and regimes |
Political systems and regimes |
Tasks for the IWS |
Political systems and regimes |
Lectures 1-15 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 4 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 5 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 6 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 12 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 13 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 2 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 14 |
Political systems and regimes |
Lecture 11 |
Political systems and regimes |
Книгообеспечнность по дисциплине |
Political systems and regimes |
Political systems and regimes |
Syllabus political systems for 2023-2024 academic year |
Political Conflict Studies |
Political Conflict Studies |
handbook-of-conflict-resolution |
Political Conflict Studies |
Peace and conflict analysis |
Political Conflict Studies |
unsc-conflict-management-handbook |
Political Conflict Studies |
11. Negotiations and Resolving Conflicts An Overview Autor E. Wertheim |
Political Conflict Studies |
12. Negotiation Theory and Practice Autor Tanya Alfredson and Azeta Cungu |
Political Conflict Studies |
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution_ Theory and Practice ( PDFDrive ) |
Political Conflict Studies |
handbook-of-peace-and-conflict-studies |
Political Conflict Studies |
Syllabus Political Conflict |
Political Conflict Studies |
Methodological recommendations seminars |
Political Conflict Studies |
Methodological recommendations ISW |
Political Conflict Studies |
Lecture 1 |
Political Conflict Studies |
Lecture 2 |
Political Conflict Studies |
Lecture 3 |
Political Conflict Studies |
Lecture 4 |
Political Conflict Studies |
Political Conflict Studies |
East in World Politics |
Asia Pacific in World Politics |
East in World Politics |
Восток в период колониализма (2) |
East in World Politics |
13-urazaeva япония |
East in World Politics |
World_Order |
East in World Politics |
new syllabus EWP |
East in World Politics |
Requirements to seminars |
East in World Politics |
Requirements to SSIW |
East in World Politics |
Asia Pacific in World Politics |
East in World Politics |
Карта книгообеспеченности дисциплины |
East in World Politics |
SYLLABUS East in World Politics 2021-2022 |
East in World Politics |
East in World Politics |
Requirements to seminars |
Political Science |
ВАСИЛИК М.А., Вершинин М.С. - Политология. Хрестоматия (2) (3) (1) |
Political Science |
Syllabus |
Political Science |
Seminar lessons |
Political Science |
Political Science |
3 |
Political Science |
Tests РК3 |
Political Science |
Exam questions for the discipline political science |
Political imageology |
Шепель Имиджелогия |
Political imageology |
Osnovy_imidzhelogii-1 |
Political imageology |
primageup |
Political imageology |
Беляева, М. А, Самкова, В. А. |
Political imageology |
vasileva_vn_zhigunova_gv_red_imidzh_politika_problemy_formir |
Political imageology |
Имидж Беларуси становление состояние продвижение |
Political imageology |
Саяси имиджелогия оқу құралы by Акболат Д.Е. ( |
Political imageology |
Имидж-технологиясы-1 |
Political imageology |
33587029.a4 |
Political imageology |
Политическая имиджелогия |
Political imageology |
imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Политическая имиджеология - семинары |
Political imageology |
СРС полит имидж |
Political imageology |
СӨЖ саяси имидж |
Political imageology |
Лекция 8 Саяси имидждің ерекшеліктері |
Political imageology |
Лекция 9 Имиджді модельдеу |
Political imageology |
Лекция 13 Саяси партияның имиджі |
Political imageology |
Лекция 12 Саяси көшбасшының имиджі |
Political imageology |
Лекция 4 Имиджмейкинг ұғымы және түрлері |
Political imageology |
Лекция 5 Имиджды құру құралдары мен механизмдері |
Political imageology |
Лекция 1 Имидж тарихи-мәдени феномен ретінде |
Political imageology |
Лекция 6 Саяси имиджелогия |
Political imageology |
Лекция 7 Саясаттағы имидж иллюзия мен шынайылық |
Political imageology |
Лекции имиджелогия КазНУ |
Political imageology |
Лекция 3 Адам имиджі жетекші түрлері мен элементтері |
Political imageology |
Лекция 11 Саяси биліктің имиджі |
Political imageology |
Лекция 10 Саяси имиджді қалыптастырудағы БАҚ-тың рөлі |
Political imageology |
Лекция 2 Имиджелогияның пəні мен міндеттері |
Political imageology |
Учебно-методическая карта ПИ |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Экзаменационные вопросы |
Political imageology |
емтихан |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Political imageology |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Госслужба |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Национальный доклад о состоянии государственной службы в Республике Казахстан |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Литература |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Силлабус Государственная служба РК |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Литература |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Конспект лекции 1 |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Конспект лекции 2 |
Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Емтихан |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
Введение в политическую науку_Гаджиев К.С_Учебник_1999 -544с |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
Введение в политологию_Пугачев В.П, Соловьев А.И |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
ТПД силлабус 2021рус.(1) |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
Сем. әдістемелер. |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
лекции ТД |
Theory and Practice of Democracy |
карта обесп. |
Political Communication |
силлабус Политические коммуникации(2)(1) |
Political Communication |
Силлабус Политические коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Семинар полит.коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Семинар полит.коммуникации |
Political Communication |
СРСП полит.коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Конспект лекций ) (1) |
Political Communication |
Учебно-методическая карта ПКc (1) |
Political Communication |
Политическая коммуникация |
Political Communication |
Экзам.вопроосы |
Political Communication |
Учебно-методическая карта ПКc (1) |
Political Managment |
Пушкарева |
Political Managment |
Политический менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Политический менеджмент. Семенов |
Political Managment |
учебник-gr-и-лоббизм |
Political Managment |
Political Managment |
RoutledgeHandbooks-9780203892138-chapter3 |
Political Managment |
Principles_and_functions_of_political_management |
Political Managment |
RoutledgeHandbooks-9780203892138-chapter3 |
Political Managment |
Political Managment |
СИЛЛАБУС ПМ 2022-23 |
Political Managment |
Литература ПМ |
Political Managment |
Семинары по полит менедж |
Political Managment |
СРС по полит менедж |
Political Managment |
Лекция 4 |
Political Managment |
Лекция 1 |
Political Managment |
Лекция 2 |
Political Managment |
Лекция 3 |
Political Managment |
Лекция 5 |
Political Managment |
Лекция 6 |
Political Managment |
Ссылки на видеолекции по дисциплине ПК |
Political Managment |
Карта учебно-ПМ |
Political Managment |
Программа экзамена по ПМ 3 курс |
Political Managment |
Программа экзамена по ПМ 4 курс |
Political Managment |
Программа экзамена по ПМ 3 курс |
Political Managment |
Силлабус политич.менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Силлабус саяси менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Силлабус политич.менеджмент(2017-2018 уч.г) (2) |
Political Managment |
Силлабус политич.менеджмент(2017-2018 уч.г) (2) |
Political Managment |
Political Managment |
Силлабус политич.менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Political Managment |
Силлабус политич.менеджмент |
Political Managment |
Семинары по предмету ПМ |
Political Managment |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political Managment |
Полит менедж - экзамен |
Political Managment |
Полит менедж - экзамен |
Political Managment |
Саяси менедж - емтихан |
Political Managment |
Саяси менедж - экзамен |
Political Managment |
Полит менедж - экзамен |
Political Managment |
Полит менедж - экзамен |
Public Relations in Politics |
Силлабус СО |
Public Relations in Politics |
Новый силлабус |
Public Relations in Politics |
Задания для семинарских занятий |
Political Communication |
Соловьев |
Political Communication |
Швидунова А. СМИ как субъект политического процесса и инструмент политических технологий |
Political Communication |
Современная политическая коммуникация |
Political Communication |
РК СМИ и политика |
Political Communication |
Syllabus саяси ком |
Political Communication |
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған силлабусты СК |
Political Communication |
ПК силлабуса на 2023-2024 учебный год |
Political Communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political Communication |
ПЗ Саяси ком |
Political Communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political Communication |
СӨЖ саяси ком |
Political Communication |
СРС полит ком |
Political Communication |
Лекция 3 Модели политической коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Технологические аспекты «бархатных» революций.pptx |
Political Communication |
Сущность политической коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Лекция СМК |
Political Communication |
Лекция 4 Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары қазіргі қоғамдағы байланыстың негізгі каналы ретінде |
Political Communication |
Лекция 5 Ресми емес байланыс |
Political Communication |
Лекция 6 Сайлау науқанын жоспарлау және жүргізу |
Political Communication |
Лекция 7 Government Relations каз |
Political Communication |
Лекция Понятие и формы коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Лекция Коммуникация түсінігі және формалары |
Political Communication |
Саяси коммуникацияның мәні |
Political Communication |
Сущность политической коммуникации |
Political Communication |
Учебно-методическая карта ПК |
Political Communication |
Программа экзамена по ПК 3 курс |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Программа экзамена по ПК 3 курс |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
ПЗ Саяси ком |
Political Communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political Communication |
ПЗ Саяси ком |
Political Communication |
СЗ Полит ком |
Political Communication |
Программа экзамена по ИиТПМ |
Political Communication |
Political Communication |
Программа экзамена по ПК 3 курс |
Public Security |
Атаманчук - Теория государственного управления, 1997 |
Public Security |
Технологии управления в информационных войнах |
Public Security |
Силлабус Общественная безопасность (2 курс, магистратура) |
Public Security |
Силлабус Қоғамдық қауіпсіздік. Алияров Е.К. |
Public Security |
Семинар тапсырмалары |
Public Security |
МӨЖ ұйымдастыру жөніндегі басшылық |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
ВАСИЛИК М.А., Вершинин М.С. - Политология. Хрестоматия (2) (3) (1) |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
М. Вебер. Политика как призвание и профессия. (2) (2) |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Силлабус ТИПП |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Syllabus |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Силлабус ТИПП лето |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Литература ТИПП |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Семинары по предмету ТИПП |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Лекции ТИПП |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Карта учебно-ТИПП |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Экзам.вопр. Теор. и прикладная политология |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Exam questions for the discipline Theoretical and applied political science |
Theoretical and Applied Political Science |
Экзам.вопр. Теор. и прикладная политология |
Public Administration |
8. Государственное управление.Учебник. 2010.Т.1 |
Public Administration |
Glazunova |
Public Administration |
8 |
Public Administration |
admin_pravo_rk |
Public Administration |
3775_abdildina_z._a_sistema_gosudarstvennogo_planirovaniya_v_respublike_kazahstan |
Public Administration |
Семинарские занятия по дисциплине ГУ (1)-1 |
Public Administration |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины doc |
Public Administration |
Силлабус ГУ |
Public Administration |
Силлабус ГУ |
Public Administration |
Силлабус ГУ |
Public Administration |
Задания СРМ.- ГУdoc |
Public Administration |
СРС 5 |
Public Administration |
лекции ГУ |
Public Administration |
МТ по ГУ |
Public Administration |
экз вопросы ГУ |
Public Administration |
Саяси менедж - емтихан |
Public Administration |
PU - exam |
Public Administration |
экз вопросы ГУ |
Public Administration |
PU - exam |
Public Administration |
экз вопросы ГУ |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Bolgova-24 |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Bystrenko-Valentina-Ivanovna |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Семинарское занятие ППССНГ |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Книгообеспеченность ППССНГ |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Политика и политические системы СНГ (силлабус) |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Литература |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Политика и политические системы СНГ СРС |
Politics and Political Systems of the Countries of the CIS |
Лекции ППССНГ |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Andrew-Heywood-Global-Politics (kopio) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
global_rost |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
globalizaciya_book_editv |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Andrew-Heywood-Global-Politics (kopio)(1) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
[Barry_Gills,_William_R._Thompson]_Globalization_a(BookFi) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
силлабус Глобализация |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Topics of seminars |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 6 Managing Peace and Security |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 10 International security and global governance |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 7 Access to Energy and raw materials |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 8 Global governance |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Основные проекты и модели глобального развития |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Int_monetary_systems |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 14 Defining the Anti-Globalization Movement |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Modern Kazakhstan in Global World After Independence |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 9 Global care and the welfare stat |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 2 Global order and global disorder |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 1 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 11 Globalization and Sustainable Development A Conceptual Model |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 12The Globalization of Migration |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
2018 Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины Глоб разв. doc |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Экзаменнационные вопросы Globalization 2019 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Программа экзамена по глобализации |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
UMKD Globalization 2018 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
силлабус Глобализация |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Topics of seminars |
Political Image-making |
Политическая имиджелогия |
Political Image-making |
Политическая имиджелогия |
Political Image-making |
Имидж-технологиясы-1 |
Political Image-making |
Political Image-making |
Political Image-making |
Political Image-making |
Политическая имиджеология - семинары |
Political Image-making |
СӨЖ саяси имидж |
Political Image-making |
СРС полит имидж |
Political Image-making |
ПИ Лекция 3 |
Political Image-making |
ПИ Лекция 4 |
Political Image-making |
Лекции имиджелогия КазНУ |
Political Image-making |
Лекция 1 Имидж тарихи-мәдени феномен ретінде |
Political Image-making |
Лекция 2 Имиджелогияның пəні мен міндеттері |
Political Image-making |
Лекция 3 Адам имиджі жетекші түрлері мен элементтері |
Political Image-making |
Лекция 4 Имиджмейкинг ұғымы және түрлері |
Political Image-making |
Лекция 5 Имиджды құру құралдары мен механизмдері |
Political Image-making |
ПИ Лекция 5 |
Political Image-making |
литература |
Political Image-making |
Political Image-making |
Программа экзамена по ПИ 3 курс |
Political Image-making |
Political Image-making |
Программа экзамена по ПИ 3 курс |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Дополнительный материал л Хрестоматия (2) (3) (1) (1) |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Politics ( )(1) |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Public_policy_handbook |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Жуков_Общая и прикладная политология |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Соц_изм и полит.модернизация (МО) (1) |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Training course content implementation calendar |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Семинар. Полит.модернизация |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Training Course Content Implementation Calendar SRSP |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
СРСП1) (3) (3) |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
конспект лекций |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Книгообеспеченность (5) (1) (2) |
Social Changes and Political Modernization |
Программа итогового экзамена (4) |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Scopus diaries pre-print |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Силлабус Модельдеу 2022-23 |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Syllabus 2024-2025 |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Seminar tasks |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Семинар Модельдеу |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
DӨЖ Модельдеу |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Diagnosis of political situations |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
1402950 |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
955907 |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Книгообеспеченность карта |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Exam program |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Applied modeling of political processes and situations |
Емтихан бағдарламасы Саяси модельдеу пәні 2022 |
Political communication |
Соловьев-А.И.-ред.-Политические-коммуникации |
Political communication |
РК СМИ и политика |
Political communication |
Евгеньева Т.В. Технологии социальных манипуляций и методы противодействия им. Спецкурс по политической психологии |
Political communication |
nechaev_vd_red_tekhnologii_politicheskogo_uspekha |
Political communication |
file_1511768855_4811 |
Political communication |
Политическии юмор как рефлексии в россиском обществе |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Political communication |
СРС полит ком |
Political communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political communication |
ПЗ Саяси ком |
Political communication |
СӨЖ саяси ком |
Political communication |
СРС полит ком |
Political communication |
Лекция 1 Саяси коммуникацияның мәні |
Political communication |
Лекция 1 Сущность политической коммуникации |
Political communication |
Лекция 2 Саяси коммуникация теориялары |
Political communication |
Лекция 2 Теории политической коммуникации |
Political communication |
Лекция 3 Модели политической коммуникации |
Political communication |
Лекция 3 Саяси коммуникация модельдері |
Political communication |
Лекция 4 Бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары қазіргі қоғамдағы байланыстың негізгі каналы ретінде |
Political communication |
Лекция 4 СМИ, как основной канал коммуникации в современном обществе |
Political communication |
Лекция 5 Ресми емес байланыс |
Political communication |
Лекция 5Неформальные коммуникации |
Political communication |
Ссылки на видеолекции по дисциплине ПК |
Political communication |
Учебно-методическая карта ПКc (1) |
Political communication |
Программа экзамена по ПК 3 курс |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Силлабус Саяси коммуникациялар |
Political communication |
Силлабус Политические коммуникации |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Political communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political communication |
СЗ Полит ко |
Political communication |
Political communication |
Емтихан сұрақтары |
Political communication |
Экзам.вопроосы |
Information wars in the modern world |
Lepskiy2016a |
Information wars in the modern world |
13159089.a4 |
Information wars in the modern world |
27105654.a4 |
Information wars in the modern world |
Информационные войны в современном мире Силлабус |
Information wars in the modern world |
Information wars in the modern world |
Содержание практических занятий |
Information wars in the modern world |
Литература Инф.политика РК |
Information wars in the modern world |
Information wars in the modern world |
An important place in the understanding of such concepts as |
Information wars in the modern world |
Тезисы лекций |
Information wars in the modern world |
Карта обеспеченности |
Information wars in the modern world |
Экзаменационные вопросы |
Information wars in the modern world |
exam Information wars in the modern world |
Information wars in the modern world |
силлабус 2019 |
Information wars in the modern world |
Информационные войны в современном мире |
Information wars in the modern world |
Информационные войны в современном мире |
Information wars in the modern world |
Литература Инф.политика РК |
Political Cratology |
Paradigms-of-Political-Power |
Political Cratology |
Ideas_-Political-Power_-and-Public-Policy |
Political Cratology |
Power, Politics, and Society An Introduction to Political Sociology |
Political Cratology |
Nietzsche, Power and Politics Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought |
Political Cratology |
Political Power and Social Theory, Volume 18 (Political Power and Social Theory) |
Political Cratology |
Alford & Hibbing 2004 Perspectives The Origin of Politics_ An Evolutionary Theory of Political Behavior |
Political Cratology |
political-parties-and-citizen-movements-in-asia-and-europe |
Political Cratology |
Handbook on the Politics of Small States |
Political Cratology |
Andrew-Heywood-Global-Politics (kopio) |
Political Cratology |
Introduction to political theory ( PDFDrive ) |
Political Cratology |
architecture-of-modern-political-power |
Political Cratology |
Dahl_Power |
Political Cratology |
Parsons Power |
Political Cratology |
Additional information |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology 23 |
Political Cratology |
Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Seminars |
Political Cratology |
Seminars |
Political Cratology |
Вопросы семинарских занятий |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Lecture 1 |
Political Cratology |
Lecture 2 |
Political Cratology |
Lecture 4 |
Political Cratology |
Lecture 3 |
Political Cratology |
Учебно-методическая карта Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology |
Syllabus cratology |
Political Cratology |
Силлабус |
Political Cratology |
Political Cratology 23 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Andrew-Heywood-Global-Politics (kopio) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Asia Pacific in World Politics |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
global_rost |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
globalizaciya_book_editv |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
The_Globalization_of_World_Politics_EIGH |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
силлабус |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Topics of seminars |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Lecture 1 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Lecture 2 Global order and global disorder |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
Lecture 3 Post-War international governance architecture and economic growth |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World |
карта учебно-метод |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
widening_the_scope |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Политический анализ и прогнозирование |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Болпонова А.Б. Анализ государственной политики. - Б., 2020. - 200 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
We Built Reality How Social Science Infiltrated Culture, Politics, and Power |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Data Science for Public Policy (Springer Series in the Data Sciences) |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Working with Political Science Research Methods Problems and Exercises |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Европейская аналитика 2022 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Политическая мысль суверенного Казахстана |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Handbook Of Research Methods And Applications In Political Science |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Political Research Methods and Practical Skills |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Empirical Political Analysis Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Political Science Research in Practice |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
MoMPR-1_merged |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Political Science Research in Practice |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Empirical Political Analysis Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
data_science_for_public_policy |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Syllabus MMPS |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Scopus diaries pre-print |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
widening_the_scope |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Syllabus Methodology of modern political for 2023-2024 academic year |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Seminars |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Seminars |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Lecture 5 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Lecture 1 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Lecture 2 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Lecture 3 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Lecture 4 |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Учебно-методическая карта |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Methodology of modern political studies (in english) |
Syllabus Methodology of modern political for 2023-2024 academic year |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
ConflictAnalysis |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
Ho-Won_Jeong_Understanding_Conflict_and_Conflict_Analysis_2008 |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
International Conflict Resolution After the Cold War (2000) |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
Konfliktologiya-Hohlov |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
konfliktologiya-uchebnik |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
Гришина Н. В. Психология конфликтов |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
Конфликторазрешение 2021(1) |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
Метод. рекоменд к семинарам конфликторазрешение |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
краткое содержание Лекции по Разрешению конфликтов |
Conflict resolution: strategies and methods |
карта обеспеченности Конфликторазрешение(1) |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
Методы анализа конфликтов |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
Статья Насимовой Уровень конфликтности (1) |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
6283-Текст статьи-Насимова |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
силлабус экспертиза и прогн.2022 |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
Метод. рекоменд к семинарам Экспертиза и прогнозирование в конфликтологии(1) |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
СРС анализ и экспертиза (1) |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
қысқаша лекция |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
карта обеспеченности (1) (1)(1) |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
Программа экзамена |
Expertise and forecasting in conflictology |
силлабус экспертиза и прогн.2021 |
History and theory of political management |
Filipp_Kotler_Kevin_Keller_Marketing_menedzhmen |
History and theory of political management |
История менеджмента |
History and theory of political management |
Менеджмент |
History and theory of political management |
1_Монография Редакционный менеджмент в печатных и онлайновых массмедиа |
History and theory of political management |
СИЛЛАБУСА Менеджмент рус на 2022_2023 уч год |
History and theory of political management |
Семинары по ИТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 2 |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 3 |
History and theory of political management |
GR |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 8 антикризисное управление |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 3 |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 1 |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 2 |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 4 |
History and theory of political management |
Лекция 6 |
History and theory of political management |
Карта учебно-м.об. Саяси М |
History and theory of political management |
Программа экзамена по ИиТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
History and theory of political management |
Программа экзамена по ИиТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
Программа экзамена по ИиТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
History and theory of political management |
History and theory of political management |
History and theory of political management |
СИЛЛАБУС менедж 2020 |
History and theory of political management |
СИЛЛАБУС менедж 2020 |
History and theory of political management |
УМКД История и теория ПМ |
History and theory of political management |
СИЛЛАБУС менедж 2021 |
History and theory of political management |
Семинары по ИТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
Семинары по ИТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
Семинары по ИТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
ИиТПМ - емтихан |
History and theory of political management |
ИиТПМ - экзамен |
History and theory of political management |
Программа экзамена по ИиТПМ |
History and theory of political management |
ИиТПМ - экзамен |
History and theory of political management |
ИиТПМ - емтихан |
Technology management in the public service |
В.Л.Абрамов, А.А.Деркач, В.Г.Зазыкин. Управление персоналом государственной службы - Москва, РАГС 1997 |
Technology management in the public service |
[Antropova_YU.YU.]_Sovremennuee_kadrovuee_tehnolog( |
Technology management in the public service |
Силлабус. Технологии управления на государственной службе |
Technology management in the public service |
Учебные материалы к семинарским занятиям |
Technology management in the public service |
Руководство по организации СРС |
Technology management in the public service |
Курс лекций |
Technology management in the public service |
карта |
Working practices of international organizations |
International_Organization_and_Global_Governance_Thomas_G_Weiss_Rorden_Wilkinson__Z-Library |
Working practices of international organizations |
Non-Governmental Organisations and the United Nations Human Rights System |
Working practices of international organizations |
j-_samuel_barkin_international_organization_thebookfi-org |
Working practices of international organizations |
Principles-for-Dealing-With-the-Changing-World-Order-By-Dalio-Ray-pdfread.net_ |
Working practices of international organizations |
Syllabus WPIO |
Working practices of international organizations |
Syllabus Working practices of international organizations for 2023-2024 academic year |
Working practices of international organizations |
Seminars |
Working practices of international organizations |
Seminars |
Working practices of international organizations |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 1 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 2 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 3 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 4 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 5 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Lecture 6 |
Working practices of international organizations |
Учебно-методическая карта |
Working practices of international organizations |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Andrew-Heywood-Global-Politics (kopio) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
globalizaciya_book_editv |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Тренды глобализации |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Глобализация образования |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Особенности процесса глобализации в отраслях и комплексах мировой экономики |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
global_rost |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Syllabus globalization |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Syllabus globalization and development for 2023-2024 academic year |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Syllabus globalization and development for 2024-2025 academic year |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Topics of seminars |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Topics of seminars |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 3 Post-War international governance architecture and economic growth |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 5 Globalisation and regionalisation |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 4 Economic, Political and Socio-cultural globalization |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 7 Access to Energy and raw materials |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 6 Managing Peace and Security |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 1 |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Lecture 2 Global order and global disorder |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Учебно-методическая карта Глобализация |
Globalization and Development of the Modern World (in English) |
Атқарушы биліктің медиа кеңістігінде орналасуы (теория және тәжірибе)
" Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-3438-7 145 - стр.
Szent Istvan University 2020 - г. ISBN 9789632699219 186 - стр.