Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Казахстанский многопрофильный институт "Парасат" |
Высшее2 |
2007 |
Талдыкорганский пед. ин. им. И. Жансугурова |
Высшее |
1997 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
27/06/2007 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Абрамян, Н. Г. Методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Ляудис В. Я. Методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Методика преподавания психологии Карандашев |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Учебно-методический комплекс по учебной дисциплине «Методика |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Абрамян, Н. Г. Методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Методика преподавания психологии Карандашев |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Практикум по МПП |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Силлабус по Методике преподавания психологии 2020 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Методические указания по Методике преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Практикум по МПП |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Руководство по организации СРС по методике преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 9 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 6 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 7 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
10 лекция |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 3 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 4 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
лекция 5 |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
КАРТА учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины по МПП |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
Программа итогового экзамена по дисциплине МПП |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
экз. вопросы по Методике преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
методика преподавания психологии |
Methodology of teaching psychology |
экз. вопросы по МПП |
Psychology of Management |
Kabachenko_-_Psihologiya_upravleniya._Uchebnoe_posobie. (1) |
Psychology of Management |
Bandurka_-_Psihologiya_upravleniya |
Psychology of Management |
Басқару психологиясы силлабус |
Psychology of Management |
Оқытылатын материал бойынша өзіндік жұмыс бойынша және семинар практикалық сабақтарға дайындық бойынша студенттерге арналған әдістемелік ұсыныстар. |
Psychology of Management |
методические материалы к учебному курсу психология управления |
Psychology of Management |
Кабаченко Т.С. - Психология в управлении человеческими ресурсами (Учебное пособие), 2003 |
Psychology of Management |
Басқару психологиясында СӨЖ ұйымдастыру бойынша нұсқаулық |
Psychology of Management |
1 |
Psychology of Management |
2 |
Psychology of Management |
3. Рөлдік теория |
Psychology of Management |
Пәнді оқу-әдістемелік қамтамасыздандыру картасы |
Psychology of Management |
емтихан сұрақтары |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Евтихов-О.В.-Лидерский-потенциал-руководителя |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Евтихов-О.В.-Стратегии-и-приемы-лидерства |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Евтихов-О.В.-Тренинг-лидерства |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лидерство учебник-1 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
основы лидерстваpdf |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Білім беру ұйымындағы көшбасшылық теориялары |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Теории лидерства в образовательной организации |
Leadership Theories in Education |
методические рекомендации по дисциплине теория лидерства в образовании |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Лидерство практикум |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Руководство по организации СРС по теории лидерства в образовательной организации» — копия |
Leadership Theories in Education |
МӨЖ ұйымдастыру бойынша нұсқаулық Білім беру ұйымындағы көшбасшылық теориялары |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лекция 5 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лекция 4 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лекция 2 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лекция3 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
лекция 5 |
Leadership Theories in Education |
КАРТА учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины по теории лидерства в образовательной организации — копия |
Leadership Theories in Education |
КАРТА учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины көшбасшылық (2) |
Leadership Theories in Education |
экз. вопросы по ТЛ в ОО |
Leadership Theories in Education |
экз. вопросы по теории лидерства в образовательной организации |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Теории лидерства в образовательной организации |
Leadership Theories in Education |
Евтихов-О.В.-Стратегии-и-приемы-лидерства |
Leadership Theories in Education |
методические рекомендации по дисциплине теория лидерства в образовании |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
Методика преподавания психологических дисциплин |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
Силлабус по Методике преподавания психологии 2020 |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
Методика преподавания психологических дисциплин |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
Методика преподавания психологических дисциплин |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
экз. вопросы по МППД |
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education |
экз. вопросы по МППД |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Басқару тәжірибесіндегі NLP теориясы мен технологиясы |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Теория и технологии НЛП в управлении |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
МР«Теория и технологии НЛП в управленческой практике» |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Басқару тәжірибесіндегі NLP теориясы мен технологиясына арналган МН |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
семинарские по теории и технологии НЛП в управлении |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Руководство по организации СРС по НЛП |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
МӨЖ ұйымдастыру бойынша нұсқаулық |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
9 неделя |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
лекция 1 |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
лекция 2 |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
калибровка (2) |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
НЛП №5 |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
НЛП лекция 6 |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
лекция 8 |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
7 НЛП |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
лекция 4 рапорт |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
КАРТА учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины по НЛП — копия |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
зкз.вопросы по теории и технологии нейролингвистического программ |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Басқару тәжірибесіндегі NLP теориясы мен технологиясы |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
теория и технологии НЛП |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
Теория и технологии НЛП в управлении |
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices |
зкз.вопросы по теории и технологии нейролингвистического программ |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
силлабус по дисциплине Современные психологические теории и интервенция |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
новые психологические теории и интервенция |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
новые психологические теории и интервенция |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
практикум |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
Учебные материалы к практ., сем., лаб. занятиям |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
экз.вопросы по дисцип. Новые психологические теории и интервенция (1) |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
экз.вопросы по дисцип. Новые психологические теории и интервенция (1) |
Modern psychological theories and intervention |
экз.вопросы по дисцип. Новые психологические теории и интервенция (1) |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
силлабус қазақ тобына |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Силлабус |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Силлабус |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Силлабус |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Силлабус |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
психотерапия и психокоррекция в образовании — копия |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Силлабус |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Учебные материалы к практ., сем., лаб. занятиям |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Истратова О.Н. - Практикум по детской психокоррекции. Игры, упражнения, техники (Психологический практикум) - 2007 |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Перлз Ф., Гудмен П., Хефферлин Р. - Практикум по гештальт-терапии (Золотой фонд психотерапии) - 2005 |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education |
программа итогового экзамена |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Системное НЛП |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Білім берудегі НЛП теориясы мен технологиясы пәні бойынша силлабус |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Методические рекомендации к лабораторным |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Учебные материалы к практ., сем., лаб. занятиям |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Учебные материалы к практ., сем., лаб. занятиям |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Практикалық семинарлық зертханалық сабақтарға арналған оқу материалдары |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
НЛП №5 |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
6 неделя ХСР |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
7 неделя |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Теория и технология НЛП в образовании |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Теория и технология НЛП в образовании |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
силлабус по дисциплинеТеория и технология НЛП в образовании |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Программа итогового экзамена по дисциплине НЛП |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Theory and technologies of neuro-linguistic programming in education |
Программа итогового экзамена по дисциплине НЛП |