ABDRAIM ASYLKHAN ABDRAIMOVICH Almaty, Kulager area 53 houses 33 apartments. Mobile phone:+77772162781. fotooner@mail.ru Purpose Development of the field of photography and photography in Kazakhstan. Education Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 1983-1988. Achievements * Laureate of the prize of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan in 2006. * 2007 winner of the highest national journalism award "Altyn zhuldyz" of the Academy of journalists of Kazakhstan.. * 2021 corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan * 2021 winner of the medal "Eren ENBEGI USHIN" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Creativity * Personal creative photo exhibition in 2001. Almaty, A. Kasteev Art Museum. * 2002 photo exhibition" Parliament, through the eyes of a photojournalist". Astana, House of the Mazhilis of the Parliament. * 2011-16 author of the project of photo exhibitions dedicated to the 20-25 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Tauelsizdik tagyy". Cities of Almaty,Shymkent, Astana. * 2013 author of the textbook" Рhotojournalism". Publishing house "Kazakh University". The city of Almaty. * 2013-author of the photo book" Рhoto artists of the Kazakh press". Publishing house "art". The city of Almaty. * Creator of the 2017 photo album" Eye of the century". Publishing house" atamura". * 2018-author of the photoencyclopedia" Kazakh photo artists: history, facts, art". Publishing house "Kazakh University". The city of Almaty. * 2017 in Astana, International "PHOTOfest.KZ" member of the jury of the photo festival, expert. In 2018, a photo exhibition was exhibited at the UN headquarters (New York). * 2020 developer of the textbook" Photodelo"," Photo Case". According to current standard curricula and programs for the system of technical and professional, post-secondary education. Customer, Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. * 2021 international scientific and practical Online Conference" National photography: history and development". Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.Almaty. * 2022 author of the educational reference dictionary "Photojournalist's handbook". Publishing house "Daryn". • 2022" The art of Photography: a collection of selected articles " et al. Publishing house "Daryn". WORK EXPERIENCE * Kazakhfilm film studio (assistant operator), magazines "women of Kazakhstan", "PARASAT


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КазГУ им. С.М. Кирова

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